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I've just used a fire and an air blessing on my pet and his blessing count hasn't increased, now that I think about it, It didn't increase when I used one yesterday either. Don't know if anyone else has noticed this. But I'm going to save any more that I get for a while. Maybe until the unequip issue is fixed, then I'll try a blessing and see if that's been sorted too.


I haven't noticed because I am squarely in between blessing levels, so I don't check often, but it definitely would make sense with the BD issues currently plaguing the site.

I'm assuming you did, but if you didn't, I would highly recommend putting in a ticket... I don't know how many people would notice that glitch.


Sorry to hear that, at least it isn't a very costly glitch, but all the little glitches here and there do add up. I'll send you a few bottled faeries so you'll have some when the glitch gets fixed. Good luck!


Ooh, that's really nice of you, thank you very much! :D




I've just tested with one of your nice gifts :) and it increased on the blessings count! So I guess it was just a blip that caused the ones I used not to register. Glad it's not turned out to be another big fault :D


Did you use them on the "right" pet? I have two neopets, both names start with A and are the same length so I always have to double check when reading books or using faeries, ect that I'm doing it on the right pet. Check and see if the faeries got added to a different neopet? If you only have one pet, then obviously that's not it.


I just used two dark faeries and an unidentifiable faerie bottle and all three uses were added to my total. So I'm not sure if the bug can be replicated and if it can't there isn't much TNT can do about it. :(


Good point, Aboogala. I haven't blessed any of my pets in so long I didn't even think to suggest that as a possibility. But at least it seems to be working for her now.


Is there a central place/thread to see all of the known glitches in one place? I feel like there are a lot of threads about individual glitches.


I've only got the one pet :)


There's a pinned topic for known problems, but I don't think there's anywhere for unacknowledged ones.


Thank you Maga! I really need to get my little guy to level 25 so he can make use of these lovely gifts :D


My pet's only level 15, so he's got a far way to go yet, bless him.


I haven't heard of this glitch. But I'm done blessing my battle pet, so I haven't had chance to experience it either. ;)


Jellysundae, I'm glad it seems like it was a one-time glitch. One thing you COULD do, is bless your pet in advance of the levels. You can use our guide to see what the abilities do and plan accordingly. http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/new-faerie-abilities/#level1


I'm not sure if anything more has been discovered about the abilities that don't have full info in them. For potentially newer info, one of the contributors to the TDN guide, still maintains info on the abilities on this petpage. http://www.neopets.com/~_mariokart_


Looks like he's got a new layout for it too. Pretty spiffy! ;)


Anyway, I had my pet blessed up for his level 500 ability from probably level 330. Mainly with blessings from bottled faeries I earned from the Battledome. The only thing about blessing early, is you can't choose or activate/use a faerie ability before you get there. Or if your level drops below the level of an ability you've already chosen, you can't use it until your level raises back up again. I don't know how much of this info you already know, so I'm posting it, just in case. ;)


Good luck with your blessing and training! :)


I know nothing about blessings, to be honest, so this is really helpful, thanks!


You're very welcome! :) Honestly, while some of the new abilities ARE pretty neat. I miss the old faerie abilities. Kept the market going at a reasonable price for the original bottled faeries, and you had more freedom to customize which skills you wanted, though since it was a tiered system, you had to get the weak/worthless abilities usually before you could get the GOOD ones. But you could choose which ones you wanted active before battle. Granted you CAN do something kinda similar with these new abilities. But that means completely giving up the ability you earned by buying blessings, and needing to be blessed again to choose a different ability. Even if once a level tier is unlocked and you have bought one ability from that tier, to switch abilities will only cost HALF the blessings they originally did. But still, it makes you get more of the new bottled faeries in that case. Granted they are cheap, maybe cheaper than TNT imagined they would become. I can see revamping some of the old faerie abilities, but I've never been a major fan of the complete replacement of the old system. .... Oh well, Lens Flare and Warlocks Rage ARE pretty awesome though. ;) lol And sorry for the mini-rant. I've just never really aired out my thoughts on the different (original and new) blessings system. ;)


I've only got the one pet :)


There's a pinned topic for known problems, but I don't think there's anywhere for unacknowledged ones.

How can they be known if nobody says anything? The thread that's been used is also for pointing out new problems, see if they can be replicated and tested, then put down as a known issue rather than a one-off like this probably is.


That's cool then, because of my brain issues I'm often likely to misunderstand the meaning of a thread. So it's good to know that new things can go there too, thanks Shane :D


Not a problem, besides so long as you don't veer too widely off course, I'm sure people can forgive you. Given the history of the thread, though, I imagine it would be a very good idea to participate (though that doesn't mean new threads like this one can't pop up, because it would be easier to collaborate and try to test things and whatnot in that one thread but it's really up to the person reporting the problem). For what it's worth, I tried to duplicate the issue and things went through fine. But that doesn't mean it isn't an actual wide problem, just a lack of instances.


