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Faerie Quest Help


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I knew it. The task was too difficult. It takes great wisdom to succeed on a quest for a Water Faerie.


You are supposed to bring me:


Super-Cool Toy Magazine


Here you go! SSW, good luck, all the same price!




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Oh dear, you haven't found any yet? *gulp* That line outside the Soup Kitchen isn't getting any shorter, you know.

You are supposed to bring me:

Small Roasted Chestnut Smoothie
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Oh dear, you haven't found any yet? *gulp* That line outside the Soup Kitchen isn't getting any shorter, you know.


You are supposed to bring me:


Small Roasted Chestnut Smoothie


Here you go!





Can anyone help me out? :)


I knew it. The task was too difficult. It takes great wisdom to succeed on a quest for a Water Faerie.


You are supposed to bring me:


Cybunny Down

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Ahhh thank you! Unfortunately I had to go to a doctor's appointment so was only able to nab the one that was 1400 but it was still worth if for


"Oh, that looks perfect. I knew I could count on you to be a big help with my cooking.

Chardlyneo's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!"
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I have a soup faerie quest...

I'm looking for Small Asparrot Smoothie

Can anyone help me??



There are like 20 in this one shop and it's the cheapest on the SSW :)

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Need help with a quest please and thank you! :)


You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

Hi! While you're out looking for my item, I'm going to sit here quietly. THIS IS BORING! Er, please don't take too long, okay?

You are supposed to bring me:

Torn Fire Gym Socks

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Need help with a quest please and thank you! :)


You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

Hi! While you're out looking for my item, I'm going to sit here quietly. THIS IS BORING! Er, please don't take too long, okay?


You are supposed to bring me:


Torn Fire Gym Socks





Here you go! All from SSW, enjoy your day!

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Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.


You are supposed to bring me:


Aurora the Healer


pillowseeds 1 1,390NP

jeanniewood 1 1,394NP

zandetheresia 2 1,395NP


The cheapest ones, all found using the SSW! :)

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You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

I wonder what would happen if I just used a little flame... whoops! You might want to come back later.

You are supposed to bring me: clo_brownwoolscarf.gif
Brown Winter Scarf

Fire Faerie quest again today, thanks for your help in advance! :rolleyes_anim:

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Got hit with a bit of lag but here we are from the SSW:


Owner Stock Price
girlinterrupted01 1 1,455 NP
lisaacloud 5 1,488 NP
chasesauve 2 1,499 NP
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Oh dear, you haven't found any yet? *gulp* That line outside the Soup Kitchen isn't getting any shorter, you know.


You are supposed to bring me:


Large Shepherds Pie Smoothie


Shepards Pie sounds delicious, but not so much in a smoothie...Here is what the SW found:

http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ilovepad&buy_obj_info_id=34238&buy_cost_neopoints=2199 (2)

http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=iphonev_v&buy_obj_info_id=34238&buy_cost_neopoints=2199 (1)

http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=i111111&buy_obj_info_id=34238&buy_cost_neopoints=2790 (2)

http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=scatsmom&buy_obj_info_id=34238&buy_cost_neopoints=3800 (2)


Good luck!

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Here you go, from the graveyard shift SSW:

Owner Stock Price
laughinglola 1 499 NP
sweetfa123 9 500 NP
cinnamon992002 1 500 NP
Now I need help, cause the site glitched when I went to search and had to refresh which meant no Shop Wizard for me. :(
You didn't really mean to help me, did you? *sigh* I thought not.

You are supposed to bring me: fakeunihat.gif
100 Percent Fake Uni mask
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You are currently on a quest for a Fire Faerie.

I wonder what would happen if I just used a little flame... whoops! You might want to come back later.

You are supposed to bring me: blackjewel.gif
Black Jewelled Collar

3 Fire Faerie quests in a row. Thanks for your help in advance :laughingsmiley:

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