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Your Inventory Gets New Features!


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Neopets announced new Inventory features today! Check them out below or head to your inventory and discover them yourself!



New items now appear in categories (Neopoint / Neocash), which you can quickly click to view. Additionally, new items will appear at the beginning of your inventory as opposed to the end!





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Woah, TNT is making A LOT of positive changes lately. I'm really liking neopets now more than ever before. :D

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I like the properly split inventory. A++ shoulda been done in the first place.


However, this update's got more bad than good, in my opinion. For starters, that giant, bulky, white-and-negative-space filled header. No. Bad. Bad TNT. Who let you web design. This is so bad it's causing me physical pain. Those links need to be condensed and stuck next to the image so they take up less space.


Second (and this one's a matter of opinion and has nothing to do with EVERY WEB DESIGN COURSE I HAVE EVER TAKEN), I REALLY don't like having my items sorted newest first. It screws up the rows, my old food is at the bottom (meaning it'll just sit there, forgotten, uneaten) and everything else is all jumbled at the top. I understand that some people will like newest-first better, but I much prefer newest-last and wish they'd given us an OPTION. Just a little button in our site preferences as to which we want, easy.

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I noticed the new change when I checked my inventory after battling. Wow, it's better organized (in the NP vs NC way, so the numbers are not mixed up). I'm also glad to see the Inventory Aisha back. I missed her! Though I may have to agree it DOES look a little like a high school web design....but, retro, I'll take it XD

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It's nice to see the Inventory Aisha again, but I don't like having to scroll past that header. I don't usually keep tons of stuff in my inventory, so separating the NC stuff isn't all that helpful to me. If this means our safety deposit boxes are going to have some changes, I'd be pretty excited about that.

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It's nice to see the Inventory Aisha again, but I don't like having to scroll past that header....


I wholeheartedly agree. I also don't like having that section of text: "You carry with you, at all times, a bag. This bag holds all your items until you move them elsewhere. It's not a huge bag, but it seems to have more room on the inside". It doesn't really add any useful information to the page and just adds more space between the top of the page and my items.


Does anyone know what the "item transfer log" is? I just checked mine but it said that there are no items to show.

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I wholeheartedly agree. I also don't like having that section of text: "You carry with you, at all times, a bag. This bag holds all your items until you move them elsewhere. It's not a huge bag, but it seems to have more room on the inside". It doesn't really add any useful information to the page and just adds more space between the top of the page and my items.


Does anyone know what the "item transfer log" is? I just checked mine but it said that there are no items to show.

That's for when people send items to you.


I'm not sure if I like it yet. It always takes me a while to get used to any change!

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It used to be that the transfer log kept a record of the item's you'd been sent and cleared them after a certain number of days. At some point, for an unannounced and unknown reason, it stopped doing that and just became the place where your pending items are shown (like, if your friend sends you an item and you clear the notif but forget to accept or your tab dies or something, you can go back there and still accept it). I hope they change it back I like having a log of who sent me what.

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Not to sound ungrateful, but I think an SDB fix (ie sorting by rarity) or closet fix (removing old PB costume items) would have been a lot more helpful. I typically don't keep anything in my inventory as it's apparently "fair game" for the pant devil. Maybe I'll see its usefulness the more I use it. :)

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Not to sound ungrateful, but I think an SDB fix (ie sorting by rarity) or closet fix (removing old PB costume items) would have been a lot more helpful. I typically don't keep anything in my inventory as it's apparently "fair game" for the pant devil. Maybe I'll see its usefulness the more I use it. :)

I wouldn't be surprised if those features are added in the future.


The update doesn't bother me too much, the backgrounds on all the items is sorta bulky, and I wish they put the image to the left with the links wrapping around it.


Other than that, like the changes.

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Not to sound ungrateful, but I think an SDB fix (ie sorting by rarity) or closet fix (removing old PB costume items) would have been a lot more helpful. I typically don't keep anything in my inventory as it's apparently "fair game" for the pant devil. Maybe I'll see its usefulness the more I use it. :)

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, who doesn't like having the paintbrush clothes?! No, but seriously, they should allow the people who don't like them to get rid of them and let everyone else keep them. I'm all for choice.

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AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, who doesn't like having the paintbrush clothes?! No, but seriously, they should allow the people who don't like them to get rid of them and let everyone else keep them. I'm all for choice.

I believe that's what they're planning on doing. I think they're just going to make it possible for people to remove them from their closets (and possibly discard them?). A lot of people have issues with having too many things in their closet, and not being able to open up customisation. If you've been zapping pets for several years, you end up with quite a collection of clothing in there....

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It is time Neopets introduced a drag and drop system to instantly grab an item with your mouse and drag it to either Shop, SDB or Money Tree. Especially with all the crap items that clog up your inventory every day.

Isn't that what quick stock is for?

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