I've been slowly reading bits of the pages that Aquamentis linked to. I tend to have to read stuff like that repeatedly and in small chunks to get it to sink in/make sense. So far I've only read the stuff that's relevant to my pet at the moment but that's making me wonder, how worthwhile are the blessings? Right now, with my guy being Level 16, I'm struggling to decide which of the Level 25 blessings to go for, The logistics of the blessings tying in with weapons and so on is beyond my comprehension skills at the moment :*


But I suppose that doesn't really matter, as I can switch blessings once I finally understand the best options, can't I, that much I do understand!


In my opinion, the blessings are very worthwhile! If nothing else, they give an opportunity to add something extra to your fighting. If you're approaching a tough battle and you're only limited to 2 weapons per turn, why would you not take advantage of the Faerie ability option?


The bottled faeries themselves are becoming much cheaper, too, since they're given out by the Battledome. Bottled Faeries are less than 150 NP each now, so even a Level 500 ability, which costs 160 blessings, won't cost you more than 24,000 NP - and probably less, since some faeries are cheaper and some faeries give you 2 blessings rather than just 1. If you could get a weapon that blocks your opponent's weapons for less than 25K once per battle, wouldn't you do it?


I agree that some blessings aren't as useful in the Battledome, such as a 25 HP heal (Healing Fire, Level 300). But some of them are invaluable. My favorites are Lens Flare (Level 50), Warlocks Rage (Level 200), and Rejuvenate (Level 300). I also am partial to An Icicle (Level 25), since it's an extra 6 icon attack with no cooldown - so you could use it every turn. Some people are partial to Sear, though, so you'll have to decide which one you want for yourself.


So really it's best to try them all and see which you prefer? Of the lower level/more affordable ones at least?


Well, the guides I linked to have the best choices for most of them. And some is just up to your own battle style. But here are the abilities I chose.


Level 1 Static Cling


Level 5 Shade (Decent defense) But feel free to choose either of the other abilities if they fit your current needs.


Level 10 Meh (+5% defense when used) Cranky adds +5% offense, But the Positive Thinking ability would be good for healing if you need it. :)


Level 25 An Icicle, this ability has the most icons, but being water-based, it can also be blocked fairly easily.


Level 50 Lens Flare (Of course ;) )


Level 100 Shroud It's not the best, but at the time I picked it, Burrow was having some trouble. However, according to __Mariokart__'s petpage, The Burrow ability seems to mostly work now. So I'd say go with that. I might change to burrow when all the abilities have been fixed.


Level 200 Warlocks Rage (Just as good as Lens Flare) ;)


Level 300 Rejuvenate (I prefer this one) But Drain Life, COULD be useful in a pinch. Because of the 10% heal drain from your enemy.


Level 400 Reflect (Best option imho) Remember that Physical icons can't be reflected. ;)


Level 500 Summon Monoceraptor ) These last Tier abilities all do the same amount of damage, and can only be used one time per DAY! They can be used once again after midnight NST. But all 3 abilities do 10 icons of damage to the enemy. Summon Monoceraptor deals Fire damage, one of the harder icons to block these days. Meepit Stampede deals Dark Damage, and Esophagor Stench deals Earth damage. At the maximum strength boost, this is an extra 160 damage. Not a GREAT deal of damage at the 500 level. But it can really be useful at times. ;) I've played with it a bit, but mainly with a frozen opponent to see it's damage ability. I can see it being useful in a defensive stance or in a couple other situations in battle.


I hope this helps with your decisions! :)


So really it's best to try them all and see which you prefer? Of the lower level/more affordable ones at least?

If you want to spend the NP on that, you can. But I would instead check out the guides to see what each ability does and decide which one you think you would like best - then get that one. Like Aquamentis said, a lot of guides have recommendations. And if you want a more in-depth look at each ability, there's a Neopian Times series about it. http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?issue=660&section=search&keywords=abilities


Yep, I'm reading the guides until they make sense to me, lol. The blessings I currently have are static cling, bandage and cranky. Bandage is the only one that been any kind of use, that keeps me alive for way longer than if I didn't have it. I'm glad I got that one, but cranky doesn't seem to do much at all.


Cranky is the opposite of the "Meh" ability. It adds a small amount of offensive power to your attack. While Meh offers the same amount of slightly raised defense. Since I tend to think more about defense than offense, I went with "Meh" for my pet. But you could always try Positive Thinking too. Full disclosure, I've never tried out Cranky or Positive Thinking though. XD Good luck!


Positive thinking seems to be more useful than the other two (having tried all 3 now) It only gives you 1HP back, but that's all you need sometimes :D

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