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You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.
Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.


You are supposed to bring me: pinktradingcardback.gif

Ukkrah the Fire Grarrl


36cooper 1,900 NP


This store has 22 in stock, so you should have no problem buying it from there.

Hmm, maybe I should plant some Gurple Bushes... Having trouble? Keep looking! I know you can do it.

You are supposed to bring me: potion10.gif
Lime Elixir


Haha, I think this thing is worth like 1NP if I remember correctly.. can anyone help me locate it, please? :)


EDIT: Ah, nevermind, it's only 88NP at the healing springs:



You have completed a quest for an Earth Faerie.
Together, our hard work will help make Faerieland flourish.

For your efforts, ll_Krysta_ll's strength has increased!
You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.
Aw, aren't you cute! You can't have another quest until you finish this one. Good luck!

You are supposed to bring me: bluetradingcardback.gif
Lord Luparn

The ambassador is here? Tell him I'm not in! Ahem. Neopian, please find my item soon.


You are supposed to bring me: boo_kougra_adv.gif

Kougra Adventures

Coming right up!


http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=azngurl100&buy_obj_info_id=50730&buy_cost_neopoints=3985 1 here, at 3985 NP


http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=reever_de&buy_obj_info_id=50730&buy_cost_neopoints=4399 1 here, at 4399 NP


http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=anniebaby893&buy_obj_info_id=50730&buy_cost_neopoints=5000 1 here, at 5000 NP


Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me Chiazilla, kind Neopian."


Would anyone mind giving me a hand? :laughingsmiley:




cutegenie 12 1,195 NP

computerboi297 1 1,275 NP

jmanuelchapa 5 1,300 NP


SSW priced, but quite a lot in stock so you hopefully will manage to catch one :)



You are currently on a quest for a Light Faerie.
Back so soon? Don't worry! I'm sure you're capable of completing my quest, or I wouldn't have given it to you.


You are supposed to bring me: bluetradingcardback.gif

Zafara Rogue


Zafara Rogue coming right up:

giratina_majesty2 2 1,250 NP z0mb13_88 1 1,300 NP hogwarts_headmaster 5 1,500 NP wepickapet 1 1,500 NP bunbuntchi 1 1,500 NP


That should cover it :)





I see you haven't found my item yet. I had such hopes for you, too...


You are supposed to bring me: book_poetrypeophin.gif

Poetry For Peophins

Here you go!



EDIT: and Haliaetus, here's yours:


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