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My family and I have enough of each other. That's why I've decided to find my own place. When I was a teen I got my previous writing series taken from me and wasn't allowed to play certain video games due to really personal events and if you want to ask I'd prefer getting a PM. Not a Neomail. A PM.


I'm insanely cranky lately and feel like everyone assumes that I'm unstable all because when I get excited or frustrated my voice raises on octave. I've been super paranoid lately because I have a lot of prejudice about what people think I write all based on the title that contains the world "Incubi" in it.


I just want to follow my own path in life without being expected to be an advocate for people with my disability. One time a family member wanted people to read my poetry and she thought one of them was about fitting in. My poem was clearly about a girl who is tired of her boyfriend and regrets breaking up with him and then tries to lure him back into her life. The title isn't "I Wanna Be a Prom Queen Too!" nor is it "I Wish I Could Keep My Polly Pockets Forever!" Or any of that stereotypical "aspergers girl" nonsense.


I’ve been living in fear for nine months (it's been nine months sense I've graduated) and have previous events weighing down on me. If I’m afraid of losing writing and video games then no joke am I going to ask repetitive questions. I’m really sorry if I’m not an “I wanna be a prom queen too!” Aspergirls who write poetry about fitting in and play video games meant for preschoolers.


I don't get the "I Wanna Be a Prom Queen Too!" or the other stereotypes you mentioned, but I know how hard it can be to live with a family that makes you suffer, even though they might be wanting the best for us. I totally encourage you to follow your own path; my personal opinion of family is that it's like a tribe that we didn't choose and that we're forced to accept as long as we can't take care of ourselves. From the moment we're able to leave the nest, we should go look for our own tribe, that is, people which we can actually relate to.


I wish you all the best in your new moment of life.


I'm sorry to hear that and after reading what you stated, I fully understand your wish of moving out. People judge people, that's the way people work. Every time I tell some girls in my class that I like to play videogames and like to write and read fantasy/science-fiction they're like "ewwh". Just because they don't like it..

All the best with your new life, don't stay in the past too long ;)


I'm an aspergirl, too. I absolutely HATE when someone attributes one of my traits to my disabilities (also hearing impaired & trichotillomanic).


Stay strong. You know you aren't a face of your disability, you are a person with a thousand interesting parts of yourself and one of them happens to be your disorder. You have it, it doesn't have you.


I'm an aspergirl, too. I absolutely HATE when someone attributes one of my traits to my disabilities (also hearing impaired & trichotillomanic).


Stay strong. You know you aren't a face of your disability, you are a person with a thousand interesting parts of yourself and one of them happens to be your disorder. You have it, it doesn't have you.


I have auditory processing disorder. Sometimes the reason why I talk loud is that I have a hard time judging if my voice is too loud or to low. I've thought about working with a speech therapist, but that's embarrassing. I'm just so tired of men and women with Aspergers being forced to believe that they're disability is their culture and the only thing that makes them well, them. That's like assuming someone with a tattoo who wears a black t-shirt every day is Goth or Emo.


Sometimes people get too possessive over their cultures. Like people saying "You can't watch this TV show because only Hipsters watch this TV show." or "If your a prep then you're not allowed to listen to heavy metal music". Nobody should have to ask permission to listen to what music they want or what shows on TV they watch and all of that stuff.


All because I have Aspergers doesn't mean that I have to do Special Olympics. There are neurotypicals who do Special Olympics. All because I have a disability doesn't mean that Special Olympics is mandatory for me.


I really appreciate meeting another girl with Aspergers. :)


EDIT: At 4:18pm EST my mom yelled at me and said that yelling is the only way I respond. Classy huh?


I'm going to talk to my doctor tomorrow and tell her exactly what's going on. Believe it or not, my doctor is the one who accused me of writing "racy" literature because of the title.


I'm on my third book in the series and there is no sex. There's no nudity and if anyone doubts this please check out my Deviant Art account :D


I'm at my breaking point in life and can't take this.



I'm at my breaking point in life and can't take this.

Please know that we are all here for you to talk to. If you ever have the need to talk to someone from the outside, you'll always find someone here.

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