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Kindest Neopian EVER!!


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I made a board on the AC asking what avatar I should go for next, and someone random sends me a friggin Ghostkershield! They're worth 7 million neopoints O.o


I still haven't accepted it cause I feel monumentally guilty for some reason. I sent them a message asking if they were sure, and I can send it back if they aren't.


Even if they want it back that's still pretty incredible! Some people are so kind it makes me hurt inside :wub_anim:

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I got a Neomail back from her and she says it's all good!! She has two and apparently is rolling in it so I can keep it! I'm FINALLY going to be able to turn Miff into a Draik and use one of my FFQs!


I was having such a horrible day and now this! *ULTIMATE FLAIL*

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I know right! It's the biggest one I've ever heard of, still in shock! :O


I haven't been able to use SSW since I got my third FFQ, it's going to be so nice to be able to use it again! ^^


Cant wait to have Miff all beautiful and painted!!!! :* :* :* Someone buy it so I can do it!!! :D

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Me either! It's crazy!!! Shows there are some truly amazing people on Neopets (apart from those of us on TDN ;D lol).


I'm going to try and morph him today if I can - if I cant then I will be up all night trying to sell it :P

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There's actually A LOT of nice, rich Neopians! One time, I got my first Fountain Faerie Quest, ever, (using a Fortune Cookie, though, urgh), and he gave me a Fried Chicken Leg (or something), worth millions, for me. See, this FFQ I thought I was bound to fail. The item was so scarce and rare. xD I think they enjoy giving gifts out to users they deem deserving. It's because of users kindness that I've managed to obtain all of the avves I have (like MSPP, or Zafara DA). People kindness keeps me going!

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I know there are a lot of nice Neopians I just wasn't aware people were THIS nice! That's so sweet of that person to help you with your FFQ Rayna :* (Hi by the way! I haven't seen you in aaages!!)


Awww, thank you Suzi!! That's so nice of you to say ^^ I'm actually still doing the Forgotten Shore thing :) hehe.


Thanks for all the congrats guys! I contacted someone on the TP to swap a Draik MP for the shield, they said yes but now seem to have disappeared XD ohdear. I've decided that I wont be morphing/painting for another week or so anyway - going to enter the beauty contest whilst Miff is still a Bruce :P

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Congrats, Saxen :D That's wonderful - definitely one of the most awesome RAoK that I've ever heard about :) Can't what to see what Miff will look like :D

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Thank you Erika ^^ Gahh I cant wait either!! XP I've almost got his complete customisation, just need to find a Cherry Blossom Garland then he's all set! Eeeeee!!! :*

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Wow, I never had anyone be so generous and give me something like that. I'm sure nothing can make this day horrible for you now. :D


*KNOCKS ON WOOD* Man could you possibly jinx me more? Haha! I've had lovely gifts before but nothing like this out of the blue! I hope one day I'm Neo-rich enough that I can do things like this for people ^^

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*KNOCKS ON WOOD* Man could you possibly jinx me more? Haha! I've had lovely gifts before but nothing like this out of the blue! I hope one day I'm Neo-rich enough that I can do things like this for people ^^

Sure! I have a friend who is constantly giving me gifts, but the best was Piece of Treasure Map. BTW if your rich, put me on the list for free items! :laughingsmiley:
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That's really sweet of them :) I've been gifted a Draik Egg before when they were 8 mil, but that's because I wasn't chosen to adopt a UC Faerie Shoy and the owner wanted to give me something in lieu :*


Haha! If and when I get Neo-rich you can go on my list :P


My offer was accepted! I now have a Skunk Draik MP waiting to be used :woot:

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Oop I missed your post! Thank you so much for checking for me Nicole, really sweet :)

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Thank you Justina ^^



Ohwell, I'm sure I'll be able to find one somewhere :) *big hugs* :D

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Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of kind and helpful neopians out there :)!

Congratulations :D I believe there are kind/nice people who deserve nice things also.

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