D305 Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 I have questions about various avatars and instead of making a separate topic for each question, I thought compiling in one topic would be better.. Hopefully difference people that know different answers will take a look and answer :) Even if you just have information about a single one I'd appreciate anything you can share! Jetsam - Wanna Fight? Complete a fight with a Jetsam. It does not matter whether you win or lose. You can fight with your Jetsam or your opponent can fight with a Jetsam. Above is what the solution says here on TDN's NeoAvatars page. I tried fighting against a jetsam and did not receive the avatar. My first thought it would because of the BD being in beta and therefore some avatars may not be working correctly. I tried fighting a darigan tonu for that avatar and got it perfectly fine. I looked around and some people were saying that they could only unlock it when they fought with and against a jetsam. So if that's the case is the solution posted incorrect? Or is it just glitched by the beta? Drackonack - Hungry I personally have gotten this avatar. I got it before the new inventory, which from I've heard has made certain avatars unachievable. Now I'm wondering if this is currently unachievable because of the inventory change or if it's working fine? I ask as my girlfriend is trying for it and it took me days if not weeks to get the avatar myself and wouldn't want her wasting her time if it's not working right now. Dr. Grumps Score 900+ in Gourmet Club Bowls This one isn't an actual question about the avatar. This game just won't load for me on any browser. Does anyone have this game working? If you do, do you have any suggestions on what I can try to have it work? (browser, settings, updates, etc.) Easter Cybunny Send this NeoGreeting to anyone during April 8-10, the days of Easter weekend during the year this avatar was released. This one says that it's april 8-10, I probably should have inquired about this previously, but anyhow. As Easter this year was in March, I'm wondering if I have missed this avatar or if it's set on those days yearly and I just have to do as it states. Is it a 'random' where you need to try multiple times or is it just a single time needed for the avatar? Evil Coconut Randomly awarded when you knock down (but don't explode) a coconut in Coconut Shy. You can play 20 times a day. There is no event that says you have gotten the avatar. I understand this game is of chance, but is there absolutely no strategy to help you possibly take one down? Does just aiming at certain coconuts increase your chances? Aiming at a certain position (throwing just at the middle one, etc.)? I tend to get a lot more 300np throws than 50np throws now, but I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong that may be hindering my chance of getting this one. That's all for now, I totally blanked out on some of my questions as I was writing this. Anyways, any help anyone can give is appreciated :) Quote
Nimphal Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 I will just go for the ones I know - the Drackonack I think is not working right now due to the changes in inventory. I would advise your gf to wait a bit before delving into getting it :D The Jetsam one is most probably because of the new BD, it's all sorts of unpredictable. There really is not strategy to the coconut game I know of. I usually aim for the middle one, find the sweet spot, throw a few times, find the sweet spot again and so on. Whether a coconut falls, moves or does nothing is purely up to chance Gourmet Club Bowls has been down for what seems years now. It is not loading for most people. There were some tricks with shockwave, something about loading another shockwave game and then while that one is running trying for the Gourmet Club Bowls, but this was largely unsuccessful. No idea about the greetings one, sorry. Good luck! :) Quote
siniri Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 1) I just got that in the new BD, I think; I fought someone who had a Jetsam. I think I might not have gotten the pop-up, but it showed up on my list. (Sorry, this was like the first day of the war, and so I've fought over a thousand battles since then and can't remember well!) 2)I've seen others say (in the "what avatars do you have" thread) that they have gotten this one (again, showing just in the list, not on the inventory page), but they have to rearrange their cheeses on either side of the drackonack to get it. (Refresh a few minutes; if it hasn't worked, put them in the SDB, then pull out in reverse order and refresh again.) 3)It's telling me to update to the latest flash, which I already have. 4)I'm pretty sure I got it the first time I sent the greeting; I suspect it's too late for this year. 5)I tend to aim just right of center, but try to hit the coconut in the middle, right near the base. Eventually, I'll have to re-aim, as Nimphal said. They seem to have made the game a bit easier; my friend got it one day and when she told me, I tried and got it that same day. This was last year, though -- I suspect they might have made it a bit harder again. I think if you just play every day, eventually you'll get it. Quote
