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It's the Chocolate Ball!


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Aww, I really like the Lenny c: Especially the tail :P And the cherry on top, haha (^w^)

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The lenny is adorable! I kinda want one :0 Though it'd look better without the whipped cream on its head. I love the chocolate shavings for the hair, and the wafer wings.

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Happy Chocolate Day! Wow, what a very decorative Lenny, I'm normally not a fan of them but this guy seems to have everything. Wafer wing tips, icing decorations on his beak and body, a mix of different chocolates (white for the beak, milk for the body, and dark for the legs), And of course, the whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherry on top that every Chocolate pet has. But my favourite part has to be the chocolate shaving feather tufts on his head.


I also like that frame, a dream pet pf mine is a Chocolate Ogrin so a frame like that would suit him nicely. I also realized that I must fight the temptation to zap/paint my Cybunny Chocolate XD


I remember the Chocolate ball before it was a day dedicated to Chocolate pets.....vaguely. Hurray for new chocolate Zafara items! Okay I totally love the Chocolate ball, now excuse me while I go nom an entire bag of chocolate......


Wouldn't it be really cool if the Chocolate Ball was an actual event? Okay time for me to stop rambling ^^;


The lenny is adorable! I kinda want one :0 Though it'd look better without the whipped cream on its head. I love the chocolate shavings for the hair, and the wafer wings.


I agree, but almost EVERY Chocolate pet has to have it on their heads for some strange reason. It often begins to feel like a lazy job.

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The Lenny is SO cute, omg. Lennies too often seem to get shafted when it comes to good colours (Faerie and Mutant aside, everything just looks boring on them. :(), so I'm really glad that they look so awesome in Chocolate. :D

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Does the milk chocolate zafara look a bit mustardy to anyone else? :sick02:


The lenny looks great. I actually think they've made a number of really nice lenny colours. Particularly rainbow and pink, that are normally pretty plain. On lennies they made them look like a flamingo and a parrot, respectively.


Also, I want to eat the chocolate frame.

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Awwww! That chocolate Lenny looks totally awesome! I love every detail on him, haha, that curly chocolate "feathers" on his head and lovely wings!

The chocolate frame is lovely too!


Does the milk chocolate zafara look a bit mustardy to anyone else? :sick02:

I agree with you, it is a weird chocolate colour, looks more like a cookie to me.

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Ahh!! The Lenny is really really good :3 well done, TNT. Chocolate curls for hair :* so cute.

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