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So some people told me that the way to get faction challenges is to hold down the refresh key for 30 seconds.


I seem to remember that being against the rules, though. If you refresh like that to get random events (which a faction challenge is) then you're breaking the rules. Am I wrong?


I've always gone with "as long as it's your finger, it's okay". Basically, don't use anything to hold down the F5 key but your own finger. I do it the 15-30 second spurts because my computer is so slow- it takes forever to load up again after a refresh.


Though, I went looking for an editorial that said that holding it down for a short period of time was okay, and I was proved wrong.


Hey TNT, I've been hoping to get the Lab Ray Scientist as a Battledome challenger for months now and haven't had any luck. What are the odds of getting him as a challenger when you go to the Lab Ray page? Is it against the rules to refresh a few times in the hope of it happening? Could you remove my username if this gets published? Thanks. :) ~[username removed]
You're welcome to give it a reasonable amount of refreshes. Just remember though, please no coffee mugs carefully balanced on your F5 key, automatic refreshers, or mass refreshing. Just tap tap tap. ;D


Err. So. Yeah, I guess I won't be doing that anymore. XD


EDIT: Just found another editorial that said it was fine.


Some people say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. For example some avatars people say you can only get from refreshing and they say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. Is that true? ~ x_tammeh
Just like many things in Neopets and life, there is a line. Let's clarify.

- Hitting refresh repeatedly for a few minutes, allowing the page to load. – Great

- Holding down F5 for 10-30 seconds at a time, checking for the avatar/challenger, then trying again if it has not been achieved – Still good.

- Holding down the F5 key for 20 minutes – Okay, but try to take a break for your mental sake and ours.

- Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key while you make a sandwich. – Not good.

- Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key all night while you sleep – Bad.

- Using a program that refreshes for you at the same rate as a human – Frozen!

- Using Opera to open 100+ pages and hitting "refresh all" – VERY frozen.

Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.




So it seems like holding down the F5 key is fine, but if you really want to play it safe, you can just tap tap tap. :D


Rebecca, what editorial was it from? The people who were saying it's okay got this from the Neopian Times #521:


People seem to be taking what was said in Editorial 446 (and any other Editorial that may be similar to it) as an okay to go ahead and refresh any page on the site just for the sake of refreshing in order to get Random Events. While I doubt that was actually your intention, would you mind clarifying again whether or not refreshing just to get Random Events that have nothing to do with avatars or Battledome challengers is allowed? ~esomera
You're welcome to refresh the site where and however often you like, as long as YOU are PHYSICALLY doing the refreshing without the aid of your cat/mug/water bottle/robot butler sitting on the F5 key. So, if you want to sit at your computer pressing f5 for 6 hours straight, that's acceptable, though we wouldn't advise it for your own well-being. (Also, to clarify, using any "refresh all" browser functions and the like are also off limits. Again, you must refresh each page yourself or we consider it using an outside force to aid you.)



I took that as you have to press it repeatedly--and how would they prove that it's not something sitting on it, that it was your own finger?--but they took it as since you are personally holding it down, it's fine.

  On 3/3/2013 at 5:27 PM, YTTRIUM said:

Rebecca, what editorial was it from? The people who were saying it's okay got this from the Neopian Times #521:


People seem to be taking what was said in Editorial 446 (and any other Editorial that may be similar to it) as an okay to go ahead and refresh any page on the site just for the sake of refreshing in order to get Random Events. While I doubt that was actually your intention, would you mind clarifying again whether or not refreshing just to get Random Events that have nothing to do with avatars or Battledome challengers is allowed? ~esomera

You're welcome to refresh the site where and however often you like, as long as YOU are PHYSICALLY doing the refreshing without the aid of your cat/mug/water bottle/robot butler sitting on the F5 key. So, if you want to sit at your computer pressing f5 for 6 hours straight, that's acceptable, though we wouldn't advise it for your own well-being. (Also, to clarify, using any "refresh all" browser functions and the like are also off limits. Again, you must refresh each page yourself or we consider it using an outside force to aid you.)



I took that as you have to press it repeatedly--and how would they prove that it's not something sitting on it, that it was your own finger?--but they took it as since you are personally holding it down, it's fine.

It was 300-something, I think. The one in the edit was a bit older.


But yeah, that's what I originally thought. XD Usually humans need to take a break, whereas other things don't. Most people would only be able to hold it down for a couple minutes at a time before releasing it.


Thanks for the tip, and for citing the editorial! I was having trouble getting the random event, so I held it down with my finger for about 15 seconds, and got one!


Is there some special prize if we finish the achievements the day they are released? Like in Games Master Challenge? If not, I won't have to frantically press the refresh button today -.-


Holding down the F5 button just turns up the volume as my computer (and my dad's one) is a Mac (:


So I have to click the button at the top of the page if I want the challenge... <_<

  On 3/3/2013 at 7:58 PM, jcpet said:

Is there some special prize if we finish the achievements the day they are released? Like in Games Master Challenge? If not, I won't have to frantically press the refresh button today -.-


That's how it has been in all recent events that I can remember, so I would count on it being like that in this one as well. But no one knows anything for a fact.

  On 3/3/2013 at 8:55 PM, Duskitty said:

Holding down the F5 button just turns up the volume as my computer (and my dad's one) is a Mac (:

Command + R, apparently, works on Macs. Give it a shot.


