triadinfinity Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 i just moved off campus because i'm done for the school year, so now i get to float about in this weird nebulous space until i start my new job next week. then i get to miss my boyfriend for four months until i go back to the city. but i'm going to Toronto in June to see Fall out Boy live for the first time, which is really exciting. what are your plans for the summer? alola9 1 Quote
faerie1811 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 I'm hoping to get a job so that I can help with rent and move in with my boyfriend. Or house. We found a house we both love! *squee!!* :dance: I'm so excited about it but he doesn't want me to tell any friends or family but I must share it with someone! This is my first summer in a long time that I won't be taking summer classes so I'll have much more time for making art and working. In August, my boyfriend and I will drive to Wisconsin for a family wedding and to hang out with his dad for a week. That's our vacation but it will still be a lot of fun. Going to a concert sounds awesome! Have fun! Quote
triadinfinity Posted April 16, 2015 Author Posted April 16, 2015 @faerie1811 congrats on finding a possible house! my boyfriend and i are currently having to wait for me to finish uni before we move into together, so i'm kind of jealous. i hope you can find a job and afford that house soon c: Quote
tylerta98 Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 definitely gonna relax! summer school, a music program hopefully if i do well at my audition, a job maybe? but yeah Quote
Mirandaell Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 oooh lucky about seeing Fallout Boy! Have fun!And congrats on your schooling.I'm most likely going to sleep in and hopefully if luck is on my side get a job at my dream store! Its the coolest comicbook/props/books/game store! <3 Quote
iheartsaku Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Awww, well you got some ups and downs for the summer but you will get through it and enjoy it! Missing your boyfriend is unfortunate but just think about how happy you'll be later on when you are reunited hehe. As for me....I am finishing up my last semester of school at the moment. Then from mid May to mid June, I'll be doing my stage/internship. I am excited for that :) it will be an interesting experience. Sadly, I am not being paid during my internship so I will be keeping my part-time job at the same for those 5 week, I will be pretty much not having a life. D:Hopefully after I complete my stage, the place will hire me and I will be able to begin my career. :D *keeping fingers crossed* Quote
Ruto Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Oooh, enjoy the concert! A friend and I are gonna go to the Mudbug festival in Louisiana near the end of May. Then I have summer classes all through June and July. Hopefully I'll improve my Spanish. Quote
KyokoHateshinai Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Woooot! Immortals is the best song everrr (Big Hero 6 ftw :P) My summer plans consist of never-ending summer school :( -cries- Quote
wanderwisp Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 I'll be working, unfortunately, but I also might see Fall Out Boy this summer. Not for the first time, though! It'll be a blast! I hope you have fun! Quote
triadinfinity Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 good luck to everyone spending time at summer school! air conditioned buildings in the summer heat can't be too bad, right? it really sounds like everyone has some great summer plans. so here's to surviving jobs, school, internships, and to enjoying all of the fun things along the way. Quote
Marae19 Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Ooh, Fall Out Boy, congrats! I'm going to hopefully graduate, and then I'll probably get a job, then I'll move to Amsterdam, because that's where um going to uni, and last but definitely not least I'm going on a holiday to New York with my dad, my bother and his girlfriend :) Quote
tk421beth Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 I am extremely jealous of you young people! Seriously, get out there and explore while you can! My hubby and I work full time, and we have a 13 year old son. We may go to Seattle, WA or Portland, OR for about a week during Jacob's summer break from school in July, hopefully. Oh my goodness...I'm going to be a mother of a high-schooler! Yahhhhhhhh!!! When did I get to be so old? :rolleyes_anim: :laughingsmiley: Quote
kandygrrl Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Just going to go to work, maybe see my niece, play neopets, and avoid the sun and the bugs. I don't like bugs and sun burn Quote
the_microwave Posted April 18, 2015 Posted April 18, 2015 Everyone's summer sounds wonderful! My girlfriend and I both have internships across the country, so we'll be moving into our first apartment together (!!!) and working all summer. It's a little strange to be spending the summer somewhere other than home, but it's also really exciting - can't wait for school/exams to finally be over! Quote
