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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly think that MSPP is a much easier goal to aim for (it's still going to take a while though). I just don't seeing The ALP raising around 400 mil for the SuAP avatar anytime soon unfortunately.


On another note, can we donate to the ALP to help with getting new avatar items or will that anger TNT again? I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you don't ask for donations...


Edit: ITTPD is also good to aim for :D


Well, uh, the ALP is technically asking for donations isn't it...


^ That's true, we do have it. ^


^ ^

^ Yeah. Technically, we're asking for donations. But shhhh... ^

^ ^

When will the ZDAP be back to loan?

It's avaliable to be lent out now, just at a price we're unsure on. So unless someone wants to use some crazyily overpriced collateral, we'd rather be safe than sorry in terms of lending it out.


We were going to discuss it at the staff meeting tonight, but Eric can't make it. :P


Hmm... maybe I should actually borrow something from the ALP sometime. :P


*Wonders which avvie to pick*


I'm pretty new here.. I'm not sure if I can ask to be lent so soon after joining but I thought I should still give it a try.. I would like to borrow the bony grarrl club.. I have full collat of 6.5mill as mentioned in the ALP.. Or if the collat has gone up, I have a few millions more too.. I dont want to overpay but willing to give full collat.. So, is there a chance I can get lent?


Heh, but it would a long time to get there... unless we meet another one of those superbly generous Neopians.

Adam seems like a reasonable aim. It is the next step below MSPP and SuAP.


Imagine if we did get SuAP though...we'd be famous(er).


Adam does seem reasonable, but the problem is collateral. Controlling collateral for Adam will be very hard and will require a lot of trust...


@Sheela: If you read our rules, I'd be happy to lend BGC to you.


@everyone else: Matt's on a school trip at the moment and I'm not awesome enough to make decisions on my own. Like Tom said, Adam is a good idea but we'd make all lendees go nutty trying to find collat. Nothing official, but MSPP *seems* like the way to go.


i'm so happy to hear that i can borrow the bgc. i read all the rules and the lending procedure. but there is just one thing i'm not sure about. i have very few ETS items and have the collat in pure. since the collat is way above 800k, how would it work? would it be possible to do it this way: maybe you could put a few expensive items like FQD in the trades. then i can offer the collat in pure np for each of these items and then use these items as collat for the bgc. this way, if i offer one less item or dont give back any of the items, you can keep my np. or if i dont return the bgc, you will still have the other ETS items and the pure np that i gave as collat for the ETS items. i know this sounds complicated but i read this procedure on one of the avatar boards. or if there is some other procedure, i would be happy to follow that too.


I really don't understand a word if what you tried to explain Sheela... but in all case, the best is to neomail Jerrypteri and wait for an answer there. (And it is actually part of the rules too XD)


When applying for an item, send a Neomail to JerryPteri and include your forum username. The more time you spend on an application, the better it will be. Don't do anything too extravagant, though. The application is only 30% of your chances.


MSPP! *legasp*


As much as I would love the adam avatar, it would be a useless item, as its just lending neopoints. how would you collect a collateral on that?


I would say go for the MSPP.

As much as I would love the adam avatar, it would be a useless item, as its just lending neopoints. how would you collect a collateral on that?


I would say go for the MSPP.

That's the precise reason why we can't do that avatar. I mean, you'll be getting pure NP in exchange for an item. It's supposed to be the other way around. :P


That's true...


I'm throwing in my vote for the MSPP. :yes:

  • 1 month later...



Say someone have a lot of collateral (because he/she spared him/her NP during a very long time), and would like to complete him/her avatar collection. What's the "acceptable time" between two requests to borrow from the ALP. Is it once a day? Once a week? Three per week?

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