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The Giant Omelette Gets Upgrade!


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Shame I already did my dailies first thing in the morning.

Based on what I'm seeing, I guess that they're making the once elusive Omelette flavours (many of which were already released, but the likelihood has increased in getting them) more common, thus deflating them to be as inexpensive as all the others.

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Shame I already did my dailies first thing in the morning.

Based on what I'm seeing, I guess that they're making the once elusive Omelette flavours (many of which were already released, but the likelihood has increased in getting them) more common, thus deflating them to be as inexpensive as all the others.

I just sold all my rare omelettes recently, and I got good profits too. I sold some at 4500 a piece that I have been saving for 3 years.
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Awww, I already went to the omelette today too. It looks like Sabre-X didn't get an upgrade when people try to take an omelette more than once a day though!

Shame- he is really in need of an update!

I'm so glad that all of these are getting updated. :D Too bad I already got my Omelette and Jelly today!

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Looks like ALL the dailies are getting upgrades! LOL and I did not notice until the Giant Omelette got an upgrade that I began to catch on.


Too bad the Omelette and Jelly are ALWAYS gone whenever I visit, which is why I gave up on ever going there. I know, I give up on dailies too easily.


I wonder what daily will be next to receive an upgrade? What hasn't yet, hmmmm................? The Grundo Plushie? (even though that is recent) Tombola did not get enough of an art update.....


Lever of Doom? Test Your Strength? Buried Treasure? Jhudora and Illusen's Quests? Oh! The meteor!

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I got nothing new from both places :sad02:

Artios, I received the marshmallow omelette some days ago too and I thought it was new as well, I think I put it on my shop for around 700 np.


Yay for all the new upgrades and new prizes on Neopets dailies! :rock:

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