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I had a question about the "Avatar Collector" Avatar. The avatar is achieved by being ranked in the top 50 for avatar collectors. But I heard that this is usually easiest on the first day of the month before the top collectors reset their avatar count. You can reset your avatar count by gaining a new avatar; it is easiest to do this by losing and then regaining the Emo Usuki avatar.

So I need to just clear up some confusion. I can still get this avatar even though I do not have like 375 avatars? I'm nowhere near close to the top 50 but on the first of the month when the clock strikes 12:00 am NST If I reset my avatar count by losing and regaining emo Usuki avatar I should be able to be on the top 50?

If that is the case, what's the best way to go about doing it? Can I just remove the Emo Usuki avatar off my list now and then when the clock hits 12:00 am NST on the first of the month I just add it back in? Or do I have to lose and regain the avatar right at 12:00 am?

Also how will I know the HST reset? Do I just check it manually? Do I reset my avatar count the moment the clock strikes 12:00 am NST on the first of the month? Or do I wait to check if the HST has reset? I heard that it usually resets a few minutes after midnight around 12:10 am NST or so, is that right? Does that mean I reset my count AFTER I have checked the HST has reset itself so that my avatar count goes through properly?



I'm not sure exactly when it resets (it should be 12:00 NST) but I am pretty sure that you do need almost every avatar to have a chance (even if you do reset at the beginning of the month)

Depending on the achievement, it takes neopets a few days to process certain things. You can try it and see what happens but many other people are attempting to get this avatar as well.

18 minutes ago, smoss1 said:

I'm not sure exactly when it resets (it should be 12:00 NST) but I am pretty sure that you do need almost every avatar to have a chance (even if you do reset at the beginning of the month)

Depending on the achievement, it takes neopets a few days to process certain things. You can try it and see what happens but many other people are attempting to get this avatar as well.

So wait are you 100% positive that you need a high amount of avatars to still have a chance? Are you sure its not based on some other point system?


The Avatar Collector avatar is a hard avatar to get. Per TDNs "Avatar Solutions", "Get into the top 50 on the Avatar Collector Daily High Score Table external_link.gif. You will need nearly all avatars." Emphasis on the last sentence - "nearly all avatars.". In an attempt to answer your questions:

1. "I can still get this avatar even though I do not have like 375 avatars?" Yes, but you'd at least need 338 on reset day, but it is no guarantee. The "TrophyTracker" petpage (http://www.neopets.com/~trophytracker) tracks all latest scores and reset day scores for all Neopets game trophies, including "Avatar Collector". Per the page, the last reset score (1 Mar 2017) was 338. The latest score is 352.

2. "If I reset my avatar count by losing and regaining emo Usuki avatar I should be able to be on the top 50?" It depends on what your avatar count is. If you have 100 avatars, then no. If you have 338, then maybe.

3. "If that is the case, what's the best way to go about doing it? Can I just remove the Emo Usuki avatar off my list now and then when the clock hits 12:00 am NST on the first of the month I just add it back in? Or do I have to lose and regain the avatar right at 12:00 am?" Unfortunately, I am not sure. From my (limited) understanding, you could remove "Emo Usuki", by changing your Shop Keeper to a different one, now, and then when game day reset happens, add it back, or you could lose and regain the avatar right after the high score table reset happens.

4. "Also how will I know the HST reset? Do I just check it manually?" Yes, checking manually is the best way to make sure the high score tables have reset. There is no Neomail message sent or any other type of site notification. You could ask/post on the "Games" or "Help" Neoboards, too.

5. "Do I reset my avatar count the moment the clock strikes 12:00 am NST on the first of the month? Or do I wait to check if the HST has reset?" Again, I'm not sure. I would venture to say after the high score tables have reset. If they haven't, it may not count.

6. "I heard that it usually resets a few minutes after midnight around 12:10 am NST or so, is that right? Does that mean I reset my count AFTER I have checked the HST has reset itself so that my avatar count goes through properly?" I'm not usually up around 12:00 am NST, so I do not know. But, I have heard the same as you, that it typically happens around 12:10 am NST. I would say to reset your count after you have checked that the high score tables have reset. I'm hoping someone else can confirm and will post, but you might want to ask on the "Avatar", "Games", or "Help" Neoboards.

