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I'm adopting a kitty!!!

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1 hour ago, lakecat said:

Consider having a separate warm blanket from the dryer to put them on instead of the clean hair free laundry.

That's a clever idea!

Josie looks adorable! Pretty nervous still right now by the look of it, but she's clearly bonding with you already. :D I too love tabbies. I'm looking forward to tales of her exploits now. :D 

Oh hey look, I just c&p'ed her image and the forum software doesn't seem to have a problem with that, bit contrary of it!

Hello there missy! o/



@lakecat Sorry, I originally posted the wrong link Dx Thanks for that link about cat proofing! I'll have to take a look. We don't have any blinds with strings on them, but I'm sure there are plenty of things for her to get in trouble with. I'll have to do a thorough walk-around of the apartment this weekend. 

@babayaga67 Thank you! That's an excellent tip! Chewing up the cords to my expensive electronics would be a sure-fire way for her to get on my nerves, not to mention risk hurting herself. I'll keep that in mind. 

@acmerasta That list is hilarious! I hope a cat mysteriously finds its way into your life soon :heart:

@WhiteWolf Thank you! I shared it via Google Photos. If you have the app on your phone, it automatically stores all of your photos so you can access them from your Google account. Then just click the sharing button, copy the link, and you're good to go!

@lakecat I don't mind at all! As a first-time cat owner, I'm happy to hear any advice and stories. 

@jellysundae Wow, I don't know how you managed to c&p that photo. The forum told me it was too large. Thanks! 

2 hours ago, kayahtik said:

Wow, I don't know how you managed to c&p that photo. The forum told me it was too large. Thanks! 

Me neither! lol. I mean I'm happy to help, but it would be great if I knew HOW. :laugh:

*pokes things*

Hmm, ok, what I did was click on the pic because there's no copy option when it's on that initial page, is there, but once it was on the black background there was. I see now that you can zoom to basically bigger than life-size kitty at that point, lol, but I didn't. I pasted the first size and looking at the insect element bit it gives a KB size of 106.79 . . . I do believe I mean INSPECT element there. :rolleyes:


@kayahtik Unfortunately, my Google service app keeps crashing at the worst possible moment. I can't text, call, or use an app without it crashing. I've checked for updates, and there aren't any. Something is seriously wrong here. Otherwise, I'd share my picture of Cerridwen.


@babayaga67 I think you're psychic. Over the weekend, Josie kept trying to chew on my phone charging cord. I told her no and pushed her away a few times, but she wasn't getting the hint, so I put some tobasco on a napkin and ran it up and down the cord. The next time she tried to nibble on it, she didn't like it at all! Hopefully that teaches her a lesson. 

I also had to get some double-sided tape to put on the edges of the kitchen table, counter tops, and a couple of shelves to try to deter her from jumping up there where she doesn't belong. 

BUT, on the bright side, I got a laser pointer, and watching her chase it around is one of the funniest things I've ever seen! I don't understand why cats love them so much, even compared to other toys? She was running all over the apartment though. Lots of exercise for her, and none for me (just the way I like it, lol). 


Hopefully she doesn't develop a taste for hot sauce then! Are there things you can give her to chew on?

1 hour ago, jellysundae said:

Hopefully she doesn't develop a taste for hot sauce then! Are there things you can give her to chew on?

My thoughts exactly!

She has some toys that are meant for chewing, but doesn't actually chew them, just throws them around and chases them like the rest of her toys. I think what she likes about the cords is the shape and the way they move. I've been trying to think of an alternative to give her, but all I can think of is string/rope/twine/etc., which I've read can be very dangerous if they swallow it. Sooooo I'm stumped. I guess I'll be making another trip to the pet store to see if I can find something. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

15 hours ago, kayahtik said:

My thoughts exactly!

She has some toys that are meant for chewing, but doesn't actually chew them, just throws them around and chases them like the rest of her toys. I think what she likes about the cords is the shape and the way they move. I've been trying to think of an alternative to give her, but all I can think of is string/rope/twine/etc., which I've read can be very dangerous if they swallow it. Sooooo I'm stumped. I guess I'll be making another trip to the pet store to see if I can find something. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!

Finding an alternative's the big problem isn't it. Or should I say, an alternative the cat actually USES. :laugh:

It's a shame pet stores don't have a "try before you buy" policy. Can you imagine though, taking your cat in to peruse the items and seeing if she'll deign to try anything out. xD

Of course they'd probably show great interest in the test items because they'd smelled of other cats. Once you bought a new one and got it home they'd then proceed to complete ignore it. xDD

So yeah, maybe that wasn't such a clever idea of mine. :whistle:

  • 1 month later...

Congrats :).

I have a cat named Cinnamon.

If your kitten is gluten free you can buy them the gluten free treats.

Teaching them to do a high five trick is alot of fun !.

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