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Guest Unequaledpyro

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Guest Unequaledpyro


((Lol wrong name sorry))

OIC, lol Levy and Lyde, close names indeed.))


"Nice to meet you Mongolio,I see you are trying to outrun someone" Lyed said "i can fly if you need some help."


"Okay good luck i'm in a hurry right now but i hope to meet you again soon" Lyed said as he ran off.


"Two big men eh sounds fun" Lyed thought "Oh well i don't have time". Lyed kept running he finally made it to Levy's house and just in time to see him sitting in his front yard.

Guest Unequaledpyro

Levy was asleep, a day such as this would exhaust anyone. He didn't notice Lyde at all.


((I have noticed that you are spelling Lyde's name wrong. lol))


((No it's Lyed just look at my form))


Lyed Noticed that Levy was asleep he had to wake him up but how? "I know i could drop a few of these pebbles on him" he thought.So He picked up a few pebbles and dropped them on Levy.

Guest Unequaledpyro

Levy continued to sleep like a boulder on the brown-patched grass.


"Oh he better not make drop that boulder on him" Lyed thought "I guess I have to here goes nothing" *gulp*

Guest Unequaledpyro

((That was a simile, I was describing how heavy Levy was sleeping on the grass. Not that there was a boulder right next to him...))


(( I know but there was a boulder next to him so i used it.))

Guest Unequaledpyro

Levy's chain quickly wrapped around the boulder and tossed it away before it could fall on him.

"You know, the traditional method of waking someone up is by shouting or a bucket of water." said Levy, sitting up. "Have you forgotten that I am still injured from earlier?"


"Well Levy i hate to say it but those methods don't work on you hehehe" Lyed said.

Guest Unequaledpyro

Levy looked annoyed, "why are you here anyway?"


"The treasure that is on that map you gave me earlier is buried under or in your house" Lyed said happily.

Guest Unequaledpyro

"Let me see the paper." said Levy grabbing it from Lyed. "Sorry kid, I gave you the wrong map."

Levy reached into his hoody, "Here ya go."


"No i want that map and i want the treasure on that map" Lyed said "you're hiding something from me and i want to know what it is".

Guest Unequaledpyro

"Its just a map to my house. I was going to mail it to my cousin. She needs somewhere to stay for the summer." explained Levy.


"Right" Lyed growled "I guess i'll be on my way." As he left he thought he turned around "WAIT!" He yelled "How come it was dated two months ago?" "And it says map to treasure?" Lyed asked.

Guest Unequaledpyro

"You need to work on your languages, boy. It is dated two weeks ago and it says transportation map, either that or its a typo. I could never figure out how to type in Russian correctly." replied Levy.


"No it doesn't i read it correctly i'll show you i know exactly where you hid the treasure" with these last words Lyed flew off to find Lizardo.

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