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Starting with a gorgeous dress, MiniMME22-S1: Queen of Lost Desert Dress has revealed it's companion pieces. The Bonus seems to be hiding from us right now. The Bonus for this MiniMME has now been unveiled!


mall_minimme22_desertsceptre.gif mall_minimme22_desertmarkings.gif mall_minimme22_desertwig.gif



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Here is a preview of the Bonus BG: https://images.neopets.com/items/mall_minimme22_royalbg.gif :)

If your miniMMe22s haven't completely morphed yet, you might have been skipped by the script so send a ticket to TNT. There were some people on the boards who said they have been skipped. A MiniMMe has completely morphed when the first stage is returned to you. Remember that the Bonus BG is awarded randomly. You are not guaranteed to receive one when you bought a MiniMMe. That said, hope everyone here got what they wanted + the bonus! :)


I updated the first post with the bonus and I have to say it is gorgeous! :D <3

This MiniMME was really pretty and I kind of regret not being able to snag on, or all three.


This has been my favorite mini MME ever! I was in love with the dress! I got the scepter, which was my least favorite of the three stages, but still gorgeous. That background though <3


I'm a bit sad that I didn't get the bonus, but I like the wig and the dress is gorgeous. One minor quibble I have with the sceptre is that it looks like it's in a rocket launcher or something when on the ground next to 4-legged species (it's so clunky looking). :P



That was the only thing I found sort of funny. Otherwise, this was a pretty mini-MME. ^_^


I'm so excited about this MiniMME because I bought it for fun with some free NC on my side (I've just never bought one before, so I wanted to.) I didn't check the IDs since I wasn't really going for anything. I ended up with the wig + bonus background and I am very pleased with how they look on my pets now.



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