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Avatars: What have you got?


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Something Has Happened! darkestfaerie.gif You are now eligible to use 'The Darkest Faerie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! (woke up early for this one :P)


Something Has Happened! pet_rock.gif You are now eligible to use 'I Love My Rock' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened! illusendoll.gif You are now eligible to use 'Illusen Doll' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I noticed I was missing a few easily obtained avatars yesterday, and got them today along with the seasonal Illusen Doll. :D Happy Illusen Day!

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Something Has Happened! gtu.gif You are now eligible to use 'Grand Theft Ummagine' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Maybe got a bronze trophy also? I don't know, but it worths wasting my time XD




Finally, got dice-a-roo avvie today and raised to 4 avvie/day luckyblumaroo.gif I didn't expect this go for too soon like this. Just got to play yesterday and today consecutively :rock: :rock: :rock:

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I currently have 246 avatars. I try not to get super worked up about collecting every avatar in existence, because there are so many retired ones I've missed when I wasn't playing Neopets, but I'm still progressing. Right now I'm working on Top Gamer (not very good at flash games and not too enthusiastic about submitting a bunch of pitiful scores for the avatar) and on Jhudora's Cloud (heard that one is more difficult and expensive than Illusen). I'm also aging a couple of Petpets yet and of course waiting on a few randoms.

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Well, I don't know if I got it today. Probably during the war but I didn't notice it... Today I was checking my avatar list to see if I really got the Meerca Henchmen avatar (no LOL) but I saw this lovely I didn't remember to have :D.



Battle Faerie #260

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Something Has Happened! zaffydoubleagent.gif You are now eligible to use 'Zafara - Double Agent' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Hurrah! :D I think all I need are two more items to complete the item avatar set. lol if that makes sense. XD

Thanks to the ALP! :D
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I'm seriously in shock right now, with the most ridiculous grin on my face.

I've played this game so many times. SO MANY TIMES.

And it's finally paid off. ^_^ This is going to be my display avatar for a long while. It took SO LONG to get.

I hate Faerie Bubbles.

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I miss Avartarlog... Was really nice site


I'm on ym way for top gamer avatar... A long way to go!


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Decided to bust a move today and transfer an old pet to a side account and use the pound to help get a few avatars:




Decided to do Lenny first, so I could use the transmog on it (seeing as Jetsams are more rare). Pounded that and found a Jetsam rather quickly to get the other one. :3


edit: oh cool, got this with a little bit of effort:



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I used to be a big avatar hunter and worked hard to achieve a lot of Game-related ones. My current total stands at 319.


There are some random avatars that I've been trying for literally years to get to no avail! They include:


Brightvale Wheel of Knowledge


Blue Grundo Plushie

Wheel of Extravagance (this is an expensive one and I've not tried for ages!)


I'm also frustrated at the new(ish) Rubbish avatar which I can't seem to get...

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