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Lefty or Righty?


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I'm just curious.


- How many of you guys are lefties / righties / ambidextrous?

- Which hand do you write / eat / use your mouse / do dailies?

- Do you use one hand consistently for everything or do you switch hands for tasks?


I'm kindda ambidextrous so I feel the strength in both hands. My right hand is still a little bit more dominant, but I can write / eat / brush teeth perfectly with my left. However, whenever starting an activity, I just pick either hand that seems most convenient at that moment.

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I'm ambidextrous, although there are a few things I do better with my right hand (brush my teeth) and a few things I do better with my left (eating). My handwriting is not so good with either hand.

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I'm ambidextrous, although there are a few things I do better with my right hand (brush my teeth) and a few things I do better with my left (eating). My handwriting is not so good with either hand.


Glad to see another ambidextrous. Are you natural or learned ambidextrous? I was born righty but I chose to train my left hand :)

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I'm a righty who could have been a lefty :P

Seriously, there is a bunch of stuff in life that I do like a lefty. Such as folding sheets, stiring / mixing, sports...


With a bit of training, I could probably be ambidextrous :P

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I'm a righty who could have been a lefty :P

Seriously, there is a bunch of stuff in life that I do like a lefty. Such as folding sheets, stiring / mixing, sports...


With a bit of training, I could probably be ambidextrous :P


Then become one, it's one of the greatest achievements I have in this life. Many people say they rather have one dominant & one supporting hand than to have two terrible hands. So they just focus & master one hand


However, when your right hand reaches a "mastery" level, you will need much much much time to train it to the next level (the theory of dismissing return?). But you only need a little time to bring your left hand to the skillful level of your right hand.


In an exam, many of my friends give up a long essay due to hand's tiredness. But it's great that I can just switch hand :D


I'm a pro billard player too. So there are some positions on the table where it's extremely difficult to do with one hand, but extremely easy if you can switch hand

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Glad to see another ambidextrous. Are you natural or learned ambidextrous? I was born righty but I chose to train my left hand :)


I'm one of those people who's a natural lefty but was forced to learn things right-handed because people hate lefties.


(Okay, they don't haaaaate lefties. Just left-handedness.)

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I'm one of those people who's a natural lefty but was forced to learn things right-handed because people hate lefties.


(Okay, they don't haaaaate lefties. Just left-handedness.)


Yes, natural lefties are much more likely to become ambidextrous because they are forced to switch like you. Was it very frustrating & stressful during the forceful switch for you?

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I'm naturally a right-hander. So are my parents. But here's the odd thing: my two younger sisters are both left handed!


Anyone can actually use both hands if they trained them! I know I can use my left hand fairly well to draw or write, although it's shaky and difficult. I know that with some training, both my hands can be used! And there'd probably be a lot of benefits, too.


Interest thing: While we no longer discriminate against left handed people, we indirectly do. Most desks in Universities are catered for right handers, and many other essentials are often simply marketed for them. The problem is so few are left handed, and we forget how difficult we can make the world for natural left handers!


Another Interest thing: Most US Presidents have been left handed! :party:

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I'm right handed and that's the hand that takes the lead in everything I do. It's extremely awkward for me to use my left hand for something like brushing my teeth. My left hand has a supporting role.

Same here. My left hand just kind of hangs around most of the time, lol.
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I'm naturally a right-hander. So are my parents. But here's the odd thing: my two younger sisters are both left handed!


Anyone can actually use both hands if they trained them! I know I can use my left hand fairly well to draw or write, although it's shaky and difficult. I know that with some training, both my hands can be used! And there'd probably be a lot of benefits, too.


Interest thing: While we no longer discriminate against left handed people, we indirectly do. Most desks in Universities are catered for right handers, and many other essentials are often simply marketed for them. The problem is so few are left handed, and we forget how difficult we can make the world for natural left handers!


Another Interest thing: Most US Presidents have been left handed! :party:


This is a right-handed world, I agree. But lefties have their advantages also ....


Anyway, I always think most US Presidents are right-handed. Only 2 - 3 are left-handed.

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Yes, natural lefties are much more likely to become ambidextrous because they are forced to switch like you. Was it very frustrating & stressful during the forceful switch for you?


Well, I learned to read and write and everything before I can remember. I was writing by 3 years old. So I can't remember learning to do things with my right hand. The reason I found out I was a natural lefty was that I broke my right arm, and I discovered that things were easy to do left-handed.

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I'm a natural lefty, but I sometimes eat with chopsticks with my right because my mom didn't let me eat chopsticks with my left. I taught myself how to eat with my left, but it's a bigger struggle than my right haha.


But with sports, I get very confused - especially when just learning the sport. I will switch the baseball bat and the bowling ball at least five times during a game, first on the right because generally whoever teaches me is a righty, but then I switch to my left. I do this over and over until one hand feels more natural with it. But for some odd reason, possibly because I learn by watching, with physical sports I tend to lean on my right. My right arm is also stronger, and my left hand has more finesse.


I also switch the guitar sometimes, and play it upside down like Hendrix. It really depends on my mood


I also suffer from the insane pencil smudges on my left palm when I'm writing hahaha.

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I'm left handed ...


No one forced me to use my right ...


When I perform an Ultrasound I use my right hand though ... and it's really hard ... but I got used to it ...


Changing gears with my right hand is not an easy deal as well ...

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I'm right-handed but I have trained my left hand to be useful for some things! I couldn't stand it doing nothing all the time. :P

Haha. It's definitley possible to train your nondominant hand. Just patience. I also heard somewhere that using your nondominant hand for tasks benefits your brain. :)

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I'm right-handed, but there are some things that are easier to do with my left hand. Usually I don't even think about it.

I used to be able to write fairly well with my left hand. Now I find it interesting to try to draw with my left hand.

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I think I used to be ambidextrous, because I remember always having trouble deciding what hand to use things for, but it was generally just easier to use my right for things because that's what everyone else did. I can still vaguely write/draw with my left but right is definitely preferred. There's a few things though that I still favour left for, like brushing teeth and eating. Sports wise I'm about 50/50 and because I spend half the time trying to work out which one to use, I'm bad with both :P or maybe that's just a natural lack of talent for some sports....

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