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Should I do the bump up to accelerate training now?


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I'm at the 6 tan codestone/12 hours level currently.  When I was still on the 8 hour cycle, I was fine getting 2 sessions in a day since it gave me some leeway, but now I'm finding that since I don't always log in at the same time every day, I'm usually only getting one in.  Would it be worth it to just go ahead and bump up, even though the red stones are more expensive just so I can start doing more sessions a day again, or since I am really unlikely to hit the next multiplier(s) for str/def before the plot goes into battle mode unless it takes a year to get there, does it really matter?


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5 hours ago, GillyTook said:

I'm at the 6 tan codestone/12 hours level currently.  When I was still on the 8 hour cycle, I was fine getting 2 sessions in a day since it gave me some leeway, but now I'm finding that since I don't always log in at the same time every day, I'm usually only getting one in.  Would it be worth it to just go ahead and bump up, even though the red stones are more expensive just so I can start doing more sessions a day again, or since I am really unlikely to hit the next multiplier(s) for str/def before the plot goes into battle mode unless it takes a year to get there, does it really matter?


Hmmm that's a tough call. If you had some Training Fortune Cookies you could reduce your training time, it's random per session, but those cost some NC. Well, figure roughly how much NP your 6 stones cost you, and look at how much 1 Red Stone costs. The most expensive Red stones are almost 90,000np. There are some Cheaper red stones, like Mag and Sho codestones. Cui, last time I checked was in the mid 60k's, but Vux, Kew, and Zed stones were all in the high 80k's. So it's really up to you if you want to power-level or now to level 250 so you can go to red stones. You can try taking to do some Col_Mack to Kitchen Quests, though those can be expensive and if you don't get a stat point increase, the rewards are not usually worth the cost. But it's up to you. For NC training, I always recommend the Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies. They're the Cheapest and random faerie quests give more stat points than regular training does, though you only get one quest per day and it's not always a faerie you might need/want. It could be an air faerie, and movement is pretty worthless.

Still, considering you might get asked for multiple Eo Codstones, you certainly might consider power-leveling to the 1 red stone level.

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I DEFINITELY appreciate faerie festival time :D

I've got a small stockpile (the it'll go VERY fast sort) in the SDB from battling, but not a ton.  At this point, since I'm only regularly getting 1 session in daily (with the occasional 2) I'm looking at, I think, around 5 months of daily work to get to the next multiplier, I think?  30 levels (minus a few) then 60 points a piece, not including HP, which would make it 7.  (Then only a few years to get all of it to the next level if I stayed at the tans until it was maxed!)  Hm.  Not terrible, I guess?  And that's assuming nothing else changed my stats.  I don't necessarily hate the waiting as much as I could, but I'm just not sure it's worth it to keep grinding at the lower levels (and eventually buying tans since the BD only gives out so many) y'know?  

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Yeah, not terrible. And it's not really the waiting that's the killer imho. For me it's the cost. That being said, I didn't do the jump to the red stones until I was in the 8-stone range, and admittedly, that was a bit of a struggle, but I wanted to stick to my ideals on the topic of power-leveling. Since it was just about time for the Obelisk War to start and I was really tired of the cost of 7 tan codestones. For me it was cost because earning NP takes a long time because I can't really RS hardly at all so the main source of my NP comes from games and events. Once I got into the 8-stone range though, I decided it was fine to level through to the red stone training. It was more cost and time-effective then. Some people were doing it from the 3 and 4 tan-stone training levels. Which of course made the at the time limited supply of red stones even more limited. Messes with the economy and all that. But you're in the 6-stone range, if you wanted to power level to the red stone range for cost and/or time I could see that, especially since plot-inflation has codestone prices so high, especially Eo Codestones. But, like I said before, you could be asked for really expensive single red Codestones too. Zed, Kew and Vux are all over 86,000np, Cui is above 66,000np last I checked., Sho and Mag are cheaper, One is around 20-30k, the other is cheaper, though I don't recall which was at which level off-hand. Still. It's up to you and however you want to play the game. 🙂

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On 7/4/2024 at 3:58 PM, Aquamentis12 said:

Yeah, not terrible. And it's not really the waiting that's the killer imho. For me it's the cost. That being said, I didn't do the jump to the red stones until I was in the 8-stone range, and admittedly, that was a bit of a struggle, but I wanted to stick to my ideals on the topic of power-leveling. Since it was just about time for the Obelisk War to start and I was really tired of the cost of 7 tan codestones. For me it was cost because earning NP takes a long time because I can't really RS hardly at all so the main source of my NP comes from games and events. Once I got into the 8-stone range though, I decided it was fine to level through to the red stone training. It was more cost and time-effective then. Some people were doing it from the 3 and 4 tan-stone training levels. Which of course made the at the time limited supply of red stones even more limited. Messes with the economy and all that. But you're in the 6-stone range, if you wanted to power level to the red stone range for cost and/or time I could see that, especially since plot-inflation has codestone prices so high, especially Eo Codestones. But, like I said before, you could be asked for really expensive single red Codestones too. Zed, Kew and Vux are all over 86,000np, Cui is above 66,000np last I checked., Sho and Mag are cheaper, One is around 20-30k, the other is cheaper, though I don't recall which was at which level off-hand. Still. It's up to you and however you want to play the game. 🙂

I think I'll be jumping to that as well now because I have TONS of red stones saved up from battledome and other things and I'm also paying 8 codestones per training. On days when I have 3-4 Eo it's so expensive! xD

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5 minutes ago, Musical_Shoyru said:

I think I'll be jumping to that as well now because I have TONS of red stones saved up from battledome and other things and I'm also paying 8 codestones per training. On days when I have 3-4 Eo it's so expensive! xD

Yeah, at 8 tan codestones it's definitely worth it! At 3-4 Eo codestones you're paying for about 2 and a half to 3 of the most expensive red stones in NP, just for those alone. Definitely time to level to 250! It's good that you've got a stockpile of red stones so you hopefully won't need to buy them during the plot. Once you reach the red stone training, you can either sell any leftover tan codestones, or visit techo mountain and try to convert 10 randomly requested codestones into a random red codestone.

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