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I have a little bit of buyer's regret today. I put down a lot of NPS trying to get my Maraqua Stamp page as completed as possible. And by a lot, well, I went from 8mil to 3mil. Okay, so the King Kelpbeard and Scarblade stamps are worth upwards of 80k+ each but you know, I'm trying, lemme alone.


Anyway, I was thinking afterwards. Maybe if I put all my Neopoints into Baby Paint Brushes instead of leaving it in pure, I'd be less likely to run off and spend all my money.


What do you think? Personally, for you? Like if you were in my shoes.


It will definitely deter you from spending, but you may have a tough time getting your full value's worth out of them when you try to resell (especially because they're a buyable one)...


Personally, I would keep pure, or invest in your gallery - you can always sell your items if you get desperate ;)


If you do choose to invest in Baby PBs, be sure to buy them off the trading post and not from the hidden tower! You can get them cheaper on the TP, and you don't want to lose ~20k when you go to sell them later. Baby PBs are one of the easier items to sell though, so you won't have trouble getting 560k-580k whenever you do decide to liquidate them.


Yeah off the TP would probably be better. This is the highest I ever saved my NPs and it was not easy for me because this is not the first time I splurged. Not even close xD


But if I want to start saving for Stamps, SuAP colat, the TM I was saving for to begin with... thought that might help.


Personally, I'm not a fan of having it in Baby Paint Brushes. I'm honestly not sure why. It's not like the price will change significantly, because they're available from the Hidden Tower. I'd just rather have all of my points in pure. It's less of a hassle, plus you know that you're guaranteed not to lose anything (unless you spend it!)


It does seem weird. I feel like I'd feel poor or something. And then in order to use the Auctions I'd have to throw them all up into the TP and hope they sell on time.


That is true. I was almost to 3000 a day I think. I'm going to miss that. xD


I'd definately go pure NP, for the bank interest as well. I always just think if I want to go spend a bunch of NP, well then, I better go make some! I try to only spend money from the bank if I don't feel like going about getting it in other ways or don't have time for it, because if I'm storing NP in the bank I'm making more off it every day.


I would keep them in the bank for the daily interest. If you want to prevent yourself from splurging you can always ban yourself from being able to withdraw neopoints from the bank. Withdraw 1 neopoint 15 times in a row and you'll no longer be able to access your savings until the next day. ;)


If you are willing to spend the neopoints on baby paintbrushes...what's to stop you from selling them again and buying something else that's expensive. I'd keep the neopoints in the bank..you've identified that spending is an issue, that's the first step! Honestly, if you have a goal in mind, like completing your stamp pages or any other collections, I don't see the harm in spending. That's the point of earning np in the first place, right?


The problem here is that my goal was a Draik Transmog. and I spend most of that money on stamps on a spur-of-the-moment collecting spree xD


And I wouldn't be turning around and selling the baby paint brushes immediately because I hate waiting for things to sell. That's why everything in my shop is priced so low.


Well, I think you just answered your question then...safe keep the neopoints into the paint brushes, if that's the tactic that is going to really prevent you from excess spending, then go for it.


Well actually my question was what one would personally do in a situation like mine. That's why it's in the debate chat. :laughingsmiley:


The problem here is that my goal was a Draik Transmog. and I spend most of that money on stamps on a spur-of-the-moment collecting spree xD


And I wouldn't be turning around and selling the baby paint brushes immediately because I hate waiting for things to sell. That's why everything in my shop is priced so low.

Since you don't like waiting for things to sell (I'm the same!) I'd be worried about putting it all into baby paint brushes because you might end up underselling when you do decide to. Although the price is mostly stable because of the Hidden Tower, there still are varying prices on the Trading Post, so you might end up trying to beat prices and losing money.


That's actually a really good point. Since I use the SSW I always lose out on some, but I wouldn't want to lose any pure that I already had just because I was impatient.


How about stocks? Only 1000 shares a day, the cheaper ones are pretty cyclical and will go down and up, so you'll eventually make a teeni profit going that route. I think it's a safe spot to put neopoints, and it's possible to make more than bank interest. Plus you'll know when you'd be in the red if you sell, kind of forces you to hold on until you're in the black (green...whatever...) DayDay made up that point about losing np in objects. If I restock, I do it right then and there so a few days down the road I often times forget what I bought something for (unless I wrote it down...smart thing to do) so I probably lose np sometimes, at least the stock portfolio can quantify your gains/losses automatically.


I've also considered putting my NP (though I think I have very, very few compared to some others here!) into items of some sort so that I'm not tempted to blow them on something silly or something that I'll regret, but the following reasons have stopped me (some have already been listed by others):

- Potential for price fluctuation
- Hassle of getting your money back into pure NP to use it

- Time involved in the above process^

- Not being able to collect interest

- If you don't convert the item (like a BPB) back into pure, you have to worry about either you or the other person losing out on the value of your item if it's not exactly matched in value/price


If you truly have millions upon millions laying around, I'd suggest putting SOME of it into valuable items and then putting them into your gallery, as one poster said, or investing in the stock market like bradsmaroo suggested. Oh, how I wish I also had this rich-neopian-dilemma...


Invest in Armoured Neggs. If anything, I am ALWAYS buying them, and you can always just NM and sell them to me at SSW price/lower if you’re super nice and it’s in bulk.


But that’s for sure the best bet in my opinions. Since the price fluctuates too, and it usually goes up. So when you make you initial first investment, the prices will go up as you buy the cheaper ones.


Supply… demand. :)


But I’ll always buy them from you if you ever do need to sell them; so it’s an almost guaranteed good investment. Granted. You can do Nerkmids too… but people like to be meh with them, and go gamble. Or Pustravaganza Scratchcards, but at 800k, try to sell for 1m… see what I’m getting at?


If you’re going to turn your NP into items, try to find items where you’re not going to LOSE profit, vs have the ability to GAIN profit, e.g., Pustravaganza and Armoured Neggs.


Personally I would be hesitant to invest in any particular item (even Baby PBs) for the near future. With the transition to JumpStart and the killing off of Habitarium, I think that the Neopian economy may be in for a bit of flux. Just seems like a fairly risky time to be investing in items, imo.


Good luck!



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