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32 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you Favouritize a pet over the others?

    • Yes (please explain what makes you fav that pet)
    • No, I adore all my pets equally.
    • I have some that I favor over the others...

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It has me curious :O


My favourite pet has actually been frozen for over 5 years, but he is and always will be my all-time fav. I've created many other neopets and given them personality's, histories and petpages, but somehow my Fiwawou just has this special place in my heart that makes me adore him a lot more than my other pets.


Am I the only one who plays favourites with her neopets?


I'm always playing favorite with Aberna_Vaashyr. Her name is based on the city I was born in and she's my battle pet. It would take forever to zap/train a pet up to her level, so she's irreplaceable at this point. It helps that she was zapped into a Maraquan Grarrl, but I'd pay any amount to get her looking amazing if she didn't already.

I like some of my pets better than others, but my favourite would have to be Zyla439, despite her terrible name that 9 y/o me made up. I've spent a lot of NP on her for training, books, paint jobs...heck, the main reason I got the lab ray was to hopefully zap her into a Darigan Xweetok. That dream never came true, and eventually I got a FFQ, so I morphed her into a Pteri and FFQ'd her Mutant for the war of the Obelisk. She is my first pet, too, so I hold a special bond with her. (Wow, that sounded cheesy. x_x)

Even though I love all of my pets I do have the ones that have a special place in my heart. Maingo, LooLouTari, Karbeet, Artyal, Usiima, Dizoo, Katinqa, Laymand, Peachamina and Sillua are my buddies. Don't get me wrong I love all of my pets, but those pets are my special ones. That's half of my pets :D


I don't really have any residual feelings for past pets (Except for a UC Faerie Shoyru I had, named Suppress, but alas, he's long gone), but I love my current two pets equally. I do very different things with them- one is my BD pet (and also the one I make get jobs from the Emplyment Agency, haha), and the other one is my reader.


Not what I expected :P I thought I'd get a lot of emotional attachments to the personalities and characters itself, but instead I hear a lot of people adore/favouritising a pet for different reasons :O


Not what I expected :P I thought I'd get a lot of emotional attachments to the personalities and characters itself, but instead I hear a lot of people adore/favouritising a pet for different reasons :O


The pets I'm most attached to are the ones that I would like to be my pets in real life. I could only imagine putting a leash and collar on Artyal and Maingo and taking them for walks :D


My peophin is my favorite, she was my first creation (at such a tender age, lol) and I just invested most of my NP in getting her books etc.

Later, I adopted a Xweetok, and my sister a few days after I made an account adopted a Wocky. I like them all, but I only send my peophin to battledome or really invest in her. I've changed as the years have gone by, and I've done SOME things with the other pets but... Now I feel guilty. Dang it.






Rufus is, hands down, my favorite pet. He was the first one I created when I was 10, and he's been the focus of my slowly-gained knowledge of Neopets. He was the first pet I invested in for a paint brush (~400k for an electric pb was a big deal for me back then), and now he's my battle pet and my book-reader.

Other than that, Atana on my side account is a favorite, because she was my dream pet, and I invested quite a bit for her pb.


I suppose it partly comes down to looks... I've always wanted a dog, and that's why I chose a Lupe as my first pet... And I've come to love the look of Xweetoks.


Sometimes I do end up having to tell myself that they're not real, though, and that I shouldn't feel guilty for choosing favorites... :P


Yup! Morgaitha is my first pet. She's still a red Lupe, and she always will be. I have the lab and I have a FFQ. I could paint her if I wanted, but I love her just the way she is. Halloween lupes are pretty reddish, so I've been contemplating painting her werelupe, but I'm still deliberating. She gets all the books I come across and I zapped pound lupes for a while just to get her the desert pb clothes.


Ossifraga is my second pet, battle pet and she looks pretty cool. Besides, her name means bone breaker, and that's pretty cool in and of itself!


I have attempted to keep my pets fairly even such as with the number of books read and underwater fishing levels. However, I sometimes play favorites with my Pirate Shoyru, Baby_Norbert_II. He was the first pet I created when I got my account so I guess we share a "special bond." :) I have trained him more than my other pets and usually use him when I have something special to do.

  • 1 month later...

I definitely play favorites with my pets. I've had my grarrl CookieThrasher since the first day playing Neopets. I like how everyone seems to be really sentimental with their first pets as well. :)


It's not intentional but it happens. I do this with SteppingWolf because I guess I customized him and his pages first because I wanted to get everything ready to start giving him gourmet food.


I give my pets back stories and personalities which makes it hard to choose a favourite in those terms because I put the same amount of thought into each one, so I only end up favouring some pets over others due to practical reasons.


