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Rubbish Avatar: How Long Did it Take You to Stock Up?


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Stock piling junk is such a chore :P


thankfully I'm almost done and it hasn't taken me an incredible amount of time. Although it took me a while to go through my SDB and pick out all valuables.


So how has everyone else stock pilled their junk? I wish there was a neopian shop that was always well stocked with 1-5np items. Does anyone know of any? I hit the jackpot today and did find one that I got at least a hundred items from for 1 np. I've been having luck searching for "shiny obsidian" in the SW and usually stumbling upon cheap shops.


I'm also kind of scared that once I collect 5000 junk items and mass discard them I won't be left with an avatar.

does it take into consideration the amount you've discarded over time?


what have your experiences been with obtaining this avatar? :)

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I just got it yesterday thanks to the AC Staff Tournament 1 point prize, and I want to say it took me about 4k items to get. Up until I found out about the avatar I had been donating all my items from dailies, but afterwards it took maybe a few weeks. I would hold onto 3-4 junk items and then browse the trading post for free lots and offer 10np (essentially getting 10 items for 10 np). I got about 1k items that way and then the Staff Tournament finished it up after spending about 3k points. If you have any points leftover I'd suggest going that route, otherwise the trading post is a great way to accumulate a good amount. Good luck!

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I forgot that i have prize points to spend! that's a good way to spend the extra points


the trading post has not been working out for me. I've been offering bottled faeries and nps for junk lots. Occasionally I'll get one but it's been slower for me than buying from shops. I've also been putting up items in the 200np range asking for junk items but the fish don't seem to be biting :P

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I did two mass discards thinking it would happen but it didn't so then I just started discarding daily, at the end of my time, after all games, freebies, REs, and shopping, I just discarded.


Now I try discarding as I go. I have absolutely no idea if frequency/volume is a factor or if it all adds up err what. But so far what I've done hasn't worked for me. XD


I just do it now I guess as some sort of experiment to see if you can get it discarding an item at a time or a few at a time until eventually it goes.

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oh man :( I hope you get it eventually! That really stinks. I know someone relatively new to neo, their account was under 4 months at the time so obviously they hadn't discarded that many items previously. Well anyway, they stocked up 5000 items and mass discarded them and got the avatar before they had even gotten rid of everything. I'll see how it goes I guess :/

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I have discarded a few truckloads of junk, I should've just kept it in my SDB because rubbish avatar is so elusive! I'm starting to wonder, if maybe if I reduce the junk in my SDB down to a certain number or range, if that would improve my chances... But honestly, this is just pure speculation. And somehow I doubt it will work. Speaking of the SDB there should be a Master Packrat avatar, imho. Say, maybe at 10,000 total items in the SDB. Sure people would save lots of junk to get it, but then they'd have LOTS of junk to discard for a chance at the Rubbish Avatar.


Just my thoughts on it. :)


Junk items are pretty plentiful thanks to the junk many BD opponents give out. :)

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Speaking of the SDB there should be a Master Packrat avatar, imho. Say, maybe at 10,000 total items in the SDB. Sure people would save lots of junk to get it, but then they'd have LOTS of junk to discard for a chance at the Rubbish Avatar.


Just my thoughts on it. :)


Junk items are pretty plentiful thanks to the junk many BD opponents give out. :)


This should be a thing... How do we make this a thing?

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This should be a thing... How do we make this a thing?


seconding that notion!! you should write in to the NT editorial :P


my SDB is pure junk at this moment with the exception of some NC stuff..less than 2000 items to go!

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I don't have the Rubbish or the Packrat avvies but only because I am such a neat freak and like to stay organized. I want both of those avvies someday, but I, too, am concerned that discarding boatloads of items would get me nowhere... it seems like a waste of time. Anyway, we could do with a little less junk in Neopia, so maybe I'll put my OCD aside and collect some junk too. :)

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It took me a couple of months to get the avatar, but I was discarding as I went (taking multiple items out of my SDB was just too much of a hassle). I don't know if there's a set amount of time you have to discard the items in, but I can confirm it's at least two months. The number appears to be different for everyone, but I've never heard of anyone having to discard more than 7500 or less than 2500. As long as you're using Quick Stock to discard, you should be fine.


Edit: I guess I could mention that I regularly put 1 NP items in my shop, but I only stock a couple times a day. Poisonous Snowflake and Wet Snowflake also usually turn up 1 NP results on the shop wizard.

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seconding that notion!! you should write in to the NT editorial :P


my SDB is pure junk at this moment with the exception of some NC stuff..less than 2000 items to go!



LOL It definitely should be a thing, I've thought so since I got my Pack Rat avatar many years ago. LOL When I first joined up, I didn't think I'd get the pack rat avatar for a very long time.... Got it within my first couple years on the site. LOL Basically, I just saved items I got from quests, random events, and prizes from events. It really added up fast! As for the rubbish avatar, I've discarded more than 3000 items, did that within the first couple weeks of finding out about that avatar. I've kinda given up on getting it, so I'm building some junk back up in my SDB, which is most of what's in there, junk. ;) lol


Maybe I will try submitting it to the NT editorial, they've never featured any of my questions before, maybe this one would work... Good idea. :)

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In spite of reading the posts, I still have no idea how to get the avatar. It sounds like you have donate/discard an epic amount of junk items to get it. Can someone please tell what I have to do to get the avie? Thanks!

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In spite of reading the posts, I still have no idea how to get the avatar. It sounds like you have donate/discard an epic amount of junk items to get it. Can someone please tell what I have to do to get the avie? Thanks!


You have to discard a significant amount of items. Some people have gotten it in ~3000 items, some it took ~5000 items, but it appears to be random for every person. I'm not totally convinced you need to discard them in large amounts at one time, but from my own experience I was discarding 100-200 items at at time and received it after ~4000 items.

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Good luck getting the avatar soon! xD I have yet to tackle this, but it really seems tedious for the amount of junk. lol I probably have a good start from hoarding items in my SBD over the years. I'll send any junk shops I find your way!

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Thanks for al the advice guys. Okay I feel pretty confident now that if I don't get it by the time I discard my 5000 items that I at least have some time to gather up more thousands of items to discard


Lia, before I as actually keeping track of the number of items discarded in an excel sheet XD I don't know how many items I discarded but it was a few months ago. I think I only got to 500 or something. But wouldn't that be awesome if there WAS somewhere on neo that would keep track of that?? awesome idea



does anyone know about the theory of collecting a bunch of the same item? I've been keeping it diverse but a lot of obsidian and old shoes

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hmm interesting. I've been collecting mostly obsidian but it usually leads me to shops stocked full of 1np items so I grab whatever I can get pretty much.


phew down to a little more than 1000 more items to get. I might manage to finish tonight

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Lia, before I as actually keeping track of the number of items discarded in an excel sheet XD I don't know how many items I discarded but it was a few months ago. I think I only got to 500 or something. But wouldn't that be awesome if there WAS somewhere on neo that would keep track of that?? awesome idea


I just have a piece of paper where I'm writing down how many I'm discarding. It would be so cool to have a page with all your Neopets statistics, like how many hours you've played, how much NP you've earned and spent, etc etc.


I would probably also post on the Shop Ads boards on Neopets that you're buying 1NP items for the avatar, some people usually have their 1NP sales going on.

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You are now eligible to use 'Rubbish' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I GOT IT!!! :D I stocked up about 4500 items. I got too lazy to get to 5000 haha but I just started mass discarding at 12NST (I heard some rumor that it helps discarding between 12 and 1?)


well anyways, I had my calculator going, and I mass discarded exactly 3915 items today :)


so if anyone needs junk XD

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