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Daily and weekly goals glitched! Toy Paint Brush on the line please help!

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I don't know what happened today! I played fashion fever for my last daily goal and got this scary error message shown below...neopetsweeklygoalsglitch.thumb.jpg.cfe63a3bd4a7480afb0c76b2750b4727.jpgIt will not let me claim my final daily goal OR the toy paint brush weekly goal! I worked so hard on these quests the newbie quest line is complete and I have not missed any daily goals since it was released!

Things I have tried...

clear cashe updated drivers clean cookies defrag my pc switched browsers (I tried both chrome and firefox) turned vpn on turned vpn off updated everthing that was outdated on my laptop... restarted my laptop and cleared out browser history... Nothing worked! to make matters worse the time is still ticking! I have about 10 hours left before it resets! Please send help and fast thank you.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Duskitty said:

A lot of people have this same issue, myself included. Here's hoping TNT fixes it before midnight NST tonight - I'm in a similar boat to you, my weekly reward is a Desert PB 🫠

I just checked a little while ago still not working... I also sent a ticket to TNT before I saw your post so hopefully they will get to fixing it. If we don't get it before 12:00am NST tonight I hope we they give us the paint brushes anyways I mean we earned it we just can't click the last reward... Also sorta a silly question but I'm in EST what time would 12:00am NST be for me? I may have to set an alarm because I think its going to be well into the night...


Edit it will be 3 am for me good lord that's late... I found out from looking at the time on the daily quests then adding the hours up... ugh

Edited by mewthree21
I found out the hour difference between my time EST and NST so no one else would have too. Thus the need for the edit.

they courtesy gifted everyone their weekly prize today, even if all requirements were not met, because they were having a hars time fixing the glitch. everyone gets to start fresh tomorrow. side accounts were also gifted the items, and as a one time courtesy, you can keep it, since, on their end, they can't tell which accounts are sides or mains. but they reiterates that these quests should not be completed on side accounts. 


(info posted on discord. not sure if they updated their FB page or the news page)

3 hours ago, Kidme said:

they courtesy gifted everyone their weekly prize today, even if all requirements were not met, because they were having a hars time fixing the glitch. everyone gets to start fresh tomorrow. side accounts were also gifted the items, and as a one time courtesy, you can keep it, since, on their end, they can't tell which accounts are sides or mains. but they reiterates that these quests should not be completed on side accounts. 


(info posted on discord. not sure if they updated their FB page or the news page)

I did get my item on my main account because I was able to collect before the glitch after completing everything but I didn't get anything on my side accounts (nor did I get a second item on my main account, as I've heard some people got). One of them would have gotten 100k so it would have been obvious since it only has about 3k on hand. My other side account would have gotten a Stealth PB but the inventory is still empty. Obviously I never completed any quests there.

9 hours ago, Duma said:

I did get my item on my main account because I was able to collect before the glitch after completing everything but I didn't get anything on my side accounts (nor did I get a second item on my main account, as I've heard some people got). One of them would have gotten 100k so it would have been obvious since it only has about 3k on hand. My other side account would have gotten a Stealth PB but the inventory is still empty. Obviously I never completed any quests there.

I got my toy paint brush as well. I don't have any side accounts just my main account that I have had since childhood. At least you got your item on your main account. I'm kinda shocked that some people got two items and others got them on side accounts. It still seems very glitchy so I hope that they get the bugs out by next week.


I managed to get my last daily prize at the last minute. What I did was getting up early in the morning when it was almost 00:00 Neopets time, hoping the glitch was fixed. And right when it was about to be refreshed at that time it worked. I claimed the last prize from that day and the 20,000 np. I was SO happy it somehow worked. But today it all works again and somehow I already had a Limited Edition Evil Chia Plushie (prize of the week) before I claimed it. So now I have 2 and I wonder what to do with the 2nd one that isn't against the rules. What should I do?

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