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Happy New Year 2013


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I wanted to be the first one to make this thread :D


I wish you all a very happy & prosperous 2013 ... full of love , joy and success in everything you do <3


How will you spend New Year's Eve ? I'll go watch the fireworks with my friends



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Happy New Year! :D


I will be at work until 7 pm on New Years Eve, so once I get home, I'm pretty sure I'll do my usual dinner and sleep, since I work tomorrow as well. There won't be any fireworks or watching the ball drop for me this year.

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Happy New Year everyone! I for one am very VERY glad to put 2012 behind me. Definitley not my best year. Here's to 2013! :D

Can't wait to tell my grandchildren how many doomsdays I survived 'back in my day'. They'll surely be impressed. ^_^


Happy New Year TDN! :D


I met my gf at a New Year's Eve party so we'll be celebrating our anniversary as well c:

Awh, how very sweet. :) Happy Anniversary! My bf and I will be celebrating ours on the 11th of this month.

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