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Battledome Beta Opened To Everyone!


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darn, started off with some easy battles, which I guess was why I didn't get great stuff :P


It still looks really good though :D

Haha yeah- I found the easiest and fastest way to get some good prizes is to fight Clown Chia on hard. I got a Gnorbu morphing potion, a bunch of books (apparently one was worth about 5 mill, but I read it to my pet before checking the price. Whoops!), and some codestones.
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just keep battling, I got the "Reached the limit items blabla", and kept battling and I kept getting items. Got a basic nerkmid, codestones etc afterwards (Even though I sometimes got the limit message)


Thanks for pointing that out. I got the message that I had reached my item limit, so I thought "Boo, well I guess I'll battle some more tomorrow", and so I stopped battling.

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Well, it seems like codestones will definately deflate, among with Nerkmids I guess. I'll go try it and I hope I'll get some nice stuff too :)


Edit: After two battles I got a red and an ordinary codestone, but everything's soooo slow it's taking me 5 minutes to beat Mr.Chuckles, although I beat him in two strikes. Is this normal? The forever loading and not loading?

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It has been really slow for me too, takes aaages to load. Probably because a lot of people are battling now.


:S I can't equip any weapons from my inventory.. is it the same for you?


According to the news, you have to go to the battledome to equip and unequip.

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I didn't get great items today ... and for only 3 battles


brain hotdog worth 100 np


and 2 "defence in the battledome" books ... which are deflating so quickly


does the difficulty of the opponent give better prizes ??? like if I fought the Chia Clown on its most difficulty do I get more prizes ??


also the items i won from closed beta for the past 3-4 days never showed up in my inventory (one was supposed to be a red codestone)

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From the look of it, battledome avatars and Defenders of Neopia trophies won't be available until the Battledome is OUT of Beta. :) So practice up, everyone.



It might be, it might just be bad luck. There seems to be a random number of items that each person can reach each day- the first day I had access to the BD in closed Beta I reached my limit after one item. I would go to the beta board, and ask, just in case, but unless you have the same problem tomorrow, I expect that you're just unlucky today!

Ah, okay. Thanks! I was a little bummed when all I got was 50 NPs... and that's it. :P I'll give it another go today and see what happens!

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I might have a silly question but I tried looking through the guide and couldn't figure it out myself. How do we use our abilities now?

They aren't in the beta version yet. :) They'll be added in later, along with fierce/beserk attack/defend/etc.
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I tried a little bit of battling last night. I really love the update. It makes it so much more fun and less tedious than "click, click, click"


I got NP a few times, and 2 items (A Bri Codestone and a Pant Devil Pinata) before I got messages saying I'd hit my max of items and NP. I'm looking forward to trying it more. I do wish you healed after winning a battle though.

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Maybe this sounds very weird, in case I didn't ever put time into BD, but I hope the 'good prizes' in the normal version of BD only will be for the better players.

I think it's unfair that I just can get 2 red codestones and a techo morphing potion, without putting time in it.

There are people who spend hours batteling and training just to get better and better. These are the people who should get these prizes. Not just every neopian around.


Does anyone think TNT will change this? Or is it just wishfull thinking?

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Maybe this sounds very weird, in case I didn't ever put time into BD, but I hope the 'good prizes' in the normal version of BD only will be for the better players.

I think it's unfair that I just can get 2 red codestones and a techo morphing potion, without putting time in it.

There are people who spend hours batteling and training just to get better and better. These are the people who should get these prizes. Not just every neopian around.


Does anyone think TNT will change this? Or is it just wishfull thinking?

Yea, I noticed this newbie on the Boards who just began training! He got lent a few weapons from a friend and got items worth millions!
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Like the higher your stats, the better the prize? So prize tiers? I'm inclined to agree with you on this point, I don't think that sounds weird at all, it's kind of unfair to reward people who had no interest in battledome until prizes became available with the same kinds of prizes that well trained battledomers get.

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I got a red codestone, and a nerkmid. A bunch of other stuff too but those were the really valuable things. I still got items for awhile even though I had gotten the limit message. But eventually I was only getting small amounts of NP and no items. I think this must still be fairly buggy.

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