Ali Cat Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 Jetsam - Wanna Fight? Complete a fight with a Jetsam. It does not matter whether you win or lose. You can fight with your Jetsam or your opponent can fight with a Jetsam. Above is what the solution says here on TDN's NeoAvatars page. I tried fighting against a jetsam and did not receive the avatar. My first thought it would because of the BD being in beta and therefore some avatars may not be working correctly. I tried fighting a darigan tonu for that avatar and got it perfectly fine. I looked around and some people were saying that they could only unlock it when they fought with and against a jetsam. So if that's the case is the solution posted incorrect? Or is it just glitched by the beta? This avatar is available in the new Battledome, but it seems to depend on which pet does the challenging. Whichever pet did not send the challenge the time you tried, try getting that pet to do so and see if you get the avatar at the end of that ^_^ Drackonack - Hungry I personally have gotten this avatar. I got it before the new inventory, which from I've heard has made certain avatars unachievable. Now I'm wondering if this is currently unachievable because of the inventory change or if it's working fine? I ask as my girlfriend is trying for it and it took me days if not weeks to get the avatar myself and wouldn't want her wasting her time if it's not working right now. The new inventory is glitched and refreshing avatars are being incredibly finicky. There have been a few people who say they are getting avatars but no alerts, but overall, most people just aren't receiving avatars at the moment from inventory refreshers :/ Dr. Grumps This one isn't an actual question about the avatar. This game just won't load for me on any browser. Does anyone have this game working? If you do, do you have any suggestions on what I can try to have it work? (browser, settings, updates, etc.) That's a long-standing problem that TNT never gets around to fixing, unfortunately. The same is true with Hannah and the Pirate Caves (I still haven't managed to get that one since no computer will let me play it.) There are a few tricks people say work, but I've tried them and had no success. If you want to look them up, they'd be your best bet besides just trying to find a computer that lets you play it. Edit: We actually have an alert about it on the Gourmet Club Bowls page with some instructions to try :) http://www.thedailyneopets.com/neopets-games/gourmet-club-bowls/ Easter Cybunny This one says that it's april 8-10, I probably should have inquired about this previously, but anyhow. As Easter this year was in March, I'm wondering if I have missed this avatar or if it's set on those days yearly and I just have to do as it states. Is it a 'random' where you need to try multiple times or is it just a single time needed for the avatar? As the description says, it's available April 8-10 (since that was Easter weekend the year it came out.) It stays that way every year. :) You'll get it the first time you send the Neogreeting on one of those days. Evil Coconut I understand this game is of chance, but is there absolutely no strategy to help you possibly take one down? Does just aiming at certain coconuts increase your chances? Aiming at a certain position (throwing just at the middle one, etc.)? I tend to get a lot more 300np throws than 50np throws now, but I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong that may be hindering my chance of getting this one. We have a guide we link to in the avatar pop-up on Neoavatars: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/coconut-shy-theory/ By no means is it a guaranteed success, but following that theory will give you a better chance of hitting the coconut; it's still chance whether or not it falls down, but at least you get some neopoints :P Lamppost, Emily, Mouseykins and 1 other 4 Quote
D305 Posted April 6, 2013 Author Posted April 6, 2013 Wow thanks for all the replies. Really appreciate the info and links :) Will try some of those suggestions out and see what happens. As for the inventory avatars, does anyone know where I should be checking for updates to know when/if they are updated to work properly? :) Quote
Mozzy Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 I got the Drackonack - Hungry avatar a few days ago without an alert. I had to rearrange my cheeses though. Quote
