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Where does everyone get Paintbrushes? Confused :(


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I have been saving for a paintbrush for quite some time now. Obviously I can't spend every minute of every day playing games and restocking. I've been trying out some different things to save up to get the paintbrush of my dreams, but it's really discouraging to see so many paintbrushes for sale on the trading post, but the prices are wayyyyyy out of reach. Some days I just want to give up on saving, because once I achieve my goal I will be starting from square one. Any recommendations?

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Kody's basically layed it out. That's the free way to do it. If you're cool with taking a gamble, you can also try the vending machine.

You can buy nerkmids from like 38-50k a piece. However more often then not, the vending machine will give you junk. On rare occasions, it will spit out a paintbrush though, or paintbrush related item like a stamp or TCG of a certain PB. However the vending machine method is an expensive gamble. Especially when considering IF you get lucky and get a paint brush, you don't get to choose which paint brush is won. Which means you could end up with something cheap like Christmas OR you could end up with an expensive PB worth millions.


Using this method I've won;




Get Off My Lawn


HOWEVER I probably spent WAY more on nerkmids then, I got back after selling off the pb's.


So, it's really a gamble. Your best option, is to continue doing dailies and hope you can win a pb off them, or at least get item which you can resell to help you get to the PB you want. OR, you can hope that the Gods of Neopia will smile upon you, and that you find a pb on the floor, or something.


Either way, I wish you the best of luck!

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There is also the hope of a FFQ (fountain faerie quest). TNT gives out Neo Cash at various times and a faerie quest cookie is 100 NC. You can also randomly get a FFQ. Also, the chance of getting a PB of some type in a RE or daily is possible. Just make sure to do the dailies faithfully every single day. One day it WILL happen for you, it has happened for all of us. The forgotten shore also gives treasure chests and there is a chance of getting a PB, potion or Draik egg from that too. So be patient and faithful to your dailies and someday it will pay off. meanwhile, play games, collect interest, and save save save. Before you know it, you will have your dream color pet.

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I would go for the faerie quest fortune cookies. which grant you 1 quest a day for 9 days. It took me 2 cookies before I got a FFQ. It was WAY cheaper than a PB, i think totally worth it. A few dollars and a couple hundred NP or millions of NP? I choose cookies :) Although - not sure if i got lucky or what not. Currently testing my luck again with 2 more cookies.

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I have been saving for a paintbrush for quite some time now. Obviously I can't spend every minute of every day playing games and restocking. I've been trying out some different things to save up to get the paintbrush of my dreams, but it's really discouraging to see so many paintbrushes for sale on the trading post, but the prices are wayyyyyy out of reach. Some days I just want to give up on saving, because once I achieve my goal I will be starting from square one. Any recommendations?

May we ask which paintbrush you like? One of us may be willing to go lower if we have one. :santa: Or maybe we will see one at a good price somewhere. In the 5 and a half years I've been on Neopets, I've won two brushes from The Fruit Machine (Lost Desert and Woodland) so keep playing that. Also, it's like "a watched pot never boils": the best randoms (such as FFQ) come when you don't expect them. It will happen for you too someday. :woot:

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I have been saving for a paintbrush for quite some time now. Obviously I can't spend every minute of every day playing games and restocking. I've been trying out some different things to save up to get the paintbrush of my dreams, but it's really discouraging to see so many paintbrushes for sale on the trading post, but the prices are wayyyyyy out of reach. Some days I just want to give up on saving, because once I achieve my goal I will be starting from square one. Any recommendations?


Out of curiosity, What colour/paintbrush do you want for your pet?

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Going along with the contests...the valentines issue of the neopian times is coming up, and last year I got a pink paint brush from getting in! They give out prizes if you get into "special additions"

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I gained most of my paint brushes and morphing potions from dailies. (I'm still not sure if I want to use my draik morphing potion or not). But I got my camo paint brush from the trading post.


The thing to do is decide WHICH paintbrush you really, really want then work on saving. Unless you're like me and when you get the money you're no longer sure about buying ANYTHING. lol But then start working on saving, make sure to deposit everything and get your interest. Dailies and restocking will get you there pretty fast and you might even get a PB or morphing potion you don't want and if it's expensive enough you could put it up on the TP to make more money or to trade to get what you really want.

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I agree with Kute, I think your best bet is the FQ cookie. I have gotten four fountain faerie quests, had to turn down three of them because I have a free painting that I have not used yet, since I am happy with how my pets currently look. Don't expect that you will get an ffq right away but keep plugging away and it will happen for you.

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I don't think that every one should be promoting the FQ Cookies so much. I'm on my 15th FQC and have yet to get a Fountain Faerie quest. It's completely random what faerie you get so it's not as easy as everyone is making it out to be. I like getting them to suppliment training.


Your best bet is to save. If you go the Neocola Machine or Vending Machine route you're going to spend more money than you'll make and the trick to saving money is to not spend it. The Fruit Machine is a good way to get paint brushes IF you can get it to give you one. But it's been a long time since I've gotten anything from that too. Food Club is always a great way to double your money. Go into the Games board and follow someone else's bets if you don't understand it. I make a lot from that. Stocks are a slower way to make money; buy them at 15 and sell them at 20 or 30.


Are you strong enough to battle Koi warrior? He gives out the most codestones; I keep the regular ones and sell the red ones right now. Once I get closer to needing the red ones to train then I'll sell the regular ones and keep the red ones but it stills gives a nice NP boost because most of the red codestones are worth 20k at least.


If you can restock a few good items, like stamps or rare books, petpets, ect then you may not need the full pure NP amount. You can always neomail people to see what they are willing to take before placing your offer on a trade. If you just want to buy it outright then save up AT LEAST 100k more than the PB is worth. Then you won't be completely broke.

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I thought my dream paintbrush was impossible i only had 100,000 saved up, but i spun the wheel of knowledge and won a golden brightvale job coupon which i sold for about 1 mil.
Yes you'll be back to square one, but when you look at your pets you'll feel happy that one of them is amazing.
Once they get key quest working you can win paintbrushes and code stones which you could sell, and that helped me. Right now My only source of neopets income is the dailys, about 15,000 a day on good days okay days about 10,000. Once you got enough you'll see that starting back with nothing will be okay because you'll have a coolio pet!

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you could try morphing potions instead?... they are usually cheaper and if your pet comes on that specific colour and species of morphing potion their more easily obtainabe.. its how i got my pets... or try your luck at the lab ray it could take a while but it could happen

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I have been wondering this for such a long time! I know that you can get paintbrushes from the Trading Post, Auctions, and some dailies, but I was wondering how they came about in the first place…. that must be really cool to find a super rare paintbrush from a Random Event!

Does anyone know of a master list that shows which Paint Brushes can be obtained from which dailies? Sometimes I just like to look at these things and hope, LOL!

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Does anyone know of a master list that shows which Paint Brushes can be obtained from which dailies? Sometimes I just like to look at these things and hope, LOL!

Not really as such to my knowledge when it comes to one single page but you can check jellyneo's item database using the category search as well as individual daily guides on TDN itself which shows the prize pools unique to the daily and sitewide alike.

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