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what's the most frustrating part of neopets ?

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All the shops restock as frequently as the others- I think that there is a lot of 'junk' in the Neovian clothing store though, since a lot of their stuff isn't wearable yet. Becuase it's not worth restocking, it doesn't move, meaning there is less space in the shop for new things to show up (I think only 25 or so items will be in a shop at any given time). In addition to that, the Smarmy Monocle is r90, so it'll restock rarely to begin with.


I was afraid of that. Ah, well. I'll just have to keep an eye on the user shops and hope I get a good deal.




Getting the 4th Crafting Faerie quest in a row during the faerie quest event...

Change your language to Chinese to avoid the Crafting Faerie.


the most frustrating part of Neopets...


Well, to collect any game avatars. There is no way I will be able to do it, I suck!!


And...I agree with Bacchanta...the stupid Crafting Faerie. Ugh, that's the worst!


the most frustrating part of Neopets...


Well, to collect any game avatars. There is no way I will be able to do it, I suck!!


And...I agree with Bacchanta...the stupid Crafting Faerie. Ugh, that's the worst!

Game avatars do suck, but you just have to work at them. Pick one, and play that game every day. Read all of the guides available on it. Watch videos on youtube of people playing to get the avatar score.

I've done that with a number of games that I struggled with. Petpetsitter... I played that one for months before I finally got the avatar. It sucked, so much. But I have an avatar now that I'm super proud of becuase I had to work so hard to get it.


Dice-A-Roo has been the bane of my existence for the last few days! I very rarely get past the blue die.. and if I do, I lose within 3-4 rolls. It would just be nice to see a decent go at it! I even play on my phone if it's slow at work lol


Oh my this was the best board to read ever!!

So many issues that I have were listed already!!

Makes me feel a little bit better when I know it is more than just me now!!


My main issues ....

Glitches with games not sending the score!

Habi glitches (lagging too)

Avvies that are random, i still do not have the snowager one and i go daily usually


Playing my least favorite game called "What Word Does the NeoFilter Think is Inappropriate, I Want To Send This Neomail Some Time This Week". Unfortunately I'm verbose and I get caught up in the filters a lot for my word choice. My neomails are clean, but I miss words within words. Got in trouble for using the word "scrape" and more recently "undocumented". Their swearing filter is so good it picks up words that are appropriate because they kind of have a swear word in them.


I find earning neopoints frustrating.. I want to start a gallery, but i feel like i need to save my NP for collat for avvie lends and for expensive avvies like HT - Richest.

It takes foreverrr for me to earn NP!


I try to restock but i really suck at it lol


I find earning neopoints frustrating.. I want to start a gallery, but i feel like i need to save my NP for collat for avvie lends and for expensive avvies like HT - Richest.

It takes foreverrr for me to earn NP!


I try to restock but i really suck at it lol

I feel you! I recommend Habitarium- it's my main NP earner- about 100k a day! BD prizes are also fantastic- if you have Premium, battling against the Jetsam Ace can net you Nerkmids. Other opponents can still make you a lot with codestones and stuff. :) There are so many ways to earn NP now- it's just a matter of finding them.

  • 4 weeks later...

unfair warnings and having to wait endlessly for them to fix something you send in tickets for, or to address issues you have with actions they made regarding your account.

  • 3 weeks later...

Lever of Doom ....it's just not fair >_> so many of us will never get that avatar.

Sure you will. You just have to keep playing it.

Random avatars like that suck- believe me, I know. I've spent millions trying to get the Kelp avatar, with no leftovers in sight. That doesn't mean I'll never get it though.


Items that are needed for avatars but either are retired or only available in shops about once every three years, sold within a second and then are offered on the trading post for like 540 mill.


And another thing is the Lever of Doom. In the past few weeks I spent more than a million on it and still got no avvie. They should make all these random avvies more frequently.


It is SO annoying that TNT apparently does not care about the V2 Neohomes.


A lot of the items for V2 released through events like the Negg Hunt and the Battle of the Obelisk does not work, and TNT does seemingly not care to fix them.


Plus they are not really converting any of the old items, or making any new V2 items neither in NP-version og NC-version.


Ooh, complaining? I am good at complaining!


> Neopets don't fix broken things with any haste. Having IOM Moehog effectively retired as an excellent game goes into development hell.. that's a real shame. As a Flash dev, it's tempting to ask if they want a freelancer to remake that game, because it's a real shame to lose one of their few really good HTML games forever.


> The imbalance of the site, with no intention to fix it. How come Key Questers and restockers can earn fortunes while games are still capped at 3k per day? A lot more effort goes into most 1k runs than into most KQ matches.


> As I have moaned about many times in the past, trophies that are awarded to the *first* people. I have achieved the Maths Nightmare avatar score for the respective months several times, but I am not awake when scores reset and there will usually be 10 or 20 people with the same score before I get to play. Intentional or not, there should be no Neopian bias towards particular timezones.


> Also that one time the Wheel of Excitement swallowed my 600k snow snowbunny. Words were said that were not appropriate for Neopets!


Reading through this thread used up my five likes for the day. I love a good sympathising with fellow moaners!


> As I have moaned about many times in the past, trophies that are awarded to the *first* people. I have achieved the Maths Nightmare avatar score for the respective months several times, but I am not awake when scores reset and there will usually be 10 or 20 people with the same score before I get to play. Intentional or not, there should be no Neopian bias towards particular timezones.


Just like the Lenny Conundrum, Mystery Pic, etc...


If you don't happen to be awake and on the site by the time the news are updated, don't even bother trying to solve those. Submitting your answer even after one hour will probably be too late.


i got lucky in the past couple of weeks, but as soon as I get a job again, I won't be able to participate in those contests...


> As I have moaned about many times in the past, trophies that are awarded to the *first* people. I have achieved the Maths Nightmare avatar score for the respective months several times, but I am not awake when scores reset and there will usually be 10 or 20 people with the same score before I get to play. Intentional or not, there should be no Neopian bias towards particular timezones.

The monthly game reset isn't biased towards a certain time zone. The old scores are wiped, and then from that point everyone has 24 hours to send in scores for the first trophies are given out for that month. There are a couple that suck because they have max scores, so speed really is of the essence, but they're few and far between (and Math's Nightmare isn't one of them!)


Right now, frustrated with the Food Club hahaha. So many double upsets and pirates with low odds of winning, winning. Past three days have been 0:10, 0:10, 6:10.


For me personally, the "fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives" avatar. There is nothing that frustrates me as consistently as that and I will never be happier to get an avatar than I will be once I get that one.


The monthly game reset isn't biased towards a certain time zone. The old scores are wiped, and then from that point everyone has 24 hours to send in scores for the first trophies are given out for that month. There are a couple that suck because they have max scores, so speed really is of the essence, but they're few and far between (and Math's Nightmare isn't one of them!)

Yes, it is. These vary per mode you play the game on. It is impossible on Division / Potato Counter difficulty (the general choice for people who want an avatar not a trophy) to get higher than 5920. (And that score requires luck - 5880 is much more likely.) The 5920 and 5880s span from bronze trophy all the way to about #60 or #70 on day 1, meaning that not being early results in no avatar.

Trust me, I'm an expert on this particular grievance ;)

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