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Hello, I was wondering if someone can help me find a Finned Maractite Helmet for my quest!! Much thanks :)

That doesn't seem to be a thing, perhaps you meant Finned Maractite Helm? :P


in_vain Finned Maractite Helm 1 6,500 NP

shania0911 Finned Maractite Helm 1 6,690 NP

ibsche Finned Maractite Helm 1 8,875 NP

silverpheonix105 Finned Maractite Helm 1 9,999 NP

You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.
Welcome back! If you're having trouble finding my item, I'm sure there are some kind Neopians who can help.

You are supposed to bring me: greentradingcardback.gif
Zephiea Boltheart

becki_n_saz2004 Zephiea Boltheart 1 1,200 NP
1vancouvercanucks1 Zephiea Boltheart 1 1,350 NP

I don't have super shop wizard, but this was the cheapest I could find.

You are currently on a quest for an Air Faerie.
Haven't you left yet? This quest is very important. I can guarantee you won't find my item around here...

You are supposed to bring me: tooth_toothpaste.gif
Peppermint Toothpaste


You are currently on a quest for an Air Faerie.
Haven't you left yet? This quest is very important. I can guarantee you won't find my item around here...


You are supposed to bring me: tooth_toothpaste.gif

Peppermint Toothpaste


Peppermint Toothpaste:


halo3booster01 Peppermint Toothpaste 17 1,700 NP

henry_halim Peppermint Toothpaste 1 1,700 NP

honeywai Peppermint Toothpaste 1 1,999 NP

You are currently on a quest for a Water Faerie.
Don't give up yet! Encountering a little trouble doesn't mean that you should abandon your quest for wisdom entirely.

You are supposed to bring me: book_usukiguide.gif
Usuki Collectors Guide

Usuki Collectors Guide

i_like_kittens2 Usuki Collectors Guide 1 1,398 NP
nunojames Usuki Collectors Guide 2 1,479 NP
neuskleuter Usuki Collectors Guide 1 2,090 NP


Haven't found it yet? Why does that not surprise me? *fingers tapping*

You are supposed to bring me:
Wind Up Tonu


Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.

You are supposed to bring me:

The Tooth Faerie

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