Sometimes their editorials aren't always up-to-date for their rules (like they decide that something is okay, and then, nope, don't do it), especially since I read that some people have been banned for holding down the F5 button (see this thread). I'd be careful using that method!


TNT has changed their answer on this over the years (i.e., in one editorial they said it was not okay, but in all others before and after that one, they said refreshing manually, using your own power, was perfectly okay). For completeness's sake, here are the relevant editorials, in chronological order (hiding repetitive ones in spoiler tags)*:

Issue 219: Some people say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. For example some avatars people say you can only get from refreshing and they say that you can get frozen from refreshing to much. Is that true? ~ x_tammeh

Just like many things in Neopets and life, there is a line. Let's clarify. Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.
- Hitting refresh repeatedly for a few minutes, allowing the page to load. ? Great
- Holding down F5 for 10-30 seconds at a time, checking for the avatar/challenger, then trying again if it has not been achieved ? Still
- Holding down the F5 key for 20 minutes ? Okay, but try to take a break for your mental sake and ours.
- Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key while you make a sandwich. ? Not good.
- Leaving your "cat" on the F5 key all night while you sleep ? Bad.
- Using a program that refreshes for you at the same rate as a human ? Frozen!
- Using Opera to open 100+ pages and hitting "refresh all" ? VERY frozen.

Basically, anything that plays the site for you, and requires no effort on your part, is considered a "bot" and will get you frozen. Even your "cat." This includes auto refresher functions in browsers, or putting a weight on F5 to do things the old fashioned way. If you don't do any of that, you don't have to worry.


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Issue 323: After a lovely discussion about refreshing at the Advent Calendar for a Christmas paint brush, we all know that your have a fairly good chance of getting one if you explore around the Terror Mountain area. So I think it is wrong to solely sit at the Advent Calendar and do nothing but hit F5 waiting for a paint brush to fall into your lap. I don?t care about being wrong; I'd just rather be more informed on this topic. Please elaborate and clear this up. ~krystalsalerno

We could have sworn that somewhere in another Editorial we said that refreshing solely for the purpose of gaining wealth through Random Events was a no-no. Also, to make sure people don't get the wrong impression, refreshing in Terror Mountain will not shower you with Christmas paint brushes. It's a fairly rare Random Event. {Note: The writer of this editorial was incorrect about past answers, and later editorials also contradict this answer. This is where my own hesitancy about refreshing came from, but now I'm less worried having seen that all other editorial answers contradict this one; see below.}
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Ack, yeah, please avoid doing that for the safety of your account. Just refresh the old-fashioned way of pushing F5 or clicking the refresh button in a rational manner. :) {Sorry, this is part of the spoiler, and I've triple-checked and moved the spoiler tag, but it keeps messing up.}



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Issue 379: On my side account, I've received a number of Random Events yielding some nice items (like codestones). Could I send them to my main account? I mean, you can't disable Random Events, since they just randomly pop up. It's not profit
purposely made by the player. Please remove my username if this question is published, by the way. Thanks. :) ~[username removed]

Yes, as long as you aren't attempting to abuse the system (refreshing for Random Events on multiple accounts/browsers) or anything

like that, sending items you receive as Random Events to your main account is fine. :) {emphasis added}

Issue 440: I recently saw someone post on the Neoboards that they found a Turmac Petpet at the Rubbish Dump! I LOVE those cute little Turmacs, and I was wondering if this was truly possible? It seemed as though it was, as the person had the items in their trades. I wanted to ask first, though, before I went completely loony refreshing and searching for a Turmy! BTW, I don't have cookies, but I have a lot of appreciation that should bring some warm fuzzy feelings! 0:) ~tipherz84

Yep! They've been known to rummage around at the dump on rare occasion. Thankfully someone usually snatches them up before they make too big of a mess, though. Good luck on your search! :)
Issue 521: People seem to be taking what was said in Editorial 446 (and any other Editorial that may be similar to it) as an okay to go ahead and refresh any page on the site just for the sake of refreshing in order to get Random Events. While I doubt that was actually your intention, would you mind clarifying again whether or not refreshing just to get Random Events that have nothing to do with avatars or Battledome challengers is allowed? ~esomera
You're welcome to refresh the site where and however often you like, as long as YOU are PHYSICALLY doing the refreshing without the aid of your cat/mug/water bottle/robot butler sitting on the F5 key. So, if you want to sit at your computer pressing f5 for 6 hours straight, that's acceptable, though we wouldn't advise it for your own well-being. (Also, to clarify, using any "refresh all" browser functions and the like are also off limits. Again, you must refresh each page yourself or we consider it using an outside force to aid you.) [This one in particular seems to directly contradict issue 323.]

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*Note: I used JellyNeo's editorial database and searched for the word "refreshing." I then looked up issue 446 since it was specifically referenced but didn't show up in the search, though it was repetitive:


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P.S. What does TNT have against cats? Dogs are way more likely to stay on the refresh key than a cat. The only way to get a cat to sit on it would be if the cat thought you didn't want it to sit there.


Could someone please tell me if I should be refreshing while in a battle or at the obelisk page? Seems like the times I get RE's the past three days were all when I was in the BD. I'm stuck and only have one hour left to get a challenger. D: I don't know if I'm even refreshing in the right spot.


Edit: Nevermind. As soon as I held down the refresh button for 15 seconds on the obelisk page I was able to get a challenger. :) Yay!

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