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Kadoatie feeding


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I want to feed kadoaties (: haha.

I've tried so many times, inventory feeding, whiz feeding.. but never any successes, so far.

I keep track of the main and mini times on the forum, and I check it myself if they don't get posted.

I refresh 20 seconds past the minute, sometimes a bit later to check which ones are still left after the fast ones are already taken care of.


Does anyone have some tips for kad feeding?

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How often does your inventory comes out? Is your inventory between 45 and 50 items?


The number one thing that makes the difference is how fast you click. You can try to feed during quiet hours (early in the morning or late at night for instance.) There isn't much more secrets to it, to be honest.

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I had the best luck with SSW feeding early in the morning (midnight-2am NST). I would have one browser window open with the wiz in half my screen, and another in the other half with the kads open. Make sure you're refreshing at 22 seconds past the minute it's supposed to update and continue to refresh for 15-20 seconds after (sometimes they're a tad late). When you're Wiz feeding, you pretty much have to go for the first item you see, as you don't really have time to look at all the items and decide which one you want to feed. I didn't have the patience to build up an inventory, and I found it to be too difficult, where Wiz feeding was extremely easy to me. After a couple weeks of practice, I would say I would feed a Kad about 70% of the refreshes I attempted. I also only did mains and didn't bother with minis, as there's more competition for (usually) a lot less Kads.

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I took ages trying to get those cute little things fed, in the end I managed to feed one that I think no one else wanted to feed because the food it wanted was about 84000 but I just bought it and fed it because I had been trying for ages and really wanted the trophie.


I came to the conclusion my computer isnt fast enough to keep up with other people, I noticed that some have fed thousands !!! so there are some experts about too and you are up against them

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Like Emily said, I found feeding in the early morning was easiest. I usually fed around 3 am - 6 am NST. I tried inventory feeding ages ago, but it was just too frustrating for me to have the kads finally refresh but none of my items were being asked for, so I started SW feeding, and I had much better luck with that.


My method was this: I had the Kadoatery and 2-3 tabs of the SW open in a window, with no other tabs. I made sure that in the SW tabs, they were set to exact match, and the cursor's focus was on the search box. Then, when the kads refreshed, I triple-clicked on a food to highlight the full name, and then I would press Ctrl+C to copy the name, Ctrl+Tab to navigate to the next SW tab, Ctrl+V to paste the name, and Enter to search. Then I would click on the first shop and buy the item as quickly as possible, navigate back to the Kadoatery using Ctrl+Tab, and click on the kad. It worked pretty well. Sometimes I would be the second or third person to feed a kad in a refresh.

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I've had way more luck with Wiz feeding than Inventory feeding as well. It is still super frustrating for me, and I often end up with ridiculous amounts of food that I have to resell, but I still am getting closer to the avatar. I basically do what Lampy does. :D

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I preferred using inventory because although you probably won't get as many kads fed as sw feeding, it's easier for us slowpokes xD I have tried and failed at SW feeding, but I can invent feed even at busy times. It's all a matter of picking a common invent - best way is to check previous lists on the times & lists board to see what looks common and has 45-50 items, like Xepha said. During a main, have ctrl + f ready with your invent word and just click next; it'll take you right to a kad with your item.

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