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Architecture Fail.

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HAHAHA oh my gosh, before I scrolled down all I was thinking was SOCHI!! XD


not to mention the bathroom is HUGE..like two doors? really?

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Okay, maybe I'm just too much of a Neo-addict for having even noticed it but...





Two toilet seats side by side? Seriously, what kind of bathroom is that, Neopets? :shiftyeyes_anim: LOL!

HAHA OMG. SOCHI 101. But the weird thing is that in my school's locker room them have 2 toilets with no stalls in the middle... I don't know if they have not got round to maxing the stalls or...

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I had actually seen a double toilet before Sochi. There is a building in town that used to have a salon in one of the suites and the bathroom there had two toilets. The only time I could see using a double with no stall is if you and your child are going at the same time.


As for two doors, that's not too weird, either. If you've seen Sex and the City, you know that Carrie has two doors on her bathroom--and that's in an apartment! The house my parents built had two doors on the master bathroom: one leading into the bedroom and one leading out into the hallway. It was a perfect arrangement, because my mom could get me ready for school in the morning without having to worry about bothering my dad, who worked something like 4:30p - 1:30a during my youngest years. (Also good if the bathroom downstairs was taken and you really had to go--just fly up the stairs and straight through the door! No corners!)

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Two toilets, two sinks, but one bathtub? C'mon, TNT! At least add a shower if the bathroom's supposed to be for two.


Well, it could be worse:





Enough internet for today... :sick02:

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