Delshnya Posted November 25, 2014 Posted November 25, 2014 I'm trying to achieve the Attack of the Slorgs avatar, but when I send the score, I dnon't know what happened, but it wasn't send. I have tried a few times, but nothing... My score still doesn't appear. Quote
Mouseykins Posted November 26, 2014 Posted November 26, 2014 Are you getting an error message of some sort? Perhaps you could upload a screenshot so we can see what you're seeing. Emily 1 Quote
Delshnya Posted November 26, 2014 Author Posted November 26, 2014 No, it doesn't say anything about an error. Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I was just able to play Attack of the Slorgs and my score was submitted with no problems. It gave me the notification that my score was sent. However, I did have to install "Shockwave Director" before I could play. It appears Attack of the Slorgs uses (Adobe) Shockwave. Shockwave games on Neopets seem to be unstable, at best. For some reason, Gourmet Bowls still will not play/start on my computer and it appears it hasn't for others, either, in a long time. It is possible Shockwave could have had an error (without notifying) and stopped responding, and that is why you couldn't post your score. Not an answer you are looking for, but you may want to check if you are using the latest version of Shockwave, and if not, update it and then try playing and posting your score again. Flash games have done that to me before, when posting a score, but displaying the infamous "Flash has crashed" error message :whaa: . If your computer does not have a lot of memory (RAM), rebooting may help to free up memory, especially if you have not rebooted in awhile, and run many programs at the same time. Quote
frogadelic Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 That happened to me when I was using Firefox, so maybe try a different browser? I have yet to find one that will work. When I use Chrome or IE it doesn't load up the game, it's just a black screen. It makes me sad because I really want the avatar for this game :( Quote
Delshnya Posted November 27, 2014 Author Posted November 27, 2014 I checked, and I have the latest version of Adobe Shockwave Player. Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I forgot to mention I was using Firefox. The only other thing I can think of, and you may have already done so, is to delete all your browser's cache and history and then try again. No guarantees, but it may help. Quote
Delshnya Posted November 27, 2014 Author Posted November 27, 2014 I think I tried that already. But I'll try again just in case. Quote
snowangelmidori Posted November 27, 2014 Posted November 27, 2014 I can't send my score in that either, it just comes up with some soundtrack thing and doesn't go through. I've tried Mozilla, Safari, IE and Chrome, tried reinstalling shockwave, resetting, clearing cache and cookies - nothing. I've just accepted there will be no slorg avatar in my near future for now. :( I'd say give all of those things a go though, one may work for your issue. Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted November 28, 2014 Posted November 28, 2014 I played the game a little while ago, and I was not able to send my score. I got the same indications you did, meaning the screen shots you posted. However, I did get both Flash and Shockwave errors from Firefox - "Shockwave for Director (or Shockwave Flash) may be busy or have stopped responding. You can stop the plugin now, or you can see if the plugin will continue." I'll see if I can get it to post the score again and post what I had to do. Quote
Delshnya Posted November 28, 2014 Author Posted November 28, 2014 I don't get any errors. I click on send and automatically, the last image I posted appears. Quote
frogadelic Posted December 3, 2014 Posted December 3, 2014 I don't know what changed, but as far as I know, I didn't do anything different. I just decided to try to see if I could get Attack of the Slorgs to load and it did! I'm using Chrome. So maybe if you try everything and can't get it to work, just leave it alone and check periodically. But try Chrome if you haven't. I had the same problem you are when I used Firefox. Quote
Delshnya Posted January 10, 2015 Author Posted January 10, 2015 I tried a few times and nothing... so I decided to download Google Chrome and try, it did work. Thank you. frogadelic 1 Quote
Musical_Shoyru Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 I didn't want to post another topic as this is my issue right now. I cannot get this game to work in ANY browser and Firefox worked. I got a score of 1117 (ENOUGH FOR THE AVATAR!) and my score did not send just like Delshyna's issue, SAME EXACT screen shot. I am not happy at all. Has there been a new know fix for this or is it still just hit or miss for the avie? That was the first time I ever got over 1000 and I was so happy. I'm not thrilled that Neopets has so many glitches..... Quote
