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How do You Make Neopoints

Anxious Zombie

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I've seen a few 'how do I make neopoints' questions. But I want to know, how do you make neopoints daily? Are you a mega restocker? A games master? Stock Wiz? What puts the food (that isn't omelets or Jelly) on your neotable?


I'm a gamer. At the start of the month I re-organize my favorites list according to the changing ratios. Then I have a side list of never failing sponsor games and easy games.

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I play a couple of games every day, habi runs continuously, and I restock at the auction house.

Also wheels, like all the time, mediocrity like literally every 40 min, when I can. I actually get a pretty substantial sum from them everyday.

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I go through the dailies--sometimes I get lots of NP or expensive items to sell, sometimes I don't.

There's a few games that I've started playing that give easy NP, like Kass Basher or Assignment 53.

And I've just gotten into Habitarium.

I've only recently really gotten serious about earning NP, and already it's starting to pay off. ^_^

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Hahaha. I don't make a lot of neopoints. Maybe like 10k a day only. I get like 25227 NP from flash games if I play all my daily games (which I rarely do), but then spend 15k of it in the stock market (I just started). Then there's dailies and battledome. That's about it.

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I used to play tons of games but have recently gotten lazy so I really do need to start back up again.

Other than that I do my dailies, stock market, and I leave habi on about 8 hours a day (not nearly as much as I used too).

I restock occasionally from the igloo garage sale, because you really can't go wrong there. :P

I tried restocking from the normal shops but I don't know what to buy and often times end up buying something that makes me lose profit. :( Even on half price day! lol.

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I do my dailies, play a couple of games, Key Quest whenever I'm not feeling lazy and Habitarium gets me 20-30k at the moment as I don't leave it open over night. :)

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I've gotten lazy. I don't do very many dailies anymore, because most of them don't yield much beyond junk items. I don't play much in the way of games anymore--I used to easily make 30k in a half hour or less every day, but I now only spend ten minutes on games maybe twice a week. I used to run habi, but it doesn't stay working on my laptop after my laptop goes to sleep, so I can't keep it up when I'm away, and I work most of the day. (I still sometimes will run it if I have, say, three days out of a week to be able to run it, but otherwise no.) So now, really all I do regularly are stocks.


Sometimes, if I do have free time, I'll do world challenges. So few people participate in the world challenges, and they really should! If you win, the pieces are worth at least 15k apiece, and if you catch 'em all (teehee) you can win paintbrushes.

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On work days, due to a fast computer and network (plus lots of downtime) I play games and run Habi all day. I average about 100-150k when I'm not being distracted by pretty much everything I come across.


On non-work days, I play the quick/easier games. I probably average about 20-50k, depending on the day, and if I'm keeping up with my pet's training.


Every day, I do all of my dailies and battle to the NP/item limits in the BD. I also do the Wheel of Mediocrity as often as I remember, which I generally do well with, as well as selling pretty much everything I come across that I don't absolutely adore.

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Stock market and Habi. I try my best at sniping- I check the SSW wiz for popular items, and pick up ones that are underpriced. I'm not great at it, and it isn't a daily thing, but every little bit helps.

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Stock market and Habi. I try my best at sniping- I check the SSW wiz for popular items, and pick up ones that are underpriced. I'm not great at it, and it isn't a daily thing, but every little bit helps.

For sniping, you could try the auction house. I sniped a lot of PB's, SLM pieces and MP's. I got around a 5.9 million profits and I started in the end of November when I play less now.
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