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Is it just me, or do you hold your breath waiting for Neopets to load? Every day when I log-on, I wonder if this is the day. Is this the day that the down time starts? No warning, just that 404 Error message.


I've been on the site for so long that it feels like End of Days to me. Is anyone feeling this way about logging in?


No. It's only gonna be a couple of days, and I have plenty of things to do that don't involve neopets.


TNT said they'll give warning, so worrying about when the downtime will start is unnecessary.


Have you read the news last week? TNT clearly stated that we will be given ample warning when the site will go down. Right now there is most likely increased server activity which is lagging several things. So far I've been lucky and haven't been experiencing any lag. Relax and be patient while we wait for the news post that tells us when and for how long the site will be down. It's not the end of the world, it'll be back up after the move. While the site is down, go get some fresh air or complete a project that you've been procrastinating.


Personally, I've always experienced periods of lag. Especially the last few months. I don't think it particularly portends doom. :P Especially given that we have been assured that there will be adequate notice.


It's a big change, a little anxiety is reasonable. But let's not hurt ourselves or anything!


No, not me, really. I'm more concerned about what they're gonna do after the switch; 'cause so far, all they've done is take stuff away. But what I don't understand about it is why did they make such a big deal of it, if they're not gonna do it anytime soon?


i find myself wondering if today's the big day every time i log in too. I have been trying to bank as much as i can from my Habi before the switch. I'm trying to think of it, as a 'new beginning' instead of "the end of days." Although, there is that "end of days" vibe always lurking . :P


I've hesitated on using cookies and planned to use them AFTER the move just because I have the nagging feeling that if I start them, the move will be the next day and even though they said they would do something for those effected I don't trust it will be something good. Basically if they do anything but adjust the time or reimburse the NC used I wouldn't be happy. So I'm holding off.


I've already given up on maxing out Habi. Now it's not fun, now it feels like I'm trying to squeeze out every single NP I can and it's made it work rather than play. I don't come on Neopets to work, LOL. So I'll stick to training up Trixy on one of my sides that has the lab before I bring her over to my main and use up my cookies.


The two days of downtime will be brilliant for my studying, and the things I actually need to do. One less distraction, at least for a while.

There's really nothing to worry about, I don't think. Neopets will come back and be just as we left it. :)


I hold my breath just a little every morning when I load up neopets- and then I go to the news page to see if we have been given notice of it going off.


Im going to be more nervous of logging on AFTER the downtime.. Im just scared in case something goes wrong and my account wont load or my password wont work or my pets are gone or their stats are wrong or ...... well yes I am a little worried lol


I've not had any issues with speed/crashing so far. Even Habi and Keyquest are working normally. I wonder if more people are playing Habi because they are trying to get the most np they can out of it before it disappears forever :(


Now that Sarah, aka DesertRose, and I have our Habis up for the last time, I have to admit a couple things. One, I'm impressed Sarah got her Habi to level 11. Two, I'm concerned that the current NC cards won't be accepted after the change to Jump Start. Does anyone know about this?


Three days without NeoPets. This is going to be ugly.


I have to agree on the Habi part. I didn't expect to get as high as I did. I just made level 12! Three days without Neopets? It's my nighttime entertainment. I know....Pathetic. I'll be at work when the change happens. *cries*



"Mom, relax. I promise you we be okay. I will take care of everyone." --Dusty

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