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Your Most Facepalm-Worthy Experience?


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After the transition there was a glitch in the shops that would make prices randomly switch...at least for me. So if you had a codestone worth 30k and a weak bottled faerie for 50np it was possible somehow that the codestone would get the 50np price when updated. I lost a zed codestone for 3400 before I caught it and emptied my shop.

I got caught by this same glitch. Except when I realized it, while trying to empty my shop of 5-8 of each regular codestone, I put the number to withdraw as the price instead -- so I sold many of them for pennies! I did manage to salvage a few, but I never calculated my losses. I'm sure it was well over 100k given the prices of codestones at the time.


Well, it has been many a moon....but....


When started playing I did not know the Trading Post existed. I did not know this for a looooooooooong time (I did not play diligently enough to pay attention to it, nor did I EVER read the News or Boards).


As such...EVERYTHING I sold, I sold in my Shop (thinking that 99,999nps was the most you could charge for anything).


LUCKILY, here and now, I don't remember what all I sold in my Shop in my early days.


That is probably a good thing...if I knew, I'd probably cry!



I did the exact same thing. For years. I only remember finding 2-3 items that were not SW-able, but I know one of them was a paintbrush. Luckily I can't remember which one.


I also used my first Fountain Faerie Quest to paint one of my pets back to its original (basic) color after it had been affected by a random color change (because that's how I made it, and I didn't want it to change -- it took my friends over a year to convince me to paint, and that was only after they got me into customization -- which took a few years to convince me...).


But really, my biggest regret is not exploring Neopets and reading offsite info for my first several years of play; I missed out on many of the best wars/plots because I was oblivious.

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I'm sure I've had LOTS of moments, but I can't think of many... But I remember one of my earliest mistakes... I saw a Starry Paint Brush Plushie in a user shop for 14k and I thought: "Wow, that's the cheapest paint brush I've ever seen! I can finally have a painted pet". Classic newbie mistake, lol.


At that time I probably had like 50k total, so 14k was a big investment... And I didn't even get all my money back, because I bought from one of those "l33t" shops, so it was way overpriced. I think the plushie was actually worth about 5k at the time. :thumbsdown:

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My face-palm worthy moment didn't really harm me in any way, it just was really n00bish. I saw Chombies on the site, so I knew you could have them for a pet, but I didn't know anything about limited edition pets except that it said only blah number was released, and I thought that was super unfair so I sent TNT an email rant about how unfair it was. It was only the second time I got into Neopets that I learned you could get LE pets on their special celebration day lol.

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It was today, actually. Big facepalm. I have been trying to get the Pick Your Own avatar for months, going once a day and spending the 400np. I thought you were doomed if you picked a pile of dung. I have absolutely no idea you could click on the berries/non-berries in your basket and discard them. Needless to say, I have the avatar now and have lost far too many neopoints to be honest :P

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I've been sitting LOLing over these, then had one myself just now. :rolleyes_anim: I bought I faerie quest fortune cookie earlier this week, and it is awesome. My battle pet has been making amazing gains. I accepted today's quest and posted on the neoboards for help. As I was waiting, I brought up underwater fishing. By the time all my pets had reeled in their line, someone had found my quest item really cheap. :thumbsup:


I rushed to buy it, then went back to the faerie quest page and immediately gave her the item. Only to realize I hadn't switched my battle pet back to active. :sad01_anim: Fortunately, it was an Earth faerie quest, so it's not a major loss, but I'm still pretty disappointed. I thought I had made all my noob mistakes by now. :P

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It was today, actually. Big facepalm. I have been trying to get the Pick Your Own avatar for months, going once a day and spending the 400np. I thought you were doomed if you picked a pile of dung. I have absolutely no idea you could click on the berries/non-berries in your basket and discard them.


/cracking up


I have a 10+ year old account...and "I" did not know you could discard stuff from the basket. I have tried off and on over the years to get that avie and have always left in disgust.


Even NOW I messed it up...after reading your reply I tried it. I thought it had to be 6 full BERRIES so I discarded the half-eaten ones and a boot so did not get the avie. I see now that it just has to NOT BE DUNG.




Reckon I will have a new avie soon.



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As some people have mentioned on this post, I myself have moved items into my shop, and wanted to move them back into my SDB.




I managed to fix it, before I lost a lot of NPs. I probably lost approx 10,000 in total.



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Probably spinning the Wheel of Extravagance when I didn't have lots of NP to spare. I have the NP to spare now, but I can't justify a 100k spin. :P


I have to second this... After all this time just passing it by, I decided to spin it today. Landed on the "X". Ugh my RNG is terribad.

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Oh, I remembered something else. When I was a real newbie, I didn't know the 'give to neofriend' option existed so once I wanted to give a friend some item, I dont' remember which one or why but I decided I should put it in my shop for 1 NP (or donate it, I'm not so sure) and at the same very moment the friend should grab it. The item was worth well over 1NP, that I remember ;) And, of course, it disappeared instantly...

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