faery Posted April 18, 2015 Posted April 18, 2015 Good luck with the new job! I didn't know Fall Out Boy was touring right now, shoud be fun. I love concerts. :) At the end of June my husband and I will be moving back home to Canada! We've been living for China for work. We appreciate the experiences we've had here but we really miss home and can't wait to go back. It's kind of scary too though because we don't have jobs lined up for when we go back so we'll be looking for work this summer as well as spending lots of time with our families. Quote
twilight790 Posted April 19, 2015 Posted April 19, 2015 I'm going to Warped Tour and hanging out with my boyfriend all summer. Oh.. and working. Quote
hipiphoooray Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 Im so jealous you guys sound like youre going to have so much fun!! ;v; I dont really have much to do. Just learn some recipes and some computer programming basics because I'm on my own next year at college ;A; Quote
brynchilla Posted May 8, 2015 Posted May 8, 2015 Cooking is really fun! See if there are any classes that you can sign up for. Myself, I'm not doing much. I don't have any classes that I can take over the summer, because I took them all before I was officially admitted into the education program! (For which I'm going to school for.) So that's a little weird. I'll most likely be babysitting Monday-Wednesday from like 7 - 6 each day, for a family down the street. Should be fun. Exhausting, but fun! My family and I are going to Washington DC, soon, on the 15th. My younger sister has been wanting to visit the Holocaust museum for a while now, and we're going! Also hope to visit some monuments, and actually be able to see them! (The last time we went was a bit after 9/11, so everything was really guarded.) Then my poppy's 80th is at the end of the month, so we'll be driving up to Ohio for that. I hope to get in lots of exercise at the beach (especially kayaking) and start the next school year with some awesome arm muscles! Quote
maypanda Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 I haven't seen my parents since September so they're coming to the South of France to stay with me and my boyfriend, so yes, just going to sea, eating yummy ice cream, everything with my parents and I'm sooooo excited!! c: Quote
Naamah D. Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 I'm starting college in the Fall so I have the summer off. I'll be playing video games and if I feel like rewrite my series. I'm hopefully purchasing my PS Vita soon so that should keep me occupied as well as Mortal Kombat X and other games, too. Oh, and my birthday is coming up! Quote
sam101 Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 I'm studying abroad in Ecuador next semester, so this summer my boyfriend and I have created a bucket list to complete before I go. So far we have a concert, the taste of Chicago, a civil war reenactment, a baseball game, and a strawberry festival. eliang100, tk421beth and alola9 3 Quote
tk421beth Posted May 29, 2015 Posted May 29, 2015 Since I was very ill for the last two weeks, I am not going to Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington :sad02: :sick01: I used up all my sick and annual time during my illness. So, hubby will take our 13 year old son to California to see my family...then head to San Francisco, then back to Arizona. i'm sooooo jealous! But they're taking this trip during Father's Day Weekend, which is cool. Hopefully I will be able to have a nice vacation next summer!! :laughingsmiley: Quote
andrea140 Posted June 18, 2015 Posted June 18, 2015 Well I sure feel old, and am jealous of everyones exciting plans! I'm a stay at home mom to a 3.5 year old and a 1.5 year old, with #3 due in October. My husband works away all week, so we have a few weekend camping trips planned and that's it. We live close to a lot of great campgrounds and beaches, so at least I can haul my pregnant butt to the beach to cool down whenever needed ;) Quote
eliang100 Posted June 18, 2015 Posted June 18, 2015 I'm taking an English class for the first half of summer and serving part-time as usual. I'd love to travel around August, specifically to China since I haven't been back to see family for over two years now! Prospects don't seem too good, late planning and all that D: Quote
teh_hayashi Posted June 18, 2015 Posted June 18, 2015 Well, here in Brazil is actually winter that's coming (hah!), but I'll have a break from school and I'm taking a small vacation from work too... So, I'm traveling to Portugal! I'm not really excited about that, but it's a familly trip, so I was kind of coerced into going. xD And I bought a recipe book of native brazilian food, so I'm excited about trying that out when I get back! :D Quote
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