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First time on the Caption Contest!!! *squee*


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Guys. Guys. GUISE. I got in the CC this week!!! FIRST TIME EVER!!! This seems to be my lucky week, right? :D :D :D


So, I wonder if you could spare a vote? It's on the Brazilian CC, which you can find here! (I *think* I managed to make this link automatically vote for me, but anyways, please check it xD)


My caption has the Goldy saying: "Não fique confuso! É só o novo jogo que eles inventaram: Angry Babaa!" which, in Portuguese, means "Don't be confused! It's just a new game they've invented: Angry Babaa!"


Thank you all in advance! <3 <3

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Yay! :D


Congrats and Good Luck, leverhelven!


I'm in the English version, but, as soon as I am confident that I am in the prize tiers I will send the rest of my votes your way! /grin


I also pulled my 'vote for me' signature here on TDNForums so that all possible votes go your way!


Does the Brazilian contest have a lot of competition?


I think that I see a Trophy in your future!






(you should also put the link to the Brazilian CC in your signature!)

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Yay! :D


Congrats and Good Luck, leverhelven!


I'm in the English version, but, as soon as I am confident that I am in the prize tiers I will send the rest of my votes your way! /grin


I also pulled my 'vote for me' signature here on TDNForums so that all possible votes go your way!


Does the Brazilian contest have a lot of competition?


I think that I see a Trophy in your future!






(you should also put the link to the Brazilian CC in your signature!)


Great idea, fullonparanoid! I'm gonna do it right now! :)

Luckily there doesn't seem to be much competition: so far there are only six captions! :D

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awesome!! you are having a lucky spell aren't you :D


I think I voted haha..I clicked you link but it just took me to the english captions? so I closed out of it and clicked the link again and it said.. "Sorry, you can only vote on a caption once every 4 hours."


so I'm assuming it worked XD


good luck this week! ^^

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Thank you, Shelley!


I'm making a mess with siggies, links and stuff. Never thought it'd be so difficult and confusing, gaaah! :S :S


Anyways, the links on this thread and on my siggy seem to be fine. Just found out I won't be able to advertise on Neopets itself, so I need all the help I can get right here :guiltysmiley:


Thanks again! :)

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