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The Neopian Lottery

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I recently started buying lottery tickets on the regular (hoping to get the Lottery avvie!) and I noticed that huge groups of people are winning these days! Like, 58 people won yesterday!! That's totally crazy. I guess it makes sense that a group of people, like a guild or something, could all be buying the same numbers, but the weird thing is just how often they're winning. It seems to be happening at least every couple of days. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is it a coincidence or are people exploiting the lottery somehow?

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It happens a lot. Unfortunately now more so than ever because of the avatar. But yea- there has been quite a lot of big pools of winners in the past. I think there are a lot of numbers that seem to show up more often then not as well- or as far as ive been watching it. A lot of those people pick the same numbers that seem to be frequently showing up.

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I noticed that too and stumbled on a trophy guide petpage that listed sets of numbers that appear often. I'm assuming it was just coincidence, but I did win the bronze trophy following those numbers (took a few days). Another site I use when I want quick tickets is this one.

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I was actually one of the people that won yesterday. xD But didn't get the avatar. </3 I think it just goes to the first person on the list. It was the first time I won and I just guessed random numbers.


I won yesterday also......and it's still glitched! I can't believe they haven't fixed that yet.

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This is probably due to so many people storing the same numbers as bookmarks or using a quick pick link page - if all of those people click the same 20 links, they will match the numbers.


What TNT really needs to do is revamp it so you have to click a button and it gives you a random set of numbers; none of this quick pick links or picking your own numbers bullshark. I won't waste my 2k on tickets because so many people are winning in large groups, the avatar glitch AND the fact that people can win day after day. So many times I've seen the same person winning two or three times "within the last 20 draws." It makes you not want to play when you play day after day and never win but another person wins two or three times in a month. Even if the prize they win is minimal that's still a really unfair advantage.

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I too won the lottery once but not the avatar. Unfortunate really :p I picked my numbers off one of the pages previously mentioned..I think there were about 25 people that won at the same time as me. However, I do know someone who has won the avatar!


the time I won was actually the first time I ever played the lotto lol xD I was so discouraged by the fact I wasn't awarded the avatar so I gave up. It was also two days after the lotto avatar was announced. I sent in a ticket because I thought there was a glitch. They wrote back and said that if there was a glitch they would let me know. soooo I'm assuming there is no glitch with the way the lotta avatar is currently awarded. Just have to be even luckier!

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I too won the lottery once but not the avatar. Unfortunate really :P I picked my numbers off one of the pages previously mentioned..I think there were about 25 people that won at the same time as me. However, I do know someone who has won the avatar!


the time I won was actually the first time I ever played the lotto lol xD I was so discouraged by the fact I wasn't awarded the avatar so I gave up. It was also two days after the lotto avatar was announced. I sent in a ticket because I thought there was a glitch. They wrote back and said that if there was a glitch they would let me know. soooo I'm assuming there is no glitch with the way the lotta avatar is currently awarded. Just have to be even luckier!

So does anyone know how you can be first? Is it based on the order of when you purchase tickets? Because that doesn't seem fair because of time zones. If it's based on alphabetical order, that doesn't seem fair, either. If it's based on randomness, well, winning the lottery is already hard enough without having to win it several dozen times for the avatar. (I've never won it, and while I've never bought a ticket, I have "played" it many times thanks to be handing free tickets via wheels/REs.)

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Thanks for all the replies, everyone! And congrats to those of you that won! :laughingsmiley:


So does anyone know how you can be first? Is it based on the order of when you purchase tickets? Because that doesn't seem fair because of time zones. If it's based on alphabetical order, that doesn't seem fair, either. If it's based on randomness, well, winning the lottery is already hard enough without having to win it several dozen times for the avatar. (I've never won it, and while I've never bought a ticket, I have "played" it many times thanks to be handing free tickets via wheels/REs.)

At first glance it appeared to me to be alphabetical, but it's not. Maybe it's random?



What TNT really needs to do is revamp it so you have to click a button and it gives you a random set of numbers; none of this quick pick links or picking your own numbers bullshark. I won't waste my 2k on tickets because so many people are winning in large groups, the avatar glitch AND the fact that people can win day after day. So many times I've seen the same person winning two or three times "within the last 20 draws." It makes you not want to play when you play day after day and never win but another person wins two or three times in a month. Even if the prize they win is minimal that's still a really unfair advantage.

THIS. I was actually thinking the same thing, in terms of implementing random tickets. Also, some people are winning like every three or four days?! What is this?


So I guess maybe I should stay away from the lottery for now since it's so clearly flawed...

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Thanks for all the replies, everyone! And congrats to those of you that won! :laughingsmiley:


At first glance it appeared to me to be alphabetical, but it's not. Maybe it's random?



THIS. I was actually thinking the same thing, in terms of implementing random tickets. Also, some people are winning like every three or four days?! What is this?


So I guess maybe I should stay away from the lottery for now since it's so clearly flawed...

It's supposed to be a rigged game; it's not supposed to be so easy to win, yet the same people keep winning. I'm sure they spend more than they win every time but IRL how many lotto winners won more than once?


As far as the way the avatar is awarded: that too should be random. I believe it's only one person out of the lot if there are multiple winners right now. That makes me think that there is a glitch because if multiple people win, shouldn't multiple people theoretically get the avatar? But it is consistently one person every time and so I think the script treats everyone the same. By that I mean whether one person wins or 50 people win it still only recognizes one winner and only awards one avatar. But if more than one person wins it should be random; meaning they could all win it, no one could win it or 2 or more people could win based on the number of lotto winners. But I'm not good at writing script; if I was I'd just e-mail a file to neo and be like "YOU'RE WELCOME, GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER."

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