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I've been trying to sell a few items on the Trading Post for the last week, and while I've had some success, some items just aren't selling. I know a lot of the quote 'Trading Post lingo' but I don't know if there are some others unspoken rules that I'm missing. I'm trying to sell them to gain neopoints to buy stamps. If I put this in the description, do you think people would be more likely to trade with me? What are other ways/tactics people use in Trading Post? Are there any unspoken rules that you wish other people knew or pet peeves that bother you when trading in the Trading Post? Mine is I wish people would stop cluttering the Trading Post selling one item like a Shiny Obsidian or a jelly or something. What's the point? 

Here are the items I'm trying to sell:

Sparkling Sky Potion
Diamond Yooyu Pendant
Dainty Yooyu Bracelet
Altador Forest Background


I have blocked about 50 people over the years for making insulting offers on my lots.  They do it once, I block them, now I don't have much issue.  It's just a few people who do it I think, most are pretty good.  I feel you tho!!!!!!


Oof, I've done the clutter thing.  But only to transfer np to my side account, which means I'll put that in the description, and just have my two accounts open in different browsers so it's an on quick off quick sort of thing. . .  


I'm assuming the prices are in the normal range for the items (I don't know either off hand, sorry!)  Are they both marked under the new shop pricing prices, or over?  If under, maybe try them in your shop for a bit to see if they sell there?


One shiny obsidian is fairly clutter.   20 shiny obsidian is Charity Corner fodder, and a trade I've made.   I don't know how the investment work out long term, but I'm content to have a couple extra dozen in my SDB.


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