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Something has happened!


The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!


YAY and on my main too, thank you, Ghost Lupe, you're too kind! :wub_anim:


The incessant mewing of a Mutant Kadoatie drives you completely mad, and you give its owner 5,000 Neopoints to take it away!


5000?!??!?!?!??! Give it back! :grrr:



An ominous looking Red Pteri flies by. "I hope you didn't want to actually do anything on the site today." *BRAAWWKK*


Got this when I stopped by my Inventory.


Something has happened!

The Darkest Faerie appears to be deep in thought and doesn't notice you. You'd better run before she finds you and... well, you don't want to know what will happen.


Why do these pointless RE's exist actually? D:


Uh oh! Some mean-looking bullies approach you, hold you upside-down, and steal the XXX NP that falls out of your pockets!


"I've been mugged on Neopets!" call the neo police!


Something has happened!

The Monocerous roars 'Once I ate 16 Jub Jubs in a week!'


Psh, lame thing has nothing better to do. xP


awwwww, vampirefly thinks i'm the best owner *hugs vampirefly*


Something has happened!

Congratulations, crudlle, you just found 100 Neopoints on the floor!


Ironically that was when I withdrew a couple of mil. from my bank account :)



Congratulations, neoking2002_neo, you just found 20 Neopoints on the floor!


Happened when I wanted to play Nova Defender today.


On my 3rd page load of the day:


Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!




EDIT: Another one:

Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


This one was a Vo.


A young Fire Faerie steps forward. "Woollen Scarf!" she blurts. "Oh, I mean, please find me one. Thanks!"


Well that's a nice surpirse :)


Something has happened!

You find a mystical codestone on the floor!





You have won 10,000 Neopoints!

You also win a Fire Muffin!


What, no PB? :sad02:



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Congratulations, xxxxxxx_xxxxx, you just found 20 Neopoints on the floor!


Oh yeah, that sure is a fortune... :P


Something has happened!

A Ghost takes 150 Neopoints from you and puts it on the money tree!



The Bug Brothers jump up and steal 36 Neopoints!!


Happened when I was healing my pets at the Healing Springs. (gets revenge in a game of Smug Bug Smite)

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