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Posted (edited)

A Kauvara Plushie suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!

Something has happened! premium_lucky_charm.gif Wow! Aren't you lucky?! Your Neopoint reward has been doubled from 300 NP to 600 NP! What in the world could have caused that to happen?

Edited by Haliaetus

Something has happened! hatchia.gif A rather dashing Chia drops by and hands you:Blue Cap. What a nice fellow! You should put it on to show your thanks.


Another 1 out of the 1000 future items in my SDB I guess!

Posted (edited)

The Space Faerie dropped a few things in my lap but Delina visited me twice today. I was hoping she was Jhudora.




Congratulations, unquelled, you just found 2,127 Neopoints!



Delina popped up again, I didn't think it was possible to be visited by the same faerie 3 times in one day.

Edited by rainshower

Something has happened! 100neopoints.gif Some messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!



A Blumaroo bounces past and says 'Never ever give out your password!'


I know not to do so. This was set to remind users not to do such notions.


Something has happened! df_hrmph.gif The Darkest Faerie appears to be deep in thought and doesn't notice you. You'd better run before she finds you and... well, you don't want to know what will happen.


Something has happened! piece4.gif An old sea captain gives you a piece of a treasure map! Keep hold of it, its very valuable!


Found this while looking at my Userlookup. :)



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 50 Neopoints on the floor!

Posted (edited)

Something has happened! lutari_bead_4.gif You spot something shiny on the ground and pick it up. It's looks like a bead of some sort. Wonder what it's for....


Wow, I never thought I'd get one of these!



Something has happened! icy_skeleton.gif Icy Skeletons surround you and steal 148Neopoints!

Edited by rainshower


A Ghost cackles insanely and steals 40 Neopoints from you...


Darn ghosts, taking my NP.


Way to go on the bead by the way, that's extremely rare.

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