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I feel ignored

Lady Lyuba

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All I wanted was help on my Mysterious Negg puzzle and NOBODY helped me! I posted a clear as day screenshot which was AT THE TOP of the new page (page 6) and NOBODY helped me! There is only 1 hour left to help me solve the puzzle (as the day is almost over). If these puzzles were easy enough to figure out on my own, I wouldn't have needed to do this. But I cannot do this daily on my own. I just cannot solve the puzzle on my own! It's too hard! I feel overlooked and ignored.

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I already posted on the other one to send me a PM with your puzzle and I will try and help. No one is ignoring you, and on your most recent posts you haven't told us where to find your screenie. There is a lot of pages there.

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I already posted on the other one to send me a PM with your puzzle and I will try and help. No one is ignoring you, and on your most recent posts you haven't told us where to find your screenie. There is a lot of pages there.


I PMed you. Did it go through? I PMed anukii too.


I can't believe this. 6 hours and NOBODY helped me. NO ONE. And I had forgotten all about the puzzle, it's almost midnight, so I come back to see if I was helped (I thought it'd be like Faerie Quest help, every time I post there for help SOMEBODY helps me, but not on the Negg Puzzle! No! I return to find I was COMPLETELY ignored. And being ignored makes me angry.)

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If it was hard, maybe no one could get it. Not many people are willing to spend hours working on a puzzle, whether it's theirs or not.

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Unfortunately, no one is obligated to help you. Everyone here is volunteering their time and offering help when they can.


Hopefully you receive an easy puzzle tomorrow so you can complete it immediately on your own :)

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OK, first of all, let me say this; I am not picking on you or mad at you or anything; but I really need to say this. Please do not take this the wrong way.


You are NOT being ignored. People just missed your post, and you had the bad luck that apparently everybody missed it. Right now, this is a new daily, so everyone is trying to do it in hopes of good prizes. This will make the board go fast and people will be more apt to miss posts here and there. This is in NO WAY aimed at you personally, so you really shouldn't take it that way. The only thing you will reach with taking it personally is that you will get aggravated because you feel ignored (which is totally unnecessary and untrue) and other people will get aggravated because of demanding-sounding posts like these. Posting things like this will only get people to not like you. Sadly, this is not real life, and all we have to go off of is the way you word something. There is no tone, no facial expression, nothing, and quite frankly, posts like these (and I have seen more like these in the past) make you sound like you think that you are the queen of Sheba or something. I try to not think like that, because often people do not mean things like they seem/sound at all, and you might not mean it the way it comes over. So, just to say it again so I don't hurt anybody's feelings, since that is the LAST thing I want to do; I am not saying that is the truth, IRL you might very possible be a sweetheart. :) So please please please DO NOT take my post personal. Just trying to point something out that you might not realize otherwise. :) Hope you understand what I am trying to say!

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I actually found your post containing your puzzle (I checked your post history), sent you a PM with the link to the solution to your puzzle, and helped you out and you thanked me for it as well.


These puzzles can be frustrating at first, but all of that puzzle-solving and the aid of other members to get you on the right track will be worth it in the long run.


It can be very crazy with all of these pages filled with puzzles and people helping out with these puzzles, and all these members getting stumped on these puzzles as well, knowing that this Negg Puzzles thing has become a daily.

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I'm sorry that you were missed, but yeah, that thread was going mighty fast when I was looking at it. It was hard to tell which ones had been answered, and some of them were too hard for me to figure out as well, so I skipped past them. I am quite sure that there was no ill intent. If you can't figure it out, and no one else is able to help you, don't worry about it- it's just a daily, and you can try again tomorrow.

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I'm sure no one was ignoring you on purpose. Like everyone said people were most likely just busy with their own puzzles.


I've waited on the Faerie Quest help thread for over three hours before - I don't view that as everyone ignoring me, people just have lives and stuff to do, no problem!

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Wow calm down, the prize from this daily isn't even that great. I doubt anyone ignored you, and even if they did they're not obligated to help you #brokenrecord


I must agree with you, I don't see such a drama on that. I mean, maybe I would understand something like this if it was a plot whereyou had to finish the puzzle before the last day to complete it but in this case...

It is just a new daily, you can try again tomorrow, or any other day. Don't worry.



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