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Theres gonna be an extra day of ACVII.


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Look under "How do I participate?" fifth bulletpoint.


A few of my DC friends pointed this out to me. Incase you don't know, there's a 99% chance we'll get an extra day of the AC to decide who gets second between MI and MD, and who gets last between AL and FL. And any other tibreaker matches that are necessary.

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It's only for the Top 3 spots, so I think everyone but MD and MI will be playing the Practice Team. I think the only question is whether we'll get prize points for playing. I don't think FL or AL will play for ties or anyone else that might tie.


And the brackets aren't moving pretty much ever, so it's 100% certain. I realized it after the new brackets were made, really a shame how obvious it became.

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Yeah, AL and FL need to play as well cause they're tied. The last day is for any teams that are tied.


And they said that in tiebreakrs we'll all play the practice team for prize points. I assume the same is true for the final tiebreaker.

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In the event that two or more teams finish Round Four with the same number of points and in contention for one of the Altador Cup's top three slots, then a one-day tiebreaker will be played to determine tournament's final standings.


I don't know whether or not they will make Altador and Faerieland play, if anything they might be happy to leave them tied for 17th.


Players will still be able to increase their rank and earn Prize Shop points while playing in a tiebreaker match. Those players whose teams are not playing in a tiebreaker will also be able to continue improving their rank and earning Prize Shop points by playing in practice matches.



So those of us who don't have ties get to play the Jelly Team for Prize Points. I can break 50k that means :P

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Nah, they wouldn't mess the tournament up that mu- Wait its TNT. You could be right.


I hope I can too. I also wanna hit Rank 40. Although I could do that without the extra day. Havent checked, but I think I hit 39 earlier.

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Motivation, and a lot of videos to watch. Thats how I do it. xD




I thought I only had to max SHSH one more day for a perfect record. Now its two. TWO MORE DAYS! 2,402 GAMES!!

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If we do get an extra day, will our scores count?


I've come down with something, so playing has gotten a bit slow for me lately, making me kinda miss my goal of 200 YYB games for the last two days of the tourney to get All-Star.

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Maxing SOSD is about 4 hours of straight playing. It takes me about 10 seconds per game including moving to send and start a new game. It'll go quicker I suppose if you don't quit a game that won't end up perfect.

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Yes, they will count.


Try maxing SHSH. Takes about 30 minutes less than 100 YYB games.


I like YYB way more though, Idk why that is X)

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YES THANK YOU! I had school/exams right up until the 22nd...so I couldn't really play until today. Ugh, I wish they would just make the AC a bit later...this happens every year, but this year is even worse, because usually I have at least a week and a bit after my exams are done to rank up...

Well, time to go play SOSD...

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This could be cool if we get more prize points for playing. I could definitely use the extra day.


Completely agree! I wanna try make it to All Star but I really don't think I'm gonna :(

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With this extra day in handy, I'll see if I can try to make it to 1000 YYB games by the end of the tourney. Though, I probably instead should be playing SOSD like I was told to instead. I probably should set up a goal of 4800 by the end of today, should I?



Edit: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They are tallying the points! I thought there would be an extra day!




I'll never make All-Star, nor my 1000 YYB goal. *cries buckets* IT can't be over! NO!

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Check the New Features on Neopets, there is a tiebreaker! Here's the post right here by TNT:


TIE BREAKER! There's a tie for 2nd place in the Altador Cup! Tonight at Midnight (NST) the tie-breaking round begins and will last for 24 hours. If you are not on a tie-breaker team, you can still play games to help your own rank. The winners will then be announced on Wednesday, as well as the opening of the prize shops!

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