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Aaargh!! Silly!


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I just made such a silly! I had a zed codestone and I put it in my shop for 42000. Or so I thought!! I left off the last zero and now someone's bought it :( at least it's 'only' 40k and not like 100k, but such a silly mistake...

On a different note, I hope better than you updates this week. I love the weekly challenge!

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Oh, the dreaded 'dropped zero'...I have done that SO MANY TIMES.


I have actually had users buy the item then contact me to see if I meant to sell at that price. Once, someone just sent the item back to me before I even knew it had been purchased (granted, they 'kinda' knew me from the boards...but still, it was nice).


So, yah, it has probably happened to everyone who sells from their User Shop.


That does not make it any less frustrating though!


Good luck with your sales and hopefully you will make up the nps quickly.





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Sorry for your loss :( ... It has happened to me numerous times. Just a few weeks ago it happened to me, lost around 30k on an item. It's very upsetting, but at least you know you probably made another neopians day!! :)


Hope you're able to make up for it somehow!

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I'm not good at math, but I am pretty good at keeping my prices where they should be.


I count my zeros as I type them, and make sure the key actually registers xD

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