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Buying seriously underpriced items - lucky or freezable offense?


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Every once in a while it happens: you are looking for something using the SW, a something usually almost unbuyable, or worth a considerable amount of neopoints at least, and some shop owner has put it up for sale for a laughable amount, 1 NP maybe. I usually ignore such unfortunate stock and go for the first cheapest but reasonable option. Today, however, temptation was too strong and I bought the item. Does anyone know if you can get in trouble for this?

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that would be a "snag" and it's not an offense .. I've made a few snags myself in the past and unless I got a neomail from the user saying they made a mistake pricing , then it's just good luck :) Heaven knows how many pricing mistakes I did back in the day

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Thanks for the responses, people. I guess I was wrong then, but I thought something very similar to that was frowned upon - maybe making overly advantageous deals with newbies at the trading post or something. But yay, then I am just lucky :-)

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Cheating NP out of other users is the freezable offense. An example would be putting a Paint Brush Plushie on the TP for the price of the same Paint Brush, and convincing someone that it's worth as much as the Paint Brush. That's done with malice, and that's not allowed.

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Glad I ran into this thread, I've been fortunate enough to search for items and see that people have made mistakes with their prices.. Glad to know it's all fair game. I'm sure I've messed up a few times too anyways xD

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