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Oh hello, I'm Britt. :D


I've been playing Neopets since I was a little kid, but rejoined when I was in high school. Now I am studying I'm coming back again and made a new account. Wich isn't even a week old right now though, already addicted again. I feel that whenever I am too stressed out in real life, I get addicted to Neopets (or another game, or two). Wich probably isn't a good thing.

I started using TDN, just to try it out. And I am really suprised! It helps me out so much. I used to keep track of everything (avvies, dates, times ect) in words files, and check those whenever I was playing.


I also did some lurking on the forums. I love how people can talk about things here and don't immediatly get banned, frozen or anything. I understand there are rules, but it feels much more free and friendly. I used to feel really restrained on the Neoboards and even in guilds. That's why I stopped being in guilds and making friends around Neopets. It's sad though, because a lot of words of wich you get a warning for aren't even ment to be insulting or offensive. However, I udnerstand the rigors. I just feel the need somewhere to openly talk about neo, or with other neopians. :P


So anyways I am exited to come and join the forums here. :)

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As with any forum, there are rules here too, however, MUCH more relaxed and everyone here is VERY friendly. I haven't met anyone on here who isn't willing to help. And the mods, are not given the credit they deserve. When I received a rules violation for a post, I contacted the mod, because I had no clue what she was talking about. She went step by step through my post and explained exactly what the violation was, until I understood. It wasn't easy to get through to me, but she did. My point is, she took the time, and if she was frustrated with me, she certainly didn't show it.


So welcome back, and enjoy. There is so much information here on TDN. I keep it open as the very first window to refer to constantly. For dailies, battledome (challengers, equipment, etc), game guides, etc. Couldn't live without it. The articles tab has a whole wealth of information too. Whew!!!

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Thank you both :D

I hope to enjoy it here too ^^


@Tracy Oh yes ofcourse, every forum does :P I checked the rules/guidelines. They feel very natural. I am not really a person that uses swearwords a lot or insults/harrases someone. Maybe I can do it in a way, but not on purpose. Sometimes there are words/topics that aren't 'allowed' or seen in a different light in different cultures. Just make sure it's good explained, I guess. Or just avoid those topics.

On the Neoboards it were just the small things that made me feel really un-relaxed. As if you can get a warning at any moment and haven't have a clue for what. Or have to 'puzzle' and find out why it was 'bad'. I'm sure it isn't ment that way. And it doesn't happen that much. But it made me feel so restrained. :x


Anyways, that sounds super nice! I saw some posts of mods while I was lurking and already thought they were friendly. But giving such a support sounds/feels really friendly and understanding.


Ha, I havent even seen every part of TDN yet. Time to check out those articles then. :P

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I feel you on the neopets stress escape! lol


It's a great site for procrastination as well ;)


The filters on neo aren't too bad once you get used to them but it's certainly easier to chat here. I hope you enjoy the forums and I look forward to chatting with you! :)

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Hello and welcome!

It's definitely much more relaxed here than on the Neoboards. There are still rules, but our mod team is fantastic, and the staff is more than happy to help if you need something :D


Hope you enjoy your stay!

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Hi Britt! I totally feel you on the 'using Neopets/other games as procrastination' thing. Thinking I'm witty, I even changed my status on my user lookup to Online - Avoiding the Real World. The forum is amazing. To be honest I was really shy of joining it originally, thinking people wouldn't be friendly or I would have nothing to say. But I've honestly never talked to a bunch of nicer people in my life! Everyone from the mods to the newbies is amazing and I hope you have lots of fun! :)

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