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Hi, I have been on Neopets for years and wanted to know how to get a Rainbow Fountain quest, every time I visit the fountain it isn't working. Also, any tips on getting job coupons besides the Wheel of Knowledge?



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The Rainbow Faerie is extremely rare and totally random (like the rest of the Faeries), so you'll just have to be patient until she gives you a quest. The only other way (that I know of) to acquire job coupons is to buy them from other players.


Do using the NC fortune cookie mean you might get a fountain faerie quest?

I really want one for the buzz, and now that I'm old enough to actually afford things (HAH! at least when I was young I didn't have to pay rent) I don't mind buying NC items to help get an avatar.


You can get a Fountain Faerie quest by using the NC Faerie Quest Cookies but the type of faerie you get while using the cookie is still random. The nice thing is the cookies give you a guaranteed week of a quest per day (if you remember to do them ;)) so this increases your odds a bit I suppose. I've had 2 Fountain Faerie quests and both came from using fortune cookies - not lucky re's.


Hope this helps!


Hi, I have been on Neopets for years and wanted to know how to get a Rainbow Fountain quest, every time I visit the fountain it isn't working. Also, any tips on getting job coupons besides the Wheel of Knowledge?

I feel ya dragonlady! I've been playing Neopets for 6 1/2 years and have not gotten the Rainbow Faerie Quest once! I found this website that you can actually pay real cash for paintbrushes and they give you the password/username/DOB/Security code to an aged account. I've used the site twice now for a Darigan Paint Brush and a full set of map pieces to the Laboratory! It's an awesome site for those who have been playing for years and have yet to get the item they want.



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I have bought two Faerie Cookies recently, and have not received a Rainbow Fountain quest :(


But I DID receive a Faerie Queen quest, and that was pretty awesome!


I've been playing for almost 9 years now, and have never received a Rainbow quest. One of these days, we may be lucky!


Wow this is the first time I've heard about the faerie quests fortune cookie!


It says there's no more left at the NC Mall :( does it usually restock?


Wow this is the first time I've heard about the faerie quests fortune cookie!


It says there's no more left at the NC Mall :( does it usually restock?

Yes they restock but it's random. You have to just keep checking to see if they are in stock.


It took me 11 years to get a Rainbow Fountain Faerie Quest... And within a month of complying it, I received another... and both without using Fortune Cookies. It certainly can take a lot of time, but eventually happens.


You can also get a FFQ during the week where they do daily faerie quests too. I don't remember when/what it's called, but that's how I got a FFQ.


You can get pretty much any random faerie quest quest from the NC Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. This includes Fountain Faerie, as has been mentioned, and Faerie Queen, also mentioned. You can also get a Space Faerie Quest, along with any other type of faerie that you can receive random quests from. 100NC for 7 days (7x24 hours) for questing isn't a bad deal. Just remember that if you miss a day, you can't get it back. And that you have to finish the faerie quest you're on before you can accept the next. you can abandon a quest if it's too pricey, or say it's an Air Faerie quest and you don't want to waste the np on speed/agility. ;) Another nice point, is that with the skirmishes in the Battledome. Some of the "boons" you can get to choose from, depending on which faction wins and you've battled at least 10 wins for the winning faction, Allow you to refresh a random faerie quest, gotten at random OR while using a Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. Explained here, http://www.thedailyneopets.com/obelisk-war/boons/#quests

This effect from this (or any) boon, only lasts while the Truce is in place. A week, I do believe.