Scoobert_Doo Posted December 14, 2016 Posted December 14, 2016 I didn't want to post another topic as this is my issue right now. I cannot get this game to work in ANY browser and Firefox worked. I got a score of 1117 (ENOUGH FOR THE AVATAR!) and my score did not send just like Delshyna's issue, SAME EXACT screen shot. I am not happy at all. Has there been a new know fix for this or is it still just hit or miss for the avie? That was the first time I ever got over 1000 and I was so happy. I'm not thrilled that Neopets has so many glitches..... A bit has changed with the Shockwave games, since this was first posted. However, Firefox hasn't changed. Firefox will let you play (most of) the Shockwave games, but does not post your scores. That has been happening, since these posts in 2014, and even before, if memory serves me correctly. There is no known work-around for Firefox, that I know of. Chrome stopped supporting the Shockwave plugin, along with a few others, in September of 2015. So, Chrome will not work. There is an exception, but I'll get to that later. You will always receive the "not using the latest plugin" error message, with the "Sad Usul". The other plugin of note is the Unity 3D Web Player. It is used to play Ghoul Catchers via Facebook. As Chrome no longer supports it, playing Ghoul Catchers with Chrome, via Facebook, is out, too. Most have success playing Shockwave games and posting scores using either IE 11 or the last version of Safari for Windows, 5.8.1, for Windows computers, or Safari for Macs. Apple stopped supporting Safari for Windows in 2012, but you can still find "old" versions on the 'Net. Personally, I prefer the last version of Safari, as I can play all of the Shockwave games without issues. However, if you do go that route, you do so at your own risk. As that version is no longer supported and updates are no longer provided, using an outdated browser can put your computer's security at risk. And note, too, that it will not display some websites. For example, if you visit YouTube, it will tell you that your browser is outdated and to download or use a newer/updated browser, and you are not able to view/watch videos - further access the site. I only use it on Neopets and, then, only use it to play the Shockwave games. As for IE 11, you must add, without the quotes, "", to IE 11's "Compatibility View Settings". To do so, click "Tools" (the gear looking icon in the top, right corner of IE) and then select "Compatibility View settings". A window will open. In the "Add this website:" text field, type (again without the quotes) "" and click the "Add" button. If you are already on Neopets website, when selecting "Compatibility View settings", "" should populate in the "Add this website:" text field and you should only have to click "Add". If you don't do that, you will get the "not using the latest plugin" error message, with the "Sad Usul", even though Shockwave may already be installed. Please note, some Neopets site content may not work or display properly when in "Compatibility View". Generally, I find Neopets displays better, but some newer content may not. Again, I only use IE 11 for playing the Shockwave and 3DVIA games on Neopets, and for troubleshooting browser issues. Not much else. And, one final note for IE 11. Although it has been a while since I used IE 11 for the Shockwave games, I did experience game "freezing" on occasion - meaning the game would lock up. Nothing worked. All I could do was refresh the game page and start over and hope it didn't freeze again. Attack of the Slorgs was the main game it happened with. Possibly with Dice Escape and Gourmet Club Bowls. Was able to use IE 11 with Windows 7 and Windows 10. Should work with Windows 8.1, but you may have problems if using Windows 8 RT. I do not have a Windows 8.1 computer, nor a Windows 8 RT, but I do know the IE version with Windows 8 RT is not quite a "full" version. (That would be for a different topic). Oh? You really like Chrome and don't want to switch browsers and I said there was an exception for Chrome? That is true. If you still wish to try playing Shockwave games with Chrome, it is possible with a Windows 7/10 computer. To do so, you must install an "IE Tab" extension for Chrome. IE Tab allows you to open new tabbed pages within Chrome, but using the "IE engine" to display the pages. When you do that, you can use plugins like Shockwave. When you open a Neopets Shockwave game page using IE Tab, make sure you login to Neopets on the IE Tab tab, before playing the game. If you don't, you may be able to play the game, but your score may not post, as it considers you not logged in. It will make sense when you open a Shockwave game page with IE Tab. And, another note about using IE Tab. Remember how I mentioned Shockwave games freezing with IE 11? As IE Tab uses the IE engine to display/show content it is possible you may experience it with IE Tab, too. Just a word of warning. If it does freeze, please don't be mad at me. All you can do is close the tab and try again. I don't have a Mac, so I don't know if IE Tab will work with it. Windows comes with IE 11 installed, so the "IE engine" is there. My guess is no, for Macs, as I don't believe there is an IE version for Macs anymore and I'm not sure if IE Tab installs the 'IE engine". One final word. If you install Shockwave with any browser open, you will have to close the browser, and then reopen it. Doing that gets the browser to "recognize" that Shockwave has been installed. If not, you may get the "not latest plugin installed" error message with the "Sad Usul", so close and reopen. Now that I bombarded you with way too much information, all that is left is for you to get that avatar! So, what are you still doing here?! If you do happen get the Attack of the Slorgs avatar, please post your achievement on the "Avatars, what have you got?" topic. Good luck and if you have ANY questions, please ask! Wait, you say? What is this about 3DVIA games? Well, that, too, is for another topic... Musical_Shoyru 1 Quote
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