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So I finally finished my secret lab map, and now I'm considering finishing the petpet lab map as well. I know it's not incredibly expensive, but I was wondering if you who already have the map think it's worth it. Has anyone regretted buying it?


Yes! It's a bit unreliable if you're looking for specific petpets (and you won't get PPL or the ability to resell the pet), but it offers chocolate petpets and it's really cheap. I keep getting pieces from random events.


I think it's worth the cost simply for the avatar. Plus I think that Piles of Soot are the cutest thing ever.


As others have said, there as some cute lab only colours that you can get. It's not reliable, but it's fun to see what you can get. There are lots of 1NP petpets, so it's not a worry if it destroys the petpet completely. :)


I like seeing all the different petpets I can zap. :) It's fun to see all the different colors and species I never even knew existed. And it's so inexpensive, especially compared to the regular map.


I never regretted getting mine, they're not eligible for anything but I have a number of expensive petpets like Kadoaties and Weewoos that I'd have never gotten otherwise because of it.


It doesn't cost much and if you zap a petpet into an avatar petpet it's usually awesome :D I never regretted getting mine and still zap my petpets every day to see what's new ^^


In my opinion it's only value is to get the avatar. It's always fun to have another daily and see what petpets you can zap, but it's not an investment. For my permanent pets there's certain petpets I wanted them to have so I bought the actual versions, as well as petpetpets (so there's no risk of losing the P3 if the ray destroys the petpet). So I only use the ray on the petpet of my lab pet. However, if the petpets you want are unaffordable, then that's the only other perk I see to having the petpet lab as it makes it slightly more possible to obtain them.

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