I hope this info helps. :)


You can get pretty much any random faerie quest quest from the NC Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. This includes Fountain Faerie, as has been mentioned, and Faerie Queen, also mentioned. You can also get a Space Faerie Quest, along with any other type of faerie that you can receive random quests from. 100NC for 7 days (7x24 hours) for questing isn't a bad deal. Just remember that if you miss a day, you can't get it back. And that you have to finish the faerie quest you're on before you can accept the next. you can abandon a quest if it's too pricey, or say it's an Air Faerie quest and you don't want to waste the np on speed/agility. ;) Another nice point, is that with the skirmishes in the Battledome. Some of the "boons" you can get to choose from, depending on which faction wins and you've battled at least 10 wins for the winning faction, Allow you to refresh a random faerie quest, gotten at random OR while using a Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. Explained here, http://www.thedailyneopets.com/obelisk-war/boons/#quests

This effect from this (or any) boon, only lasts while the Truce is in place. A week, I do believe.


I hope this info helps. :)


That's really cool, so you can buy the cookie, not open it (does it work like that? or does it start as soon as you have it?)

and wait until you get the right boon. If you win, activate the boon and the cookie at the same time, & refresh the quests until they are not-so-expensive.


I might try that :laughingsmiley:


I feel ya dragonlady! I've been playing Neopets for 6 1/2 years and have not gotten the Rainbow Faerie Quest once! I found this website that you can actually pay real cash for paintbrushes and they give you the password/username/DOB/Security code to an aged account. I've used the site twice now for a Darigan Paint Brush and a full set of map pieces to the Laboratory! It's an awesome site for those who have been playing for years and have yet to get the item they want.



This post has been edited by a member of staff (Vyvren) because of a violation of the forum rules.

Any mention of websites selling neopoints, pets or items is not allowed on this forum.

Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.


o.o Why would you tell people that you did something that was against the rules?!?! Your account could get frozen for that!!!!



I've been pretty lucky when it comes to FFQ. I've gotten 2 from 3 cookies now, and I got the Buzzin avatar with the last one.


It does! How do we get the cookies?

You can get a Fountain Faerie quest by using the NC Faerie Quest Cookies but the type of faerie you get while using the cookie is still random. The nice thing is the cookies give you a guaranteed week of a quest per day (if you remember to do them ;)) so this increases your odds a bit I suppose. I've had 2 Fountain Faerie quests and both came from using fortune cookies - not lucky re's.


Hope this helps!


It does! How do we get the cookies?

You can purchase the NC Faerie Quest Cookie from the NC Mall. The NC Mall doesn't seem to be working right now, but here's the link for the fortune cookies store: http://ncmall.neopets.com/mall/fortune/


You can get pretty much any random faerie quest quest from the NC Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. This includes Fountain Faerie, as has been mentioned, and Faerie Queen, also mentioned. You can also get a Space Faerie Quest, along with any other type of faerie that you can receive random quests from. 100NC for 7 days (7x24 hours) for questing isn't a bad deal. Just remember that if you miss a day, you can't get it back. And that you have to finish the faerie quest you're on before you can accept the next. you can abandon a quest if it's too pricey, or say it's an Air Faerie quest and you don't want to waste the np on speed/agility. ;) Another nice point, is that with the skirmishes in the Battledome. Some of the "boons" you can get to choose from, depending on which faction wins and you've battled at least 10 wins for the winning faction, Allow you to refresh a random faerie quest, gotten at random OR while using a Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie. Explained here, http://www.thedailyneopets.com/obelisk-war/boons/#quests

This effect from this (or any) boon, only lasts while the Truce is in place. A week, I do believe.


I hope this info helps. :)


you don't even have to win, I joined a faction everybody and their mom was joining (bandwagoning, can't remember which faction it was though) and lost all 10 battles, the faction won and I was able to choose my boons (being Premium, I had the choice between 1 of 2 plus like everyone else the 1 of 5)


I have used 100 cookies since it's inception and have received 2 FFQs, both before my 50th plus I got one RE one too but I haven't seen her since :(


Wow this is the first time I've heard about the faerie quests fortune cookie!


It says there's no more left at the NC Mall :( does it usually restock?


The NC Mall has faerie quest cookies!! GOGOGO!

  • 1 year later...

I got my first FFQ by playing Neoquest and Neoquest II. The page refreshing helps a lot. :) I had to pay 100k for the item, which was fine I guess.

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