Even though I love all of my pets I do have the ones that have a special place in my heart. Maingo, LooLouTari, Karbeet, Artyal, Usiima, Dizoo, Katinqa, Laymand, Peachamina and Sillua are my buddies. Don't get me wrong I love all of my pets, but those pets are my special ones. That's half of my pets :D


:laughingsmiley: Haha, I don't get how you can have 10 "favourites" out of 20!


It's a pretty good question. "Qamur" is my newest pet having been adopted from the Pound yet I couldn't seem to let go. I adopted "kanicoma" at the same time but had no trouble abandoning her. However out of the 4 it's the one I feel most distant to, probably because in my head he will forever remain the baby (in order and in colour).


I think I hold my other three equally though. "Wooreneye" was my first, now at 4603 days old and my favourite for a long time, however since finding permanent forms and customisations for "Camaradery" and "Furrand" I'm pretty sure I hold each of the three equally. This is despite never having any of the others except Wooreneye be my main pet though: he's the reader, the battler, everything.


The way I see it is just because I always have one main pet and gets everything gameplay-wise, I appreciate his presence in the family as much as the other two. :rolleyes_anim:


Oh, for sure - Avoliere was my first "dream" pet, who I created and painted using an FFQ several years ago (Maraquan Gelert). He's the one pet I'll never transfer off my main account.


Haha, yes! I am definitely guilty of this! My two favorite pets is my coco and pink usul although my hissi is my battle pet! For my two favorites I’m always reading them books, changing their wearables, etc..


I guess I would probably call Wyrdfell my favorite. I try to make sure to go to Coltzan's Shrine with only him on the off chance that it gives a stat increase. He's also my battledome pet, and the first pet that I painted without any donations or help from anyone.

Blodhren is pretty amazing too though. I had wanted a faerie pet since I started playing. One of my best friends irl helped me paint her Ghost originally. She was the very first pet I'd ever painted. When I got the Faerie Paint Brush from a plot prize, I had to use it on her because she looked the best as a faerie out of my main pets.

Fuzen is my Neoquest pet, though. So I don't know. I try to keep them all even with regard to intelligence (though Wyrdfell edges ahead because of Coltzan's help) and fishing skill. All of them are dreamies. So I guess I'm pretty neutral aside from BD training?

  • 1 month later...

I do play favorites, but I do share my love with others too! I tend to favor those who were painted, but the special one for me would be a yurble I adopted. I don't know why but he really stuck with me! I usually adopt cause I want avatars, but he stuck with me for the longest time now =) I wonder if my original pets are jealous hehe :D


I still feel really attached to my first pet, a blue wocky named katty#############. My best friend at the time made an identical wocky that was also named katty############# (the numbers were off by 1 I think). TERRIBLY named, but I loved her so much. I was planning on painting her faerie, but then I was too busy hoarding my np, and I went on a hiatus (after which I was birthday-locked out of the account).


Currently, my favourite pet is Crykes. She's the only one I'm training at the moment. I really wanted a poogle for the longest time but I couldn't afford the 1M price tag, so I was really sad until a girl messaged me saying that she had stuck Crykes in the pound. Luckily, since Crykes gets stuck in the pound, I was able to adopt her :)


I've always wanted to be the kind of player that has only one pet and focuses all their attention on that one, but there are just so many cute species/colour combos that I never could. I currently have 11 pets that I plan on keeping, but I still find myself favouring two in particular. It's much easier to do so when they're on your main account. One is my battle/job agency pet and the other is my reader.


i spose i favor certain ones...i favor my purge pet Grunge because i had this huge list and lost so much sleep trying to get a purge pet and although i ended up with a few ...Grunge was the best one...as for stats i favor my bd pet...and i favor Aersy for books...one of these days id like to get a trophy...just depends on the day and what im doing i guess


i spose i favor certain ones...i favor my purge pet Grunge because i had this huge list and lost so much sleep trying to get a purge pet and although i ended up with a few ...Grunge was the best one...as for stats i favor my bd pet...and i favor Aersy for books...one of these days id like to get a trophy...just depends on the day and what im doing i guess


What's a purge pet?


Well, my favorite pets EVER are Cybunnies, so I love my two Cys a lot! But I have a special place in my heart for my Gelert, he was my very first pet! <3



What's a purge pet?


Well, my favorite pets EVER are Cybunnies, so I love my two Cys a lot! But I have a special place in my heart for my Gelert, he was my very first pet! <3

A purge pet is one that was created during the purge (durrrr). The purge is when TNT has these bots go through the system, and delete old, inactive accounts (ones that haven't been accessed in YEARS). When the account is deleted, the pets names are up for grabs- which ends up being a big deal. A lot of real words, and real world names become available, and people stay up super late to try to catch a name they've been dreaming about for years. :)


hehe yea people make a huge fuss over it...i mainly wanted 2 names and neither of them purged last time :( the few names on my list mostly purged while i was sleeping...i wasnt about to stay up all night for some haha but im glad i got at least one :)

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