D305 Posted April 6, 2013 Author Posted April 6, 2013 Thanks Mozzy. I'm assuming that means it is working then :)As for the Jetsam avatar, I tried again with the other person challenging and with me challenging. Neither worked :( Don't know if there's something else involved with that one.. Quote
siniri Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 I challenged the person who had the Jetsam. We made sure to finish the battle (I ended up winning even though I was playing with my non-battle pet, but I didn't think you had to win). I don't think I got a pop-up, but it was there when I checked my list on the neoboard preferences. Quote
Aycis Posted April 6, 2013 Posted April 6, 2013 I remember someone with a Jetsam challenged me and I didn't get the avatar T_T This was in the BETA battledome, so I have no clue why it's not working. Hoping it'll work for everyone soon though :3 Dr. Grumps < I can't open the Gourmet Club Bowls game either. :X None of my browsers worked nor any solutions that I found online so, bah D:! Quote
D305 Posted April 6, 2013 Author Posted April 6, 2013 I challenged the person who had the Jetsam. We made sure to finish the battle (I ended up winning even though I was playing with my non-battle pet, but I didn't think you had to win). I don't think I got a pop-up, but it was there when I checked my list on the neoboard preferences. Was this recently? Do you remember what kind of jetsam they had? Doubt that has anything to do with it, but just in case. I've done various battles where I challenged and they challenged. I've lost and I've won some and still nothing. Quote
siniri Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 Ah, crud. I just double-checked; it was the Tonu - Charge avatar, not the Jetsam one. Sorry. But I challenged the person with the Tonu. I didn't get a pop-up in the battledome, but it did show up on my list. It was during the first wave of the war. So maybe they're glitchy like inventory ones are. Quote
D305 Posted April 7, 2013 Author Posted April 7, 2013 Well I got the tonu one as well without a problem. That's why I'm stumped on this jetsam one.. Quote
Lamppost Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 If you're sure you've tried everything, you could submit a ticket to TNT at the Battledome beta page. Maybe the Jetsam avatar just isn't working like it's supposed to. I'm sure they would want to know that so they can fix it. Quote
crazy_cat_luv_bb Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 I wonder about Gourmet Club Bowls, too. Unfortunately, TDN guide couldn't help me, because Hannah & Pirate Cave wouldn't load for me either so I didn't achieve this one :( Quote
D305 Posted April 7, 2013 Author Posted April 7, 2013 I wonder about Gourmet Club Bowls, too. Unfortunately, TDN guide couldn't help me, because Hannah & Pirate Cave wouldn't load for me either so I didn't achieve this one :( I actually downloaded chrome and tried it like it said. H&tPC didn't load for me in IE and FF, but it works fine in chrome. Sadly following the steps didn't work for Gourmet Club Bowls. It keeps saying there's issues with the flash content or something and that's about it. At least now I have another game to try considering H&tPC is an avatar game as well :) Did you try it in Chrome or your normal browser? Quote
Spritzie Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 I recommend continuing to try for GCB. Using the directions linked to above, I was able to get it working at home. Unfortunately, I was tired and figured since I'd gotten it working, I'd get it another night. The next time I tried, I couldn't get it working, but I was able to get it working with the same directions on my work computer with a few tries. Quote
D305 Posted April 7, 2013 Author Posted April 7, 2013 I recommend continuing to try for GCB. Using the directions linked to above, I was able to get it working at home. Unfortunately, I was tired and figured since I'd gotten it working, I'd get it another night. The next time I tried, I couldn't get it working, but I was able to get it working with the same directions on my work computer with a few tries. I'll keep trying randomly and see if I get lucky. As for other avatar questions: Symol The guide on TDN says it works hourly. I'm wondering if that's true, because no matter when I go it just says 'can we try again tomorrow.' I just want to know if I should make it a daily visit or if I should keep trying multiple times a day? Anyone have any ideas? Has anyone got it from going multiple times a day? My gf got it on a daily visit, so not sure if it works hourly. Quote
Rune Valentine Posted April 7, 2013 Posted April 7, 2013 Yes you can visit every hour, not every visit will count for something/win you a prize/get you the avatar. You'll just have to keep trying Quote