7. "So wait are you 100% positive that you need a high amount of avatars to still have a chance? Are you sure its not based on some other point system?" Yes, and no to the second question. I believe the lowest I've seen (in the past year) was 327. Purely based on the amount of avatars someone has. If those, who have a high avatar count, did not reset their avatar count, then it could be possible to see "lower" avatar counts on the high score table. But that rarely happens.

The other key issue to note about getting the "Avatar Collector" avatar is, you have to be in the top 50 on the Avatar Collector High Score Table, when trophies are awarded. Trophies are typically awarded around 8 pm NST, and usually a little after (about 8:10 - 8:20 pm NST). On occasion, the trophy awarding script has been known to not run. If it doesn't, trophies are not awarded and you will have to wait until the next day and hope it runs.

Again, from my limited understanding, I have only heard of those already having the "Avatar Collector" avatar resetting their avatar count. Those who have received it, have worked very hard getting it. They feel, IMHO, that the avatar should be earned, just like they had to. If they didn't reset their avatar count, then people with, say, 250 avatars, could possibly be in the top 50 and get the avatar. So, by removing "Emo Usuki" and re-adding it, resets their avatar count and puts them back on the high score table for the month. So, I am not completely sure if you even need to reset your avatar count. I believe it is only for those who have a lot of avatars to get back on the high score table. There is a Neopian(s) who will politely ask that the top Avatar Collectors wait a day, around the first of the month, to reset their avatar count, so that those with 330+ avatars have a chance at getting the "Avatar Collector" avatar. Then, another Neopian(s) will remind them to reset their avatar count, a day later (usually by the second day of the month). However, they do not have to honor that. I can't remember which Neoboards they post on, but it would be either "Avatars", "Games", or "Help".

I hope this was somewhat helpful, and that others who know, or know more, will post.


Ok thank you for the very detailed and accurate response. Guess I won't be getting that avatar anytime soon...One last question. You said that you need roughly at least 330 avatars. I just checked the avatar solutions page and it appears that the minimum requirement of approximately 330 avatars is similar to the number of total avatars available on neopets subtract the total retired avatars.

So essentially if I get every avatar minus all the retired ones then it stands to reason that I stand a chance on getting the "Avatar Collector" avatar? I guess that makes sense since anyone who started playing after would not be able to ever get on the HST if TNT encompassed the retired avatars in the calculations.


Well, TNT does encompass the retired avatars. If you look at the "Avatar Collector" high score table (http://www.neopets.com/games/hiscores.phtml?game_id=342), the individuals in the first and second slots, both have 375, which would mean they both have earned 375 avatars on their account. I'm almost certain both have retired avatars, and most likely, several of them. There are still long-time-playing individuals on Neopets.

The "calculations" are simple - the number of avatars on your user lookup=where you'd place on the "Avatar Collector" high score table, or, said in another way, 1 point per avatar on your user lookup. I used "330" as an arbitrary number, but, personally, I believe I may have a chance at the avatar, if I had that many avatars, or anyone else, for that matter.

Once again, referring to the "TrophyTracker" petpage, it also tracks the monthly high score table reset scores, in a graph, for a one year period, on a separate petpage: http://www.neopets.com/~Ziaka?id=342. As you can see, by the "blue" line, the lowest amount of avatars was 334 on January 2017. So, if you had that amount of avatars on that reset day, you would have gotten the avatar.

Also, I have seen individuals with "young" accounts, who have the avatar. I'm sure they worked really hard to do that. So, it can still be done.

Here is link to a topic on the "Avatars/Signatures" Neoboard, titled, "Top Avatar Collectors: I implore you..." (http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/topic.phtml?topic=158624507), as I mentioned in my earlier post. There, it asks Top Avatar Collectors to wait until April 2, to reset their avatars, and answers many/most of your questions in your original post, like reset time. Please take a look at it.

And, I truly wish you the best of luck in getting this avatar. It is a goal of mine, too.


I was just pondering the same question! Thank you for the very detailed answer to this. Now I just have to get up to 338 and hope that I can some how get this avatar!


Bleh, I was hoping the answer to this question would be different. I'm glad you got a nice response, though. When I asked this on the neoboards I got talked down to pretty bad >.>

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