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Counting...with a twist

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Yupyup. I'm allergic to dust, and the carpet in every room of this house is dusty, so I'm always sniffly.


2.I drink honey sometimes...


3 I never really had honey before except for once in hot tea but I couldn't really taste it.


6. A spoonful of local honey a day can help prevent seasonal allergies by giving you a small dose of the pollen regularly (sort of the same concept as allergy shots, but obviously the specific allergens and dose can't be controlled -- so it's really not recommended for those with severe allergies, especially if you've got allergy-induced asthma).


7. this is what happens when you cant think of somthing to say :I


8. I might need to try that whenever the oak pollen and the grass pollen kicks up and also when the grass starts growing back up.


9. It worked every year -- except this year, when I ran out and kept forgetting to get more. And I had allergies for the first time. I'm hoping it gets rid of them.


2. not applicable


Siniri: If you wish to contribute data, post in the thread please, thanks

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