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Something Has Happened! mutantgravedoom.gif You are now eligible to use 'Mutant Graveyard of Doom II' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Glad to finally get this one, it took a lot! of practice!


Hope everyone's having a nice evening & good luck with their chosen avatar!


Are battledome avatars obtainable yet?


Something Has Happened! rubbish.gif You are now eligible to use 'Rubbish' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I'm so happy! :woot: I wasn't even going for it, I was just cleaning out my SDB. I was discarding mostly food. There was no "junk" items..


Are battledome avatars obtainable yet?


Something Has Happened! rubbish.gif You are now eligible to use 'Rubbish' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I'm so happy! :woot: I wasn't even going for it, I was just cleaning out my SDB. I was discarding mostly food. There was no "junk" items..

Yes, the battledome avatars are obtainable, it just doesn't tell you.


Yes, the battledome avatars are obtainable, it just doesn't tell you.


Thank you! Just got the Meuka avatar :)


Edit: I also got Helpful Zafara & Rorru avatar. I was kinda bored. & Mutant Graveyard of Doom II avatar. Really bored :D


Yes, the battledome avatars are obtainable, it just doesn't tell you.



Thanks so much for the info!


Finally got around to this one today!




Something Has Happened! wickedlenny.gif You are now eligible to use 'Lenny - Wicked' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

Carnival or terror was a hard one for me. Worked really hard and got 2 or 3 points away a few times. Finally got it, and have never played the game again.

I'm waiting for Defenders of Neopia to work again so I can finally get one of the Meerca Brothers avatars. I've won against them already, so now I have to wait for an update.


I have 250 avatars, i just recently got the bilge dice avatar, imposter apple avatar and the tyranu evavu avatar in the past 3 days :D

i am currently working on dice-a-roo but that game is beginning to get under my skin...i am having the worst luck with that game!

I would have to say my most proud achievement would have to be the babbas math nightmare avvie :D it's one of my favourites.


pet_rock.gif After months of forgetting I set myself a reminder to get this one! Hooray!


SDB Packrat Avvie: 799/1000

Getting closer!

Something Has Happened! pooralbert.gif You are now eligible to use 'Mutant Graveyard of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Finally! After refreshing a million times, well I didn't count, but it took me forever to get this blooming avvie :O


gormball_gargarox.gif After what seems like a million games of Gormball I am the winner!!!!!


SDB Packrat Progress: 809/1000


Edit: ghostlupe.gif Just got this one to add to my lloooovely collection! My first BD avie!!


I got Drackonack Hungry today! He ate my Cheese Manicotti. It only took two weeks!


Something Has Happened! pinatacandy.gif You are now eligible to use 'Pinatas & Candy!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



FiIimey says 'Yay!'

FiIimey hits their Boochi Pinata - BANG!, and see some fantastic treats burst from inside! (Check your inventory)

yeah! finally my #271 avatar.


9zonf5.png Really happy I finally got that one, and didn't get too many expensive items. Now onto Illusen ;)

Grrr! I'm so jealous. Jhudora is being really mean to me and resetting a lot. It's not a game issue though, it's my stupid computer >.>

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