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Tyrannian Victory Day!


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The Hissi isn't too bad! Most Tyrannian pets are more hideous than Mutant pets (imo), but not this time...this one looks great!


Nice wearables, too, and I really like how the Tyrannian Fir is a fern/palm tree or something XD

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As others have said, that Hissi is rather neat. :D I think my favorite is the background and the Fir though. So cute. <3

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TNT did an amazing job for Tyrannian Victory day! The pet, petpets, and both wearables are just lovely! :D

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I don't think mutants or Tyrannians are hideous. And I guess I'm alone in the not liking the new hHssi color. I think more could have been done with it. I wouldn't have minded seeing a Tyrannian Buzz or Lutari

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Everything looks super cool! I normally don't like Tyrannian paint (despite my Kougra), but I like these quite a bit. And the foreground and background look pretty spiffy. Might have to consider it for my kougra...

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