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Something has happened! ghostlupe.gif The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


Something has happened! foo_negg_valentine.gif You find a Valentines Negg on the floor!


That's a good one! :)


Something has happened! 500neopoints.gif Congratulations, gems16, you just found 500 Neopoints on the floor!

gotten when reading a neomail confirming my sept ALP pet chains lend! nice bonus =D


Something has happened! slothpotion.gifDr. Sloth appears and hands you a Pteri Transmogrification Potion!!!


The trades have it at either 1.8 or 2.5 Million NP!!!! This is spectacular news!


Congrats to both of you guys on the bead and transmog potion!! ^ Those are very awesome REs! :)


Today, the Space Faerie has given me a 2k wearable, a pretty flower, and 1.5k of pure NP. I love free things!


Something has happened! slothpotion.gifDr. Sloth appears and hands you a Pteri Transmogrification Potion!!!


The trades have it at either 1.8 or 2.5 Million NP!!!! This is spectacular news!

Wow, you're so lucky, pteris are one of my favorite mutants

4.png Them and hissis


Wow, those are cool! But I'm just going to sell it - i'm selling it for 800k, a nerkmid, and a baby pb so yeah :)

Good luck, I hope it sells! Something has happened! evil_ghost.gif A Ghost takes 150 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!



You find a Orange Chicken on the floor!


Got this one while playing Gormball.




Tax Beast will be waiting for you in theBATTLEDOME!!!

The famous tax beast

Something has happened! angrytaxman.gif Not been paying your bills, eh? The ANGRY Tax Beast arrives and takes 25% of your Neopoints away... because he is ANGRY.

Oh well I only had like 2000 NPs on hand :P and I got a new BD challenger out of it!

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