D305 Posted April 7, 2013 Author Posted April 7, 2013 I recommend continuing to try for GCB. Using the directions linked to above, I was able to get it working at home. Unfortunately, I was tired and figured since I'd gotten it working, I'd get it another night. The next time I tried, I couldn't get it working, but I was able to get it working with the same directions on my work computer with a few tries. So I kept trying and it still wouldn't work with what it said. But I did copy the url into a new tab and that got it to work after a few tries with the error popping up. Now that it works I just need to learn how to play.. Having a difficult time. But it definitely is an achievable avatar and possibly trophy as well considering not many people get to play it! Easter Cybunny available today :) Quote
Rebecca~ Posted April 8, 2013 Posted April 8, 2013 So I kept trying and it still wouldn't work with what it said. But I did copy the url into a new tab and that got it to work after a few tries with the error popping up. Now that it works I just need to learn how to play.. Having a difficult time. But it definitely is an achievable avatar and possibly trophy as well considering not many people get to play it! Easter Cybunny available today :) Definitely! The one time I got it to load, I just kept playing (and not sending my score) until I got the points I needed for the avatar- and I ended up with a third place trophy! It's definitely not too hard- just keept trying. :) (Also, once you get it to load, I'd get all the Shockwave avatars out of the way. Both Hannah and the Pirate Caves and Dice Escape are easy, and have guides you can follow exactly. :)) Quote
D305 Posted April 9, 2013 Author Posted April 9, 2013 Ooh I didn't even think about dice escape.. Are there any other games like these? With the loading issues? I got the avatar for club bowls though & hopefully my score stays for the gold trophy! But I'll definitely get the pirate caves next & I'll see if dice escape works on chrome. by the way I found a way to get gourmet club bowls to load on the first try every time. I've only tested it on my computer so not sure if it'll work for others. Quote
Rebecca~ Posted April 9, 2013 Posted April 9, 2013 Ooh I didn't even think about dice escape.. Are there any other games like these? With the loading issues? I got the avatar for club bowls though & hopefully my score stays for the gold trophy! But I'll definitely get the pirate caves next & I'll see if dice escape works on chrome. by the way I found a way to get gourmet club bowls to load on the first try every time. I've only tested it on my computer so not sure if it'll work for others. I think those are the only three. :) Best of luck getting your gold trophy! Quote
crazy_cat_luv_bb Posted April 9, 2013 Posted April 9, 2013 I actually downloaded chrome and tried it like it said. H&tPC didn't load for me in IE and FF, but it works fine in chrome. Sadly following the steps didn't work for Gourmet Club Bowls. It keeps saying there's issues with the flash content or something and that's about it. At least now I have another game to try considering H&tPC is an avatar game as well :) Did you try it in Chrome or your normal browser? My normal browser is chrome ;) But I tried bot FF and IE already. So maybe I will try copy URL into a new tab. Maybe that will help ?! Quote
D305 Posted April 9, 2013 Author Posted April 9, 2013 I think those are the only three. :) Best of luck getting your gold trophy! I looked at the guide for dice escape and I'm sure I'll be able to get that avatar very easily. And I got my trophy :) My normal browser is chrome ;) But I tried bot FF and IE already. So maybe I will try copy URL into a new tab. Maybe that will help ?! That's what I had to do to get it working the first time I finally got it working. I pasted the url into the normal tab and refreshed (still got the error message), until it worked. I do have a way of getting it to work on the first try. I'm going to test it on my girlfriend's computer and see if it works the same as it does on mine. If it does I'd like to share it with everyone, perhaps get it posted as a possible solution on the gourmet club bowls guide? :) I've tried dice escape, but it's not working properly. It loads fine in chrome and FF. But the dice is under? the board instead of being on top (which is how it's supposed to be?) Is this not fixable? Well I got the avatar, played it even though can't actually see the dice properly. ;x So today I magically got the gold trophy in Pyramids. After 100 games and no pyramids complete, I got two in a row. I had the bronze from a few months back, so I'm wondering will I not have to get the silver trophy? Is it not possible to have the silver and gold? Quote
TotallyPommy Posted April 10, 2013 Posted April 10, 2013 I've wondered about the Jetsam one too! Lots of people have said it doesnt work. Thanks for the